magnolio:~# smbclient '\\patim\soft' -U oskar added interface ip=xx.xx.xx.xx bcast=xx.xx.xx.255 nmask= SSL: Cert error: unknown error 18 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=city/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd/OU=section/CN=oskar/ SSL: negotiated cipher: DES-CBC3-SHA Password: Domain=[LCLSI-SSL] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a] smb: \> but 'smbmount' doesn't: magnolio:~# smbmount '\\patim\soft' /tmp/mnt -o username=oskar SSL: Error allocating handle: error:140BA0C3:lib(20):func(186):reason(195) 1142: session request to PATIM failed (code 142) SSL: Error allocating handle: error:140BA0C3:lib(20):func(186):reason(195) 1142: session request to *SMBSERVER failed (code 142) SMB connection failed smb.log says: [2001/10/04 12:36:36, 0] smbd/ssl.c:sslutil_accept(195) SSL: Error accepting on socket: error:00000000::lib(0) :func(0) :reason(0) [2001/10/04 12:36:36, 0] smbd/ssl.c:sslutil_negotiate_ssl(268) Client failed SSL negotiation! [2001/10/04 12:36:36, 0] smbd/connection.c:yield_connection(62) yield_connection: tdb_delete failed with error Record does not exist. [2001/10/04 12:36:36, 0] smbd/ssl.c:sslutil_accept(195) SSL: Error accepting on socket: error:00000000::lib(0) :func(0) :reason(0) [2001/10/04 12:36:36, 0] smbd/ssl.c:sslutil_negotiate_ssl(268) Client xx.xx.xx.xx failed SSL negotiation! [2001/10/04 12:36:36, 0] smbd/connection.c:yield_connection(62) yield_connection: tdb_delete failed with error Record does not exist. My question is simple. What's wrong? Why I can not mount samba shares using ssl? Any comment is welcome. Best regards. Oskar.