I have a problem where Samba is leaving too many files open and the system runs out of file descriptors. I changed the value of "fs.file-max" from the RedHat 9 default of 209708 to 309708, then 509708 when the problem happened again. The result is that it creates a DoS on other services and can have a ripple effect. Question is why Samba is opening soo many files and what is the real solution to this problem. Just upping the "fs.file-max" is a bandaid solution. I am looking at configuration issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fanying Jen Email: fanying@fynet.com Pgp Key: http://fanying.fynet.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6B92EAC5 The Fanying Jen Network http://www.fy-net.com/ http://www.fynet.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------