2004-Jan-15 00:03 UTC
[Samba] cypercafe solution , samba, distros anyone expierience needed
Hi sambatistas, today i was asked to renew a cybercafes network. As yet it is not clear if we will switch to linux in a whole. Has sombody of you did this before ,and is willing to share some advices with a setup with samba and windows. I thougt about a solution in which every win clients profile is loaded from a mastercopyprofile in samba, and after the the user has ended it gets deleted in total. The result should be a clean fresh profile everytime at login on the win client machine ( win2000). The default loginusersame ( with only guest group permission ) should be like the win computers networkname. After a session had ended the inlogged time should be only printed out to the servers printer. I thought about a script which should do this invoked by root preexec and root postexec at opening ( closing )netlogon share. Does this sound like a good idea to you? The other side may be we will switch to linux on the clients too (what i would preffer) does anybody know a prebuild distro or software for this , kind of debian maybe ?( freshmeat was not very full looking to such stuff ). My thought also go to a thin client solution , or using knoppix on the clients and give access to the server via , nis ldap ore else. Has anybody of you allready done such stuff ? Any help would be nice Best Regards