Hi, You just sent an email to my steve@brazzell.com account, which is now being managed by my Mailblocks spam-free email service. Because this is the first time you have sent to this email account, please confirm yourself so you'll be recognized when you send to me in the future. It's simple. To prove your message comes from a human and not a computer, go to: http://app2.mailblocks.com/confirm2.aspx?ck=CGJyYXp6ZWxsDm1haWxibG9ja3MuY29tFXNhbWJhQGxpc3RzLnNhbWJhLm9yZ3h8IVo*&a=1 This is the email message you have sent that is in my Pending folder waiting for your quick authentication: Subject: test Sent: Jan 26, 11:48 PM If you have not confirmed within several days, your message will automatically be deleted. ----- Email for Humans... Mailblocks Try Mailblocks web-based personal email -- faster, cleaner interface, more storage, bigger attachments, and 100% spam-free. http://about.mailblocks.com/?src=emailspiderauth (c) 2003 Mailblocks Inc. All rights reserved.