why the install is failing. Do in need to rpm -e on all the 2.07
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> [root@Skyline i586]# rpm -Uvh samba-2_0_9-1_1mdk_i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> samba-common = 2.0.9 is needed by samba-2.0.9-1.1mdk
> [root@Skyline i586]# rpm -Uvh samba-common-2_0_9-1_1mdk_i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> samba-common = 2.0.7 is needed by samba-2.0.7-18mdk
> samba-common = 2.0.7 is needed by samba-client-2.0.7-18mdk
> [root@Skyline i586]# rpm -Uvh samba-client-2_0_9-1_1mdk_i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> samba-common = 2.0.9 is needed by samba-client-2.0.9-1.1mdk
> A check of the installed packages reveals the following:
> [root@Skyline i586]# rpm -qa | grep samba
> samba-common-2.0.7-18mdk
> samba-2.0.7-18mdk
> samba-client-2.0.7-18mdk
> [root@Skyline i586]#
you have to update all packages
try it like this
rpm -hUv samba*
Gru_ & bye
Michael Ott
- Siemens AG - I&S IT PS 51 ERL -
- Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 60 -
- 91050 Erlangen -
- Tel. +49 91 31 7 42 0 54 -
- Michael.Ott@erlm.siemens.de -
open-source and you have much fun
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Subject: Re: problem with Samba 2.2.0/Win2K/MS-Access Database
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Hi Michael,
> you didn' mention what OS you are running on the Client. Is it Win2K,
> too ?
No it is win98se. With little effort however, I will be able make a test on
win2k pro and let you know in a couple of hours.
> The core of the problem may indeed be the multiopening of one DB from
> the same client.
> Since I disabled oplocks, I notice that smbstatus shows the same file
> opened from one client several times.
Maybe your access application connects more than once to the same mdb (I
believe this can be done if you use VBA in your forms allthough in my case I
have never seen such a case - and I am using VBA that directly manipulates
the database extensively).
Why don't you make a test by directly opening the mdb which contains the
data (tables) twice from the same client and see what will happen.
You should at least set debug level to 3 and send the part of the log that
is created during the erroneus behaviour (do the same for the case of your
real-life application that is your main problem). I am including at the end
of this posting an abstract of my log files
> I'm not sure where this belongs to. Since your description is more
> detailed
> than mine, would you do the posting ?
Yes that's fine with me, but I would like us to do as much testing as
possible 1st and also to include data from your case. I believe that having
two diferent cases of failure would be better (I don't feel comfortable
bothering those people; so when I do it I want to be well justified and
provide as complete info as possible)
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On Sun, 27 May 2001, Norman Elton wrote:
> behind a firewall, although I tried putting my computer outside and it
> didn't seem to help. Here's what I've been getting:
> -----
> Unknown parameter encountered: "ssl CA certFile"
> Ignoring unknown parameter "ssl CA certFile"
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
These are all ok
> timeout connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:139
This suggests the other side didn't get your message, probably because of
your firewall or some firewall on the other side. Or that the IP# of the
remote machine is wrong (or something like that).
Try reaching it with ping first. If that works telnet XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:139
and when that works and smbclient still doesn't, then you may start to
suspect a smbclient problem.
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I have a problem. I have just installed the newest version of Samba (2.2.0)
to see if I got rid of my problem but it's still there.
Everything seems to be working fine. I can map the drive I have shared from
Windows 2000 and I can create and delete directories on the share. But when
I try to copy directories from Windows to the Linux share, I get an error
telling me the the path is too deep.
Does anyone know the reason for this?
Any help is appreciated!
Bjxrn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF,MCP) Dept. of Customized Solutions
Senior Systems Engineer Software Innovation asa
bjorntj@softinn.no Mariesvei 20, 1363 Hxvik
Phone : +47 23 89 92 58 P.O.Box 191, 1325 Lysaker
Fax : +47 23 89 90 01 Norway
Cellular : +47 926 93 298 softinn.no
"The stickers on the side of the box said "Supported Platforms:
Windows 95,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or better", so clearly Linux was a supported
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I compliled samba 2.2.0 under Linux- Debian, potato with smbwrapper.
All works but smbwrapper. This is displayed:
Username: brano
smbsh: error in loading shared
libraries: /usr/local/samba/bin/smbwrapper.so: undefined
symbol: real_open64
Any ideas?
Brano Katreniak
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Subject: Win98 connection problems
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Hi all,
Being new to Samba I9ve had quite a few problems trying to set up samba...
I have two computers running Win98, second edition, and I9ve currently set
up samba 2.0.8 on RedHat 7.1, although I have tried multiple versions of
Samba ranging from V 2.0.x to 2.2.0.
My problem is this:
The Win98 clients are unable see the samba server, even though they are on
the same subnet. Thus test 8 fails in the diagnosis.txt. I can9t see the
sambaserver, when browsing neighborhood computers or trying to 3find
* I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling network adapters, tcp/ip
protocol and client for microsoft network on the win98 clients. I have not
installed other protocols.
* I am able to ping the samba server but - as previously stated - 3net view
\\sambahost2 fails.
* I am able to ping the clients from the sambaserver.
For your information I have provided the global section om the smb.conf:
workgroup = workgroup
server string = intra
hosts allow = 192.168.60. 127.
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
guest account = pcguest
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
unix password sync = Yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
local master = yes
os level = 65
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
domain logons = yes
wins support = yes
dns proxy = no
preserve case = yes
Any help would be greatly appreciated - as I am going completely bonkers...
Peter Normann
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Hi Folks,
i hope this is the right list to post for problems.
we have problems with msoffice apps (winword 2000 and excel) and samba
2.0.7 on a linux suse box.
the problems start when we added following options in our smb.conf 5
days ago:
mangled names = no
character set = ISO8859-1
client code page = 437 (to fix problems with netatalk users).
we cannot browse now from the application in our shares, when we try
from other programms or from the explorer it still works fine. the error
message is (translated as good as i can :-) ):
"you got not enougph permissions to access drive g:, please ask your
local administrator". (and thats why i can4t do other jobs here, because
everybody asks me).
when we comment the options, the error stands by. (yes i have
/sbin/init.d/smb stop + start). perhaps, the options don4t cause the
error, but both was changed last thursday.
it will be fine, when someone knows the problem or just have a idea to
fix it.
thank you very much,
bye, bart
Bart Frackiewicz
evercom AG
Rather Str. 49a
40476 Duesseldorf
Tel ++49-211-60 22 22 - 0
Fax ++49-211-60 22 22 - 22
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I'm trying to make dfs working but without success :(
I'm trying to make different link:
ln -s mdfs:server_samba2.2\\tmp tmp
ln -s mdfs:server_NT_without_package_dfs\\tmpnt tmpnt
ln -s mdfs:server_NT_with_package_dfs\\tmpntdfs tmpntdfs
For all, I "can't follow link"
Somebody can help me ?
My system:
Sun Ultra 5, Solaris 8
Samba 2.2.0 compiling with gcc 2.95.2 and option --with-msdfs
clients: NT 4
| Service Informatique | Z.I NORD |
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Subject: Re: problem with Samba 2.2.0/Win2K/MS-Access Database
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Sorry, I forgot to include the logs that show error messages when opening
mdb files, here they are:
The log file (after setting debug level to 3) showed up these diferences
between opening the application once and opening the application twice:
in case I open the mdb file once I get only these errors in the log:
===================================================12 lines of :
error packet at line 1188 cmd=8 (SMBgetatr) eclass=1 ecode=2
02 lines of:
error packet at line 816 cmd=50 (SMBtrans2) eclass=1 ecode=2
02 lines of:
error packet at line 1188 cmd=8 (SMBgetatr) eclass=1 ecode=2
and finaly:
error packet at line 4379 cmd=36 (SMBlockingX) eclass=1 ecode=33
error packet at line 4447 cmd=36 (SMBlockingX) eclass=1 ecode=33
error packet at line 4379 cmd=36 (SMBlockingX) eclass=1 ecode=33
in case I open the same mdb twice then the second time
I get the above plus:
======================================================another *** 1 9 7 ***
lines with:
error packet at line 4447 cmd=36 (SMBlockingX) eclass=1 ecode=33
and another 3 lines:
error packet at line 4379 cmd=36 (SMBlockingX) eclass=1
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On Mon, 28 May 2001, Menard Wilfried wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to make dfs working but without success :(
> I'm trying to make different link:
> ln -s mdfs:server_samba2.2\\tmp tmp
> ln -s mdfs:server_NT_without_package_dfs\\tmpnt tmpnt
> ln -s mdfs:server_NT_with_package_dfs\\tmpntdfs tmpntdfs
> For all, I "can't follow link"
Did you configure --with-msdfs when you compiled smbd?
CHeers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
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- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Subject: Help... share won't stay mounted!
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I've got a shared directory on my Windows machine that I have mounted
on my linux box. It mounts just fine, but somehow, overnight, it unmounts
itself. How do I get it to stay mounted? I've looked at the log files in the
samba log directory and there is no indication that there is a problem. Any
suggestions? This is RedHat 7.1 with errata updates installed. Not sure what
version of Samba that is, as it reports 2.08, as does "smbd -V." Do I
need to
upgrade to 2.2??? Would that solve the problem?
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Hola John,
often heard about that problem and experienced it myself.
Dunno what the reason is but i worked around it ;).
Try autofs - the kernel automounter with smbfs. To use it
you have to configure/compile your samba with something like
--with-automount or so. Refer "./configure --help" for that.
Btw. an upgrade to 2.2.0 went very well for me, so I would recommend one.
Lots of bugfixes for w2k were done there.
Please use the newest version of autofs, cause some older wont work well
with smbfs.
Whats happening is that similar to NFS a samba share is mounted as soon as
someone accesses some path in the local fs.... just what you need =).
Good luck
John Aldrich wrote:>
> I've got a shared directory on my Windows machine that I have mounted
> on my linux box. It mounts just fine, but somehow, overnight, it unmounts
> itself. How do I get it to stay mounted? I've looked at the log files
in the
> samba log directory and there is no indication that there is a problem. Any
> suggestions? This is RedHat 7.1 with errata updates installed. Not sure
> version of Samba that is, as it reports 2.08, as does "smbd -V."
Do I need to
> upgrade to 2.2??? Would that solve the problem?
> Thanks...
> --
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sender.setName({"Edgar", "Soldin"});
sender.setCourse("Computerscience for media and art");
Adress address=new Adress();
address.setStreet("Friedrichstr. 57-59 Wh 4.511");
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sender.setEmail(" edgar@soldin.de ");
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Subject: Re: Help... share won't stay mounted!
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On Monday 28 May 2001 09:14 am, you wrote:> Hola John,
> often heard about that problem and experienced it myself.
> Dunno what the reason is but i worked around it ;).
> Try autofs - the kernel automounter with smbfs. To use it
> you have to configure/compile your samba with something like
> --with-automount or so. Refer "./configure --help" for that.
Well, I installed via RPM, so I don't know if samba is configured with
or not... :-) We'll have to see. I had previously disabled autofs, because I
don't like my CDROM automounting, but even with it disabled, it was still
automounting. *sigh*
Anyway, I've re-enabled and started automount so we'll see....
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Subject: Samba-Features of Samba 2.2.0
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Hallo friends,
I have some questions yet to the features of the
latest Samba Release.
You wrote, Samba can act as a NT 4.0 PDC.
1.) From which accounting database or directory
service does samba get the information for user-
and group-related access permissions ?
2.) Is there an implementation of a Directory
Service Replication to NT 4.0 BDC's ?
3.) Do Samba support trusts to other NT domains
4.) Can I set domain user rights (I mean not
file permissions) with Samba-NT4.0-PDC ?
5.) Can I monitor file access or domain user
rights on the Samba-Server (as BDC) with event
registration at the NT4.0-Event-Viewer by
another machine ?
6.) Can I set NTFS-Permissions to Files stored
by Samba to the LINUX-File System ?
7.) Do Samba support the Windows 2000
NTFS-File-Encryption ?
8.) Do Samba support Active Directory
Integration of Windows 2000 without WINS ?
I will be lucky if you can answer my questions
as soon as possible.
With best regards
email: HWiest@sbsk.de
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Anyone have any experience recompiling the 2.2.0 SRC.RPM from RedHat's
"RawHide"??? I can't seem to get it to work here... it keeps
complaining that
my c compiler can't create an executeable (which is bogus, since I've
done it
many times before!)
Is this a RedHat problem, an RPM problem or what???
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Branislav Katreniak wrote:>
> I compliled samba 2.2.0 under Linux- Debian, potato with smbwrapper.
> All works but smbwrapper. This is displayed:
> brano@ootik:~>smbsh
> Username: brano
> Password:
> smbsh: error in loading shared
> libraries: /usr/local/samba/bin/smbwrapper.so: undefined
> symbol: real_open64
> brano@ootik:~>
> Any ideas?
> Brano Katreniak
> --
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My understanding is that smbwrapper doesn't work on linux.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
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Hi Folks,
i think we have found the secret.
In our smb.conf was a line:
veto files = .*/ and so on
it seems that ms office creates temporary .files in the working space.
am i right with this?
greetings, bart
Bart Frackiewicz
evercom AG
Rather Str. 49a
40476 Duesseldorf
Tel ++49-211-60 22 22 - 0
Fax ++49-211-60 22 22 - 22
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> Then this is not a smbfs problem. You wrote earlier:
> "I've tryed with smbfs and directly with smbclient."
> So I assumed that this was a problem with both. But you only have a
> smbclient example, and not a smbfs example ... (?)
ok, I'll try to be more exactly, the next time. It is a problem with
both. I wanted to put my large backup with smbfs/automount on a NT
Server Backup. There I got the errors. While trying to locate the
problem, I thought, that the smbclient would be "on a lower level" and
I didn't know, whether the smbfs kernel module was be a part of
samba or my system configuration (because I've got usually a newer
kernel than my distribution ships).
> I suspect that you may need to get a trace with a higher debuglevel (10)
> from smbclient for anyone to know what is going on. Or a tcpdump.
I did this now:
ny:/tmp # smbclient //lambda/tmp **** -U plot -d 10 -c "put large"
2>&1 > smbclient.log
ny:/tmp > ls -l large /mnt/lambda/tmp/large
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11470096 May 28 17:09 /mnt/lambda/tmp/large
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 106958187 May 28 13:21 large
You can find the log at baer-ib.de/smbclient.log.gz
> But a guess on what is going on is that this is a network problem and not
> a smbclient problem. half vs full duplex is a common error (net driver
> that misdetects or hardware that isn't talking). Have you checked that?
No, I didn't check this. The Linux boxes are running half-duplex
normally, 10MBit, coax. As soon as I recognize how to get the half/full
duplex setting on a nt box I'll check if the server is in half-duplex
mode too (or, btw. coax/full-duplex? This isn't IMHO working)
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Subject: 2.2 PDC ready for productive usage?
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Hi all,
would you recommend Samba 2.2.0 as PDC in a productive environment? All
Windows client are W2k pro (or Linux), so I have to use a 2.2 for PDC
(if I do so). Does anybody run successfully such a domain? I've only
heard of people having tested 2.2 with a handfull of clients, saying:
"basically it works, but that was only a test scenario... "
Can I attach a W2k server to a samba-controlled Domain or do I get a lot
of trouble? The W2k machine should only act as domain member, all
authentication should be done be the Samba server.
andreas.rother@SuSE.de SuSE Linux Solutions AG -o>
Tel: +49 2241 92917 - 28 Marie-Curie-Str. 11-17 /\\
Fax: +49 2241 314599 D-53757 St. Augustin _\_V
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I have a linux redhat(7.1) station setup with samba. I have the machine
setup to authenticate against an nt-domain. I am able to successfully
telnet to the machine but when I try and ftp I get the following message in
log files:
May 28 10:04:05 mrtg_monitor@northrock ftpd[30985]: connection from
lehouilliern2k []
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock ftpd[30985]: PAM-listfile: Bad
option: "debug"
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock ftp(pam_unix)[30985]: authentication
faiure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=lehouilliern2k
[root@mrtg_monitor log]#
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: called for
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: called from
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: initializing
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: creating
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_AUTHTOK to child: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_CONV to
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_FAIL_DELAY to child: source not set
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_OLDAUTHTOK to child: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_RHOST
to child
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_RUSER to child: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_SERVICE
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing PAM_TTY
tochild: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_USER to
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_USER_PROMPT to child: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing data to
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing former to
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: calling substack
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_AUTHTOK
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_CONV to parent: destination already set
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_OLDAUTHTOK to parent: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_RHOST
to parent
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_RUSER to parent: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_SERVICE
to parent
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing PAM_TTY
to parent: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing PAM_USER to
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: NOT passing
PAM_USER_PROMPT to parent: source is NULL
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing data back
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: passing former back
May 28 10:04:14 mrtg_monitor@northrock pam_stack[30985]: returning 7
(Authentication failure)
Here is my ftp file under /etc/pam.d:
auth required /lib/security/pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny
file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed debug
auth required /lib/security/pam_securetty.so
auth required /lib/security/pam_stack.so service=system-auth debug
auth required /lib/security/pam_shells.so debug
#auth required /lib/security/pam_smb.auth.so debug
account required /lib/security/pam_stack.so service=system-auth debug
session required /lib/security/pam_stack.so service=system-auth debug
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Neil Lehouillier
Northrock Resources Ltd
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> guest account = pcguest
do you have a pcguest account on your Linux/Unix Samba box ??
if no,then add one or use something like the nobody or ftp account.
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Subject: Error while compiling under HPUX
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I tried to compile Samba 2.2 under HPUX 11.00.
I received an Error:
ERROR: no seteuid method available
configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
in the attachement you'll find the config.log.
Have you any hints or an solution for this problem ?
With best regards
Andreas Stulz
Stulz Andreas
CAD Administrator
Herrenknecht AG Tel: +497824/302-389
Schlehenweg 2 Fax: +497824/302-666
D-77963 Schwanau-Allmannsweier
[demime 0.98b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a
name of config.log]
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I have Samba with RedHat 7.0 working fine, On a pentium with 64 megs of
Ram, More and More people are starting to use my server.
I have read somewhere that Each connection use 1.5megs or 2 megs per
Is there a way to view the status of the memory, Beside "free". I mean
Is my server FULL or not?
Free gives me:
total used free shared buffers
62860 61364 1496 17644 8620 38356
total used free
265032 4788 260244
Thank you for your assistance.
Patrick Boucher
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On Mon, 28 May 2001, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Monday 28 May 2001 09:14 am, you wrote:
> > Hola John,
> >
> > often heard about that problem and experienced it myself.
> > Dunno what the reason is but i worked around it ;).
> > Try autofs - the kernel automounter with smbfs. To use it
> > you have to configure/compile your samba with something like
> > --with-automount or so. Refer "./configure --help" for that.
> >
> Well, I installed via RPM, so I don't know if samba is configured with
> or not... :-) We'll have to see. I had previously disabled autofs,
because I
samba does not need any autofs support to mount smbfs through autofs.
The "smbfs stops working" bug is old. I think I have fixed most of the
ways to trigger it. One of the remaining relates to signals being misread
as network problems.
smbmount from 2.2.0 is better at staying alive than the 2.0.x series.
RedHat's samba 2.0.7 (and Debians I think, possibly someone elses too)
contain the fixes in 2.2.0 so they should be ok.
The kernel version you run matters too, 2.2.18/19 or 2.4.5 is recommended
for smbfs.
To try and debug this I would like:
+ you to run smbmount 2.2.0 and kernel 2.4.5
+ get any kernel messages from around the failure (should be some
+ get the logfile that smbmount 2.2.0 writes, at least the parts around
the failure.
+ that you check if mount.smbfs/smbmount have terminated or if it is still
The 2.4.x RedHat ships has an old smbfs problem where it will fail to
reconnect if the time it takes to reconnect is too long (>5 seconds). That
is fixed in 2.4.5.
> don't like my CDROM automounting, but even with it disabled, it was
> automounting. *sigh*
autofs only automounts what you have listed. This sounds like something
autofs is a decent workaround for this problem. In most cases it will
unmount before anything happens.
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Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 21:06:11 +0200 (CEST)
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To: Christian Fertig <cf@baer-ib.de>
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Subject: Re: smbclient (was Re: smbfs i/o error with large files (>10
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On Mon, 28 May 2001, Christian Fertig wrote:
> ok, I'll try to be more exactly, the next time. It is a problem with
> both. I wanted to put my large backup with smbfs/automount on a NT
> Server Backup. There I got the errors. While trying to locate the
> problem, I thought, that the smbclient would be "on a lower
level" and
It's always a good idea to try different clients if one fails. You could
try jCIFS also, jcifs.samba.org.
> I didn't know, whether the smbfs kernel module was be a part of
> samba or my system configuration (because I've got usually a newer
> kernel than my distribution ships).
It's not a part of samba, but when tridge was smbfs maintainer he put this
list as "the place to ask smbfs questions". And I haven't changed
that, so
that would make this the right place to ask about that too.
> I did this now:
> ny:/tmp # smbclient //lambda/tmp **** -U plot -d 10 -c "put
large" 2>&1 > smbclient.log
> ny:/tmp > ls -l large /mnt/lambda/tmp/large
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11470096 May 28 17:09
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 106958187 May 28 13:21 large
> You can find the log at baer-ib.de/smbclient.log.gz
Doesn't tell me anything, but perhaps some smbclient guru on this list
knows. It appears to be following some pattern, and then the other end
chokes (the ones with long hexdumps are writes, the others are
> No, I didn't check this. The Linux boxes are running half-duplex
> normally, 10MBit, coax. As soon as I recognize how to get the half/full
> duplex setting on a nt box I'll check if the server is in half-duplex
> mode too (or, btw. coax/full-duplex? This isn't IMHO working)
duplex was just one common misconfiguration/misdetection. I'm sure there
are others, but I don't know a lot about coax (other than to stay away
from it :)
If you try to transfer the large file with ftp or http, do you still see
the same problem?
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Menard Wilfried wrote:>
> My system:
> ---------
> Sun Ultra 5, Solaris 8
> Samba 2.2.0 compiling with gcc 2.95.2 and option --with-msdfs
Have you turned on dfs in your conf file?
host msdfs = yes
msdfs root = yes
path = /home/public/mp3dfs
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Subject: Adding domain users as "valid users" in shares
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I am a new user to your samba software and so far it is working very well. I
just have one question, is it possible for me to access a list of domain
users, and set them up so that I can use them as valid users in one of my
shares? (this samba system is part of a much larger windows domain) My
manager wants samba to access the main PDC server, obtain a list of users so
that they can be set up as users of a particular share. If this is not
possible, is there a program where I can syncronize domain user accounts w/
those in solaris?
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Dear sir,
I've just started using linux, and the samba package has been
tremendous help to me. I had over 6 Gigs of data that absolutely had to be
transferred to my linux system via a friend's computer. I couldn't have
it w/o the documentation on the samba website.
Please, keep up the good work!
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at explorer.msn.com
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Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 18:56:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mark McWiggins <mark@printcop.com>
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Problems: Windows 2000 printing to Samba
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I have a product Printcop to do printer accounting & authentication
that's based on Samba. I've been happily serving Win95/98 clients
since 1999, but I'm having trouble getting Windows 2000 to talk to the
Samba print system.
My default configuration requires the 'EnablePlainTextPassword'
registry tweak for Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98, and this works
fine. I first tried the equivalent registry tweak on Windows 2000:
;Contributor: Herb Lewis (herb@sgi.com)
;Updated: 16 July 1999
;Status: Current
;Subject: Registry file to enable plain text passwords in Windows 2000
and got just
access is denied
when putting in the printer name. The samba logs say
Defaulting to LanMan Password
Null passwords not allowed
I then tried setting up the user with an SMB password and turning on
Samba encrypted passwords. This worked better in that I then saw the
browse list of printers. But the printers all have the default
set as printer type, and Windows 2000 does not allow me to install
a driver. I get
The file ".INF" on (Unknown) is needed.
And of course, there is no such; when I rename the printer driver file
to just .INF, that doesn't work either. I just get
The printer driver you selected is either not compatible with
your current version of Windows, or it may not be available.
Select a compatible driver from the list, or contact your
administrator for help.
Any ideas on either of these tracks? I don't really need encrypted
passwords; I just need this to work one of these ways!
I'm using Samba 2.2.0 with a Windows 2000 SP2 server machine.
Thanks in advance!
Mark McWiggins Printcop.com +1 425 369 8286 (voice)
mark@printcop.com Box 1690, Issaquah WA 98027 +1 425 369 8288 (fax)
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Hi All,
I have few questions regarding winbindd
1. Where can I find the latest winbind code.
According to WHATSNEW.txt of release 2.2.0 it did not make it to the release
and it should be obtained separately.
" Integration with the winbind daemon that provides a single
sign on facility for UNIX servers in Windows 2000/NT4 networks
driven by a Windows 2000/NT4 PDC. winbind is not included in
this release, it currently must be obtained separately. We are
committed to including winbind in a future Samba 2.2.x release. "
2. Look like the code was included in release 2.2.0, is it not used? what is
used instead? Is it possible to activate it anyway?
3. Once it will be officially released, I understood it will be available
for Linux only to start with Does it mean that SAMBA will be running
differently on different OSs in terms of being part of an NT domain?
4. Does anyone know what is the effort needed to have winbind modules
running on FreeBSD?
Thanks a lot,
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Subject: Re: Win98 connection problems
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Yes, I do have a guest account (guest account = pcguest)
On 28/05/01 16:28, "Alain Toussaint" <nailed@videotron.ca> for
some reason
>> guest account = pcguest
> do you have a pcguest account on your Linux/Unix Samba box ??
> if no,then add one or use something like the nobody or ftp account.
> Alain
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Subject: RE: Pb with DFS
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-----Message d'origine-----
De: dan carter [mailto:dcarter@waitaki.otago.ac.nz]
Date: lundi 28 mai 2001 22:58
@: Menard Wilfried
Cc: samba@lists.samba.org
Objet: Re: Pb with DFS
Menard Wilfried wrote:>
> My system:
> ---------
> Sun Ultra 5, Solaris 8
> Samba 2.2.0 compiling with gcc 2.95.2 and option --with-msdfs
Have you turned on dfs in your conf file?
host msdfs = yes
msdfs root = yes
path = /home/public/mp3dfs
Yes ... i don't understand why it's doesn't work but i know nothing
microsoft dfs.
I'm trying a packaged version of samba 2.2.0 on solaris(found on samba site)
... how to know if it was compiled with dfs support ?
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 10:07:56 +0100
From: Mike Dawson <mdawson@totton.ac.uk>
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: loading poledit templates floods the network
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I have a weird problem loading poledit templates that are stored on a samba
share. I've experienced this with samba 2.2 and samba tng.
If I load poledit.exe and it tries to load its template files from a samba share
it takes about half an hour to do so, during which the network is flooded to its
full capacity. Normal copying of files to/from samba shares seems to work fine,
Analysis of the traffic with a sniffer (ethereal) shows NBSS continuation
messages going from the server to the win2k client and a similar (huge) number
of ACKs in the opposite direction.
Anybody got any idea what's going on? I don't care if this is only a
poledit bug but I wouldn't like to find this manifesting in other ways once
I put real users on the system.
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Subject: Power Users Group (normal group on w2k) on samba 2.2.0
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Is there a way of adding users in samba 2.2.0 in such a way that they
belong to power users group. I would like to know how to do it since there
applications in Win 2000 that complains about registry stuffs and not able
to write *.ini when a domain users uses it.
I was able to make it work after adding these users to a @ntdomainadmins
group. And in my smb.conf there is a line
domain admin group = @ntdomainadmins
I also want to ask if this temporary solution is ok enough without much
security issues. Or what are the possible consequences that might arise.
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I have a working samba setup. Except one PC which is NT4SP6a and a
domain member (rather than workgroup) can only access the samba server
from the administrators login.
eg I login as mself use my username/password to access the samba server
and I get invalid username/password
I login as administrator, but I use my username/password to access the
samba server and it lets me in.
The NT PDC is not the samba server nor the PC I am trying to access
ISTM that the NT PDC is somehow blocking user access to the samba
My user is set to access all computers.
And I am a member of all the groups that the administrator is.
Strange Eh?
Stuart Gall.
PPV, Athens, Greece.
TEL +30 1 619 9085
Business stuart@ppv.gr
The day microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
will be the day they start making vacuum cleaners.
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Hi Dax!
> I also want to ask if this temporary solution is ok enough without much
> security issues. Or what are the possible consequences that might arise.
I think you will have security problems, because you have given the users in
the ntdomainadmin group full admin rights for your whole domain...
I am also very interested in having the power-users group, or, even better
for me, a poweruser group per client, e.g. one account has on one box
poweruser rights.
Kind regards,
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In my job, i have a network, with 15 win98 and my server with suse 7.1. I've
configured Samba in smb.conf, and i can see the others pc using Lin
Neirboorhood, also i can mount and unmount theirs disk without problems, but
they don't see me in theirs machines, from these ones i can do ping to my
server, but that's all that i can do.
Someone can help me, please?
Thanks from Seville, Spain.
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Subject: Re: Help in Suse 7.1
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Hi Lucia,
> In my job, i have a network, with 15 win98 and my server with suse 7.1.
> configured Samba in smb.conf, and i can see the others pc using Lin
> Neirboorhood, also i can mount and unmount theirs disk without problems,
> they don't see me in theirs machines, from these ones i can do ping to
> server, but that's all that i can do.
> Someone can help me, please?
You have to install TCP/IP networking on that windows machines iirc.
Without that they can't "see" the samba Server. If that fails,
try to search (Start --> Search --> Computers) the server direct.
Regards from germany
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 02:36:39 -0500
From: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
To: Mark Westcott <mark@axeon.screaming.net>
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Subject: Re: Setting ACLs
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On Sat, 02 Jun 2001 21:20:21 Mark Westcott wrote:>
> You were right, its in nexus. Did you ever see
> this working? On My 95 workstations pressing
> 'change permissions' has no effect (no dialog
> pops up)
> I'll try 98, see if it works for that, just
> out of interest (ACLs are working fine from a
> 2k box)
I've never tried it, sorry.
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 02:51:28 -0500
From: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
To: "Leong, David" <David.Leong@brooks.com>
Cc: "'samba @ samba . org'" <samba@samba.org>
Subject: Re: Adding domain users as "valid users" in shares
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On Mon, 28 May 2001 19:45:14 "Leong, David"
> Hi,
> I am a new user to your samba software and so far it
> is working very well. I just have one question, is it
> possible for me to access a list of domain users, and set
> them up so that I can use them as valid users in one of
> my shares? (this samba system is part of a much larger
> windows domain) My manager wants samba to access the
> main PDC server, obtain a list of users so that they can
> be set up as users of a particular share. If this is not
> possible, is there a program where I can syncronize
> domain user accounts w/ those in solaris?
This can be done using winbind and the associated NSS
module. I think it will compile on Solaris, but have
not tried it recently. See the HOWTO in the
Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf file on the docs page of samba.org.
Also see the winbindd(8) man page.
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 02:54:13 -0500
From: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
To: Ephi Dror <ephi@adital.com>
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Subject: Re: Winbind support?
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 00:17:21 Ephi Dror wrote:>
> 1. Where can I find the latest winbind code?
in the HEAD cvs branch.>
> 2. Look like the code was included in release 2.2.0,
> is it not used? what is used instead? Is it possible
> to activate it anyway?
It is broken. Only works in HEAD.
> 3. Once it will be officially released, I understood
> it will be available for Linux only to start with
> Does it mean that SAMBA will be running differently on
> different OSs in terms of being part of an NT domain?
It is a pluggable daemon which interacts between smbd and
the NT DC to user/group information.
> 4. Does anyone know what is the effort needed to
> have winbind modules running on FreeBSD?
No idea. Don't have a __BSD system.
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 02:55:54 -0500
From: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
To: Menard Wilfried <Wilfried.Menard@chatellerault.marelli.fr>
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Subject: Re: Pb with DFS
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 02:41:13 Menard Wilfried wrote:>
> Yes ... i don't understand why it's doesn't work but i
> know nothing about microsoft dfs.
You should probably read up on it from MS's web site.
See microsoft.com/ntserver and dig around for
> I'm trying a packaged version of samba 2.2.0 on
> solaris(found on samba site)
> ... how to know if it was compiled with dfs support ?
binary packages are never compiled to include --with-msdfs
IIRC. You'll have to recompile it yourself.
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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From: Fred Flintstone <fred@hotmail.com>
To: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
Subject: Re: Winbind support?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 22:55:36 +1000
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 17:54, Gerald Carter wrote:> On Tue, 29 May 2001 00:17:21 Ephi Dror wrote:
> > 1. Where can I find the latest winbind code?
> in the HEAD cvs branch.
*warning* Likely to be a silly question *warning*
Can I use winbind from the HEAD branch in a standard Samba 2.2.0
installation? Or must I use the entire HEAD release?
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 03:05:03 -0500
From: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
To: Fred Flintstone <fred@hotmail.com>
Cc: samba@lists.samba.org, Ephi Dror <ephi@adital.com>
Subject: Re: Winbind support?
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 07:55:36 Fred Flintstone wrote:>
> Can I use winbind from the HEAD branch in a standard
> Samba 2.2.0 installation?
Yes. :-) (not a silly question).
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Subject: samba 2.2 not recognizing NIS netgroup in hosts allow
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I am migrating from Samba 2.0.7 to 2.2.0 and I have found a problem with
an NIS netgroup being recognized.
I built samba 2.2 on Solaris 7 using
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samba --with-automount --with-quotas
--with-utmp --with-privatedir=/home/sysadm/samba/private
--with-lockdir=/opt/samba/var/locks --with-configdir=/opt/samba/lib
--with-sambabook=/usr/local/samba/book --with-profile --with-syslog
..Note I had to patch the smbwrapper code, but I don't
..think that's not the issue here..
My 2.0.7 and 2.2.0 configuration both include
hosts allow = @mynetgroup
When the 2.0.7 samba is running, the command
smbclient -L samba
works fine. When 2.2.0 is running, the same command gives:
# /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -d4 -L samba
INFO: Debug class all level = 1 (pid 4533 from pid 4533)
added interface ip= bcast=
Client started (version 2.2.0).
resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name samba<0x20>
startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /opt/samba/lib/lmhosts. Error was No
such file or directory
resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name samba<0x20>
resolve_wins: Attempting wins lookup for name samba<0x20>
resolve_wins: WINS server == <>
bind succeeded on port 0
nmb packet from header: id=3123 opcode=Query(0)
header: flags: bcast=No rec_avail=Yes rec_des=Yes trunc=No auth=Yes
header: rcode=0 qdcount=0 ancount=1 nscount=0 arcount=0
answers: nmb_name=SAMBA<20> rr_type=32 rr_class=1 ttl=259185
answers 0 char @....L hex 400082CF924C
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Connecting to at port 139
socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 0
socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 0
socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0
socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1
socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 0
socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 0
socket option SO_SNDBUF = 8192
socket option SO_RCVBUF = 32768
Could not test socket option SO_SNDLOWAT.
Could not test socket option SO_RCVLOWAT.
Could not test socket option SO_SNDTIMEO.
Could not test socket option SO_RCVTIMEO.
session request to SAMBA failed (Not listening for calling name)
resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name samba<0x20>
startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /opt/samba/lib/lmhosts. Error was No
such file or directory
resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name samba<0x20>
resolve_wins: Attempting wins lookup for name samba<0x20>
resolve_wins: WINS server == <>
bind succeeded on port 0
nmb packet from header: id=19883 opcode=Query(0)
header: flags: bcast=No rec_avail=Yes rec_des=Yes trunc=No auth=Yes
header: rcode=0 qdcount=0 ancount=1 nscount=0 arcount=0
answers: nmb_name=SAMBA<20> rr_type=32 rr_class=1 ttl=259185
answers 0 char @....L hex 400082CF924C
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Connecting to at port 139
socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 0
socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 0
socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0
socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1
socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 0
socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 0
socket option SO_SNDBUF = 8192
socket option SO_RCVBUF = 32768
Could not test socket option SO_SNDLOWAT.
Could not test socket option SO_RCVLOWAT.
Could not test socket option SO_SNDTIMEO.
Could not test socket option SO_RCVTIMEO.
session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening for calling name)
If I remove the hosts allow line from smb.conf and restart samba, then
2.2.0 version seems to work fine. There was no longer a --with-nis option
but I assume (haven't checked the code yet) that yp support is on by
Any help would be appreciated.
Lew Lefton
| Lew Lefton, IT Director | Phone: (404) 385-0052 |
| School of Mathematics | FAX: (404) 894-4409 |
| Georgia Institute of Technology | e-mail: llefton@math.gatech.edu |
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 08:08:31 Lew E. Lefton wrote:>
> I am migrating from Samba 2.0.7 to 2.2.0 and I have
> found a problem with an NIS netgroup being recognized.
...> My 2.0.7 and 2.2.0 configuration both include
> hosts allow = @mynetgroup
Known bug. Try the SAMBA_2_2 cvs code. Will be fixed
in 2.2.1
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Hi Andreas,
Sorry, I don't know why configure would NOT find a seteuid
method. when you configure Samba for HP-UX, it should find setresuid() and
use that as the seteuid method.
Also, I didn't see any attachment to your email.
hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Stulz Andreas [mailto:Stulz.Andreas@herrenknecht.de]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 1:08 PM
To: 'samba@samba.org'
Subject: Error while compiling under HPUX
I tried to compile Samba 2.2 under HPUX 11.00.
I received an Error:
ERROR: no seteuid method available
configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
in the attachement you'll find the config.log.
Have you any hints or an solution for this problem ?
With best regards
Andreas Stulz
Stulz Andreas
CAD Administrator
Herrenknecht AG Tel: +497824/302-389
Schlehenweg 2 Fax: +497824/302-666
D-77963 Schwanau-Allmannsweier
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For the last week or so I have had a network setup on Samba 2.2 with the
new NT printing system in place and working perfectly for about 100
NT clients.
Over the weekend no changes were made to the system and no one used the
system. When everyone came back to work today printing from NT
workstations no longer worked. The following message was in the logs of
the Samba machine that acts as print server:
[2001/05/29 08:01:53, 0] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:close_printer_handle(250)
close_printer_handle: Invalid handle (OTHER)
That message was repeated about 20 times in a period of 90 seconds or so.
I presume that this coincides with initial attempts to print.
We also discovered that the printer drivers seemed to "disappear" from
the printing properties on all print shares. Nothing was changed with
the [print$] definition or the Unix permissions.
Our final "we have to get printing working _now_" solution was to
all files out of the [print$] directories, restart Samba, and readd the
printer drivers. This appears to be working.
However, I'd like to avoid having this occur at all :)... has anyone else
had similar experiences? Any ideas on how to fix it more permanently?
We are running Samba 2.2.0 from the Samba team's binary RPM.
Thanks in advance for the help...
Sean E. Millichamp, Consultant
Ingematics - A Division of Compu-Aid, Inc.
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--On Monday, May 28, 2001 10:17 PM -0700 Ephi Dror <ephi@adital.com>
> 4. Does anyone know what is the effort needed to have winbind modules
> running on FreeBSD?
I sometimes consult with a Security guy who only works (pretty much) in
FreeBSD. I have heard him mention that Linux executables can run on
FreeBSD. Perhaps you might want to pursue that line, and see if the
WinBind executables would, too.
- john
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--On Tuesday, May 29, 2001 9:21 AM +0000 Peter Normann <pete@doberad.com>
> Yes, I do have a guest account (guest account = pcguest)
> Peter
He was not asking if you have it set up in the SMB.CONF (we can see that
you do), he was asking if you have a user "pcguest" in your
/etc/passwd and
smbpasswd files... (I cannot tell from your answer).
- john
> On 28/05/01 16:28, "Alain Toussaint" <nailed@videotron.ca>
for some reason
> wrote:
>>> guest account = pcguest
>> do you have a pcguest account on your Linux/Unix Samba box ??
>> if no,then add one or use something like the nobody or ftp account.
>> Alain
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Someone can help me in tests with printer in Samba because I'm not getting
The file "smb.conf" loads the "/etc/printcap" with the
default printer LP.
What happens is the when I use in my server the command "lptest"
it's lock
and doens not produce any results.1
The same thing happens if I command "lpr -Plp -s" but my printcap is
configured correctly to the printer named "LP" in the "LPT1"
If I use the command "testprns lp dp samba" it's says that the
LP printer
was found.
Im my dir "/var/spool/output/lpd" are created files like:
fc004.domain.com.br but nothing is printed.
When I command "lpc clean lp" it's shows this files as spooled
I already do a lot of tests and try a lot of brazilian samba lists but I'm
not getting the correct function
What I need is use printes shared by Samba in Win clients.
Please help and sory about my poor english.
Thax, Mike
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Hi There,
A couple of months ago I was successful in implementing SAMBA as a PDC with
LDAP authentication by using a how-to document by Ignacio Coupeau.
This config, however, uses a Head pre-2.1 (1999/10/15) release of Samba. I
havent seen any further or newer information out there regarding LDAP
My questions are: Is there anything newer available is the Samba
development team actively developing this feature? Where can I find more
I have seen some information that the Samba TNG project has implemented
something with Ldap, but the project itself seems dead? Is that the case?
Comments and suggestions are welcome on how I should approach this.
Norm Dressler
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I just installed SAMBA in my net and everything looks to work well, but
when I try to connect a NT Workstation it doesnt work. When I try to
make: "nmblookup B ntwkclient *" and it returns the IP direction and
this message "name_query failed to find name *". What4s the problem??
Whats going wrong??
Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at hotmail.com.
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Login script from W98 to Samba 2.2.0 on SCO 5.0.5 running as domain master
works OK, except.....
Relevant portion of login batch file:
===== login.bat ====net use V: \\sco505\user
The DOS window opens, the script runs and the window closes as expected. But
the Windows message box ("Windows NT Logon Script -- Please wait while
your logon script executes...") stays open for ever and no further action
appears to take place - can't see anything obvious in the logs either, even
with debug level 3. If Cancel is pressed, the user profile is set-up and the
logon completes, apparently successfully. If run directly, that is not from
the login process, it behaves as expected.
The problem does not occur if the script is changed as follows:
===== login.bat ====net use V: \\sco505\user
Further attempts have shown that any letter followed by a colon on a line by
itself causes this behavior. Haven't tried to call another batch file
containing the drive change command because, in this particular case, I can
live with the behavior, as the required command runs without changing to
drive V, but other commands may not be as accommodating. Any ideas?
Leon Schutte (leons@opentech.co.za)
OpenTech, Durban, South Africa
+27 (0)31 467-2983, Fax +27 (0)31 467-1116, Mobile +27 (0)82 780-8872
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Subject: can't connect to 2.0.8 from local subnet
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I'm running 2.0.8 on a couple of Red Hat 7.1 servers. I've got a strange
problem. Here's what works:
1. I can ping the servers
2. I can use Squid on the servers
3. I can map a drive to the servers from other subnets (we have 3).
4. I tested w/ host allow commented out, so that's not the problem.
5. testparm looks good.
What's not working is I can't map a drive to the servers from any PC on
same subnet as the servers, 172.16. Everything else I can think of works. I
get the following in my logs when I try to connect from any PC on the 172.16
[2001/05/29 11:18:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(545)
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2001/05/29 11:18:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(570)
write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Connection reset
by peer
[2001/05/29 11:18:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:send_smb(759)
Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. Exiting
Has anyone else seen something like this? TIA
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Just try checking some details :
do smbd & nmbd run ? (try smbclient on yourself)
does your smb.conf file allow connections from
the other PCs ?
Ahmed Rahal.
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From: "lucia" <lmontero@supercable.es>
To: <samba@lists.samba.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 1:42 PM
Subject: Help in Suse 7.1
> In my job, i have a network, with 15 win98 and my server with suse 7.1.
I've> configured Samba in smb.conf, and i can see the others pc using Lin
> Neirboorhood, also i can mount and unmount theirs disk without problems,
but> they don't see me in theirs machines, from these ones i can do ping to
> server, but that's all that i can do.
> Someone can help me, please?
> Thanks from Seville, Spain.
> --
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Subject: Help! creating a domain group in samba 2.2.0
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Is there a way of creating in Linux Samba 2.2.0 a group say ntusers which
can also be seen in Win2K? I only happen to see users in smbpasswd file. I
can not see their groups.
/etc/group in a Samba conrtolled domain
How can ntusers group be seen on a w2k workstation that is a member of a
Samba controlled domain?
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I'm having problems using the -c option when executing smbclient.
Here's the exact syntax I use (with the exception of the actual
rsh ftcsamba /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //peasee/public password
-c "put /lsi/home/jmorse/top10.csv top10.csv"
Now if I run this from the server (ftcsamba), it works fine, but with
the rsh, it returns as if the syntax for 'put' is bad.
put <filename>
Any help is appreciated.
PC/UNIX Administrator
LSI Logic - Ft. Collins, CO
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From: Jay Miller <jnmiller@colorado.edu>
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Subject: Samba + Veritas Backup
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Hello. I'm not sure if this has been addressed here already, but I
recently made Veritas BackupExec work with Samba. I saw a couple of
requests for help in the archives - and you can be sure Veritas will be
of no help - so here's my two cents..
BackupExec (8.x) seems to be looking for an administrative share only.
Even on Windows boxen, I can only backup the root-level C$ shares, not
personal shares. When I delete my [A-Z]$ shares, Vertias gives me the
same "device-specific error" as when I ask for Samba shares.
So, I made an administrative share from Samba, too, and it worked.. Like
param 1..
param 2..
Now, back in the 'user-defined share' dialog, ask for this new share
(if it doesn't seem to work, you might try refering to the box by its
IP rather than its name):
You should then get a list of all the box's shares when you expand this
I also understand this has changed somehow in Samba 2.2..? (Not sure
how that would be possible..?) Anyway, good luck, and I apologize if
this note is covering old territory.
Jay Miller
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I am new to Samba. I have a samba server that seems to be
working, except for one major issue. When I try to share
a directory in win98, in the sharing properties window, ADD
should display a user list. I get the message, 'you cannot
view the list of users at this time'.
I am using user level access control and WINS. Can Samba
provide the user list? What should I look at - what are
possible errors I'm making?
Charles C. Windsor | ph: 404-651-2279
Georgia State University | fax: 404-651-1427
Physics & Astronomy | email: cwindsor@gsu.edu
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On Windows, you can use the "net view" command:
net view \\COMPUTER
On Unix/Samba, you can use smbclient.
My DVD Collection
"Bhanu Kalyan
CH-RollNo.2000-13 To: samba@lists.samba.org
" cc:
<bhanu@gdit.iiit. Subject: (no subject)
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05/26/01 11:41 PM
How can we get the list of shares available for sharing in windows? I need
the actual information about how the master browser is communicated. Can i
find the information somewhere?
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You can also use the Unix client that comes with some versions of BackupExec
you can can backup your whole Linux box (with samba shares).
Veritas DOES offer tech support in this regard, I know because they helped
me setup their odd-ball client on my RedHat 7.0 Samba server.
Kenneth Hadley
PC / Network Specialist
McCormick Selph Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Miller" <jnmiller@colorado.edu>
To: <samba@lists.samba.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 11:00 AM
Subject: Samba + Veritas Backup
> Hello. I'm not sure if this has been addressed here already, but I
> recently made Veritas BackupExec work with Samba. I saw a couple of
> requests for help in the archives - and you can be sure Veritas will be
> of no help - so here's my two cents..
> BackupExec (8.x) seems to be looking for an administrative share only.
> Even on Windows boxen, I can only backup the root-level C$ shares, not
> personal shares. When I delete my [A-Z]$ shares, Vertias gives me the
> same "device-specific error" as when I ask for Samba shares.
> So, I made an administrative share from Samba, too, and it worked.. Like
> so:
> [$]
> param 1..
> param 2..
> etc..
> Now, back in the 'user-defined share' dialog, ask for this new
> (if it doesn't seem to work, you might try refering to the box by its
> IP rather than its name):
> \\\$
> You should then get a list of all the box's shares when you expand this
> entry.
> I also understand this has changed somehow in Samba 2.2..? (Not sure
> how that would be possible..?) Anyway, good luck, and I apologize if
> this note is covering old territory.
> --
> Jay Miller
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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If I'm not mistaken, Samba supports user list for win9x from 2.2.0 and up.
If you're using Samba 2.0.x series it's not supported.
On Tuesday 29 May 2001 14:08, you wrote:> I am new to Samba. I have a samba server that seems to be
> working, except for one major issue. When I try to share
> a directory in win98, in the sharing properties window, ADD
> should display a user list. I get the message, 'you cannot
> view the list of users at this time'.
> I am using user level access control and WINS. Can Samba
> provide the user list? What should I look at - what are
> possible errors I'm making?
> thanks,
> -Duke
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[I originally only sent this to the samba list but I have cc'd
samba-ntdom to hopefully reach someone who has experienced this problem.
Basically, printing worked for a week, nothing changed, and now all
spoolss printing is nonfunctional]
Okay, I hate replying to myself but I am getting some new error messages
in the logs, printing is completely not working now, I am stuck, and
deperate for a solution.
I am seeing lots of:
[2001/05/29 14:08:22, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:open_rpc_pipe_p(144)
ERROR! Out of pipe structures
A few of:
[2001/05/29 14:09:10, 0] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(357)
cli_pipe: return critical error. Error was ERRDOS - ERRnotconnected (No
process on other end of pipe.)
And a few hours ago a lot of:
[2001/05/29 13:32:51, 0] rpc_server/srv_lsa_hnd.c:create_policy_hnd(100)
create_policy_hnd: ERROR: too many handles (1025) on this pipe.
Printing was working for a week before today and we made no changes (no
one had even logged onto the box since Thursday and printing worked fine
all of Friday).
1) Are there any known problems with NT spoolss-style printing, especially
of this nature?
2) Is there a way to keep NT boxes joined to a domain and print to
printers using lanman-style print calls (which appears to still work)
without restricting Samba back to the LANMAN protocols (which I worry
would have other side effects)
If anyone has any ideas your assistance would be appreciated. Printing is
a critical operation in this network and right now no one can do it :(
Sean E. Millichamp, Consultant
Ingematics - A Division of Compu-Aid, Inc.
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We are using SAMBA 2.0.7 on Solaris 7 for mounting on NT 4.0
workstations. The desirable permissions for the new directories and
files are 775. I have set the "umask" to 002 and I am getting the
desired permissions on the files created by the users from the NT
boxes. The problem I am having is when a user creates a folder form the
workstations. The permissions on the folders are 755 but the files
inside the folder have the correct permission (775). If the same user
creates a directory in the SAMBA shared folder by connecting to the
Solaris server using TELNET, directory and file permissions are
correct. Any idea?
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Does this have anything to do with policies under Samba? Basically I need
one of my users to have more priviledges (like installing softare,
manipulating the windows printers, etc). How can I do this? If there's a
doc on it, just point me to it and I'll try to figure it out.
Michael Torrie
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after some touble in my company with samba now it infected my home
not sure what is happening. After new installation of SuSE Linux 6.3 my
samba server is down (2.0.5a).
Client is the same (WIN98se), NIC, Switch all same components. Don4t know
why it is messed up. Maybe somebody got some clue.
this is the message which appears in log.smbd. What does it mean. Some Dude
said it might be a error caused through bad code??
[2001/05/25 11:32:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(540)
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
[2001/05/25 11:38:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(540)
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
Thanks a lot
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I have set up a file system to share on my AIX 4.3.2 server. When I do a
smbclient -L hostname I can see the NT domain it is a part of and it lists
itself as part of it. However I can't see it from the NT end. Anyone have
any ideas?
Bill Ewen
UNIX/Backup/Storage Administrator
DAN Products and Services
WorldCom, Inc
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I have set up a file system to share on my AIX 4.3.2 server. When I do a
smbclient -L hostname I can see the NT domain it is a part of and it lists
itself as part of it. However I can't see it from the NT end. Anyone have
any ideas?
Bill Ewen
UNIX/Backup/Storage Administrator
DAN Products and Services
WorldCom, Inc
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Isn't that supposed to be /dev/nst0? I am assuming you are trying to
configure a non-rewinding tape drive...
Thomas Cameron, MCSE, MCT, CNE, RHCE
IS Engineering Manager
Dell Financial Services
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beatriz E. Duran Castaqeda [mailto:beatriz@emonterrey.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 11:12 AM
> To: samba@lists.samba.org
> Subject: Tape
> Im using RedHat 7.1, in /dev I found st0 only, but if I need
> to use it as
> /dev/st0n I can't couse it doesn't exist
> why it doesn't appears in the directory?
> eMonterrey.com: Technology Laboratory
> Beatriz E. Duran Castaqeda
> Network and Systems Department
> --
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I keep getting the error "netlogon is not running on this machine"
trying to connect to the domain. I have it working on multiple machines
but this one won't work. I suspect that it is the service pack 2 for
windows 2000 that is causing the problem because this is the only
computer that has it. Just wondering if there is a software patch or a
fix of some sort to remedy this problem.
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On Tue, 29 May 2001, John Morse wrote:
> I'm having problems using the -c option when executing smbclient.
> Here's the exact syntax I use (with the exception of the actual
> password):
> rsh ftcsamba /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //peasee/public password
> -c "put /lsi/home/jmorse/top10.csv top10.csv"
You have a problem with your ". The shell you run rsh in will interpret
them and so smbclient doesn't see -c "put stuff" it sees -c put
stuff, and
it assumes that stuff goes someplace else.
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From: "Norman Elton" <wnelto@wm.edu>
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Subject: Printing only a little bit
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I finally got my HP 970C printer up and running through the USB port. Things
seem to print as they should.
When I try to print from a Windows 98 machine through Samba, it only prints
the very top of the first page (only a few pixels deep), then stops, spits
out the page, spits out an empty page, and gives up.
I wouldn't think this is a local printer issue since it works fine on local
print jobs. Is there a Samba setting I may have missed?
Thanks a lot!
Norman Elton
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Subject: Q about 'Directory Contents Changed' notify or something
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I have a question, probably not Samba, but SMB relative.
There is a program which needs to known if there are any changes
in a certain directory. It looks for a new files there.
As for now it is implemented via infinite searches for new files
in this directory.
I known there are system functions which will wait for these
changes. It works 100% on a local filesystem of course, but
I have no any idea if it works (or how it works) when this
"directory" is on a remote filesystem and is mounted locally
by Linux`s Samba client or Windows` Networking.
Local OS have no idea what is happening on a remote filesystem,
even mounted. (I think)
I suppose there are three ways:
1) Operating system will ask SMB Server to notify it when
certain directory is chenged (new file, delete, etc). --
No additional traffic or CPU waste. Perfect...
2) OS will check for new files every N msec in that directory
itself. Bad...
3) And it won`t work at all...
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
I am not a member of a list. Please reply to:
Vitaly V. Bursov mailto:vitalyb@mailru.com
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Hi Andreas,
This is failing for you because you are just using the 'bundled' verison
the c compiler that comes with the opsys; mainly just good for recompiling
the kernel, etc when you make changes. You need to use an ansi c compiler -
hp has one,
B3901BA - HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle fo
r HP-UX 11.00 (S800)
or you can pull down a free gcc (which is ansi standard) from
gcc.gnu.org I believe you will need version 3.0 or at least a recent
cvs version for HP-UX 11...
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
From: Stulz Andreas [mailto:Stulz.Andreas@herrenknecht.de]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: AW: Error while compiling under HPUX
Hello Don
Sorry I forgot to attach the file.
I just put you the config.log in the attachement.
Maybe you can help me more by browsing the log ?
-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1) [mailto:don_mccall@hp.com]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 15:27
An: 'Stulz Andreas'; 'samba@samba.org'
Betreff: RE: Error while compiling under HPUX
Hi Andreas,
Sorry, I don't know why configure would NOT find a seteuid
method. when you configure Samba for HP-UX, it should find setresuid() and
use that as the seteuid method.
Also, I didn't see any attachment to your email.
hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Stulz Andreas [mailto:Stulz.Andreas@herrenknecht.de]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 1:08 PM
To: 'samba@samba.org'
Subject: Error while compiling under HPUX
I tried to compile Samba 2.2 under HPUX 11.00.
I received an Error:
ERROR: no seteuid method available
configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
in the attachement you'll find the config.log.
Have you any hints or an solution for this problem ?
With best regards
Andreas Stulz
Stulz Andreas
CAD Administrator
Herrenknecht AG Tel: +497824/302-389
Schlehenweg 2 Fax: +497824/302-666
D-77963 Schwanau-Allmannsweier
[demime 0.98b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
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Until this recent 2.0.9-1.3 version of Samba, all printer requests
from Win9x workstations were printed at the Linux server. Now they
just sit on the hard drive in /var/spool/samba!
The attached /etc/smb.conf configurations, printed by testparm, were
previously defaulted to cups. Samba expects bsd to have lpr, lpq,
etc. But, the lpr = lpr-lpd, lpq = lpq-lpd, etc., so I made links to
the commands. Still, the files are not printed. (Note: isn't lprng
for Linux as well?) How do I fix our server dilemma?
Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.
Load smb config files from /etc/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Loaded services file OK.
# Global parameters
coding system =
client code page = 850
workgroup = [setting_private]
netbios name =
netbios aliases =
netbios scope =
server string = [setting_private]
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = No
security = USER
encrypt passwords = Yes
update encrypted = No
allow trusted domains = Yes
hosts equiv =
min password length = 5
map to guest = Never
null passwords = No
password server =
smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
root directory = /
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n
passwd chat debug = No
username map = /etc/smbusers
password level = 0
username level = 0
unix password sync = Yes
restrict anonymous = No
use rhosts = No
debug level = 2
syslog = 1
syslog only = No
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
debug timestamp = Yes
debug hires timestamp = No
debug pid = No
debug uid = No
protocol = NT1
read bmpx = No
read raw = Yes
write raw = Yes
nt smb support = Yes
nt pipe support = Yes
nt acl support = Yes
announce version = 4.2
announce as = NT
max mux = 50
max xmit = 65535
name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
max ttl = 259200
max wins ttl = 518400
min wins ttl = 21600
time server = No
change notify timeout = 60
deadtime = 0
getwd cache = Yes
keepalive = 300
lpq cache time = 10
max disk size = 0
max open files = 10000
read prediction = No
read size = 16384
shared mem size = 1048576
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
stat cache size = 50
load printers = Yes
printcap name = /etc/printcap
printer driver file = /etc/printers.def
strip dot = No
character set =
mangled stack = 50
stat cache = Yes
domain groups =
domain admin group =
domain guest group =
domain admin users =
domain guest users =
machine password timeout = 604800
add user script =
delete user script =
logon script =
logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
logon drive =
logon home = \\%N\%U
domain logons = Yes
os level = 20
lm announce = Auto
lm interval = 60
preferred master = Yes
local master = Yes
domain master = Yes
browse list = Yes
dns proxy = No
wins proxy = No
wins server =
wins support = No
wins hook =
kernel oplocks = Yes
ole locking compatibility = Yes
oplock break wait time = 10
smbrun = /usr/bin/smbrun
config file =
auto services =
lock directory = /var/lock/samba
default service =
message command =
dfree command =
valid chars =
remote announce =
remote browse sync =
socket address =
homedir map =
time offset = 0
unix realname = No
NIS homedir = No
source environment =
panic action =
comment =
path =
revalidate = No
username =
guest account = nobody
invalid users =
valid users =
admin users =
read list =
write list =
force user =
force group =
writeable = No
create mask = 0744
force create mode = 00
security mask = -1
force security mode = -1
directory mask = 0755
force directory mode = 00
directory security mask = -1
force directory security mode = -1
inherit permissions = No
guest only = No
guest ok = No
only user = No
hosts allow = [setting_private]
hosts deny =
status = Yes
max connections = 0
min print space = 0
strict sync = No
sync always = No
write cache size = 0
printable = No
postscript = No
printing = bsd
print command = lpr -r -P%p %s
lpq command = lpq -P%p
lprm command = lprm -P%p %j
lppause command =
lpresume command =
queuepause command =
queueresume command =
printer =
printer driver = NULL
printer driver location =
default case = lower
case sensitive = No
preserve case = Yes
short preserve case = Yes
mangle case = No
mangling char = ~
hide dot files = Yes
delete veto files = No
veto files =
hide files =
veto oplock files =
map system = No
map hidden = No
map archive = Yes
mangled names = Yes
mangled map =
browseable = Yes
blocking locks = Yes
fake oplocks = No
locking = Yes
oplocks = Yes
level2 oplocks = No
oplock contention limit = 2
strict locking = No
share modes = Yes
copy =
include =
preexec =
preexec close = No
postexec =
root preexec =
root preexec close = No
root postexec =
available = Yes
volume =
fstype = NTFS
set directory = No
wide links = Yes
follow symlinks = Yes
dont descend =
magic script =
magic output =
delete readonly = No
dos filetimes = No
dos filetime resolution = No
fake directory create times = No
comment = Home Directories
writeable = Yes
browseable = No
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No
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Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 00:25:52 +0100
To: Norm Dressler <ndressler@dinmar.com>
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Subject: Re: Samba with LDAP Authentication
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On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 11:10:34AM -0400, Norm Dressler
wrote:> Comments and suggestions are welcome on how I should approach this.
Have you considered using PAM? Samba uses PAM and there's a pam-ldap
module. Having just used PAM to get Apache to authenticate users
against a Win2K PDC, I'm sure you could do something with it.
I see a mouse. Where? There, on the stair. And its clumsy wooden
footwear makes it easy to trap and kill.
-- Harry Hill
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We have Windows 95 Operating Systems that connect to a SAMBA Server with NO
We recently upgraded them to Windows 98, now the SAMBA Connection will not
work, it is asking for a username/password, everything is the same(IP
address,PC Name, ect.) just upgraded to WIN98 2nd Edition.
Please Advice.
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 17:28:59 -0600
From: John Benedetto <jbenedet@unm.edu>
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Subject: Re: Ver. Conflict
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Off the cuff, I might guess you are using plain text passwords, but since
you did not include your smb.conf (stripped of comments, please), it's kind
of hard to tell, you know?
Later versions of Win95, and pretty much every Windows since then (98, NT,
2k) all _default_ to encrypted passwords out of the box. Early versions of
WIn95 used plain text passwords by default.
For us to tell for sure if that is your problem, we need more information...
- john
--On Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:18 PM -0700 Joe Kayaban
<jkayaban@brighton.com> wrote:
> We have Windows 95 Operating Systems that connect to a SAMBA Server with
> NO problems.
> We recently upgraded them to Windows 98, now the SAMBA Connection will not
> work, it is asking for a username/password, everything is the same(IP
> address,PC Name, ect.) just upgraded to WIN98 2nd Edition.
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To: Bruce Richardson <brichardson@lineone.net>
Cc: Norm Dressler <ndressler@dinmar.com>, samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: Samba with LDAP Authentication
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Bruce Richardson wrote:>
> On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 11:10:34AM -0400, Norm Dressler wrote:
> > Comments and suggestions are welcome on how I should approach this.
> Have you considered using PAM? Samba uses PAM and there's a pam-ldap
> module. Having just used PAM to get Apache to authenticate users
> against a Win2K PDC, I'm sure you could do something with it.
Only for plain-text passwords!
Encrypted passwords can't use PAM, at least not in any normal
configuration. We do use it however for checking things like account
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
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The Samba master browser list keeps disappearing on a regular basis.
The problem seems to be related to Samba losing its master browser status to
random Windows 2000 Professional boxes on our network (unfortunately, this
does not even get reported in log.nmb), and having an internal panic when it
is unable to send its ID back to the same W2k box after the user shuts it
down for the night (NOTE- this is not the same W2k box as I have seen it
happen with different clients).
The master server is a PC running:
with Samba 2.0.7 setup on the following parameters:
# Global parameters
coding system client code page = 850
workgroup = COVALENT
netbios name = FILESERVER
netbios aliases netbios scope server string = NEW! SF
Master Samba Server
interfaces bind interfaces only = No
security = USER
encrypt passwords = Yes
update encrypted = No
allow trusted domains = Yes
hosts equiv min password length = 6
map to guest = Never
null passwords = No
password server smb passwd file = /usr/local/private/smbpasswd
root directory = /
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd
passwd chat = *\n*ew\spassword* %n\n *ew\spassword* %n\n
passwd chat debug = No
username map password level = 0
username level = 0
unix password sync = No
restrict anonymous = No
use rhosts = No
debug level = 2
syslog = 1
syslog only = No
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 100
debug timestamp = Yes
debug hires timestamp = No
debug pid = No
debug uid = No
protocol = NT1
read bmpx = No
read raw = Yes
write raw = Yes
nt smb support = Yes
nt pipe support = Yes
nt acl support = Yes
announce version = 4.2
announce as = NT
max mux = 50
max xmit = 65535
name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
max ttl = 259200
max wins ttl = 518400
min wins ttl = 21600
time server = No
change notify timeout = 60
deadtime = 0
getwd cache = Yes
keepalive = 300
lpq cache time = 10
max disk size = 0
max open files = 10000
read prediction = No
read size = 16384
shared mem size = 1048576
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
stat cache size = 50
load printers = Yes
printcap name = /etc/printcap
printer driver file = /usr/local/etc/printers.def
strip dot = No
character set mangled stack = 50
stat cache = Yes
domain groups domain admin group domain guest group
domain admin users domain guest users machine password timeout =
add user script delete user script logon script
logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
logon drive logon home = \\%N\%U
domain logons = No
os level = 90
lm announce = Auto
lm interval = 60
preferred master = Yes
local master = Yes
domain master = Yes
browse list = Yes
dns proxy = No
wins proxy = No
wins server wins support = Yes
wins hook kernel oplocks = Yes
ole locking compatibility = Yes
oplock break wait time = 10
smbrun = /usr/local/bin/smbrun
config file auto services lock directory =
pidfile dir = /var/run
default service message command dfree command
valid chars remote announce remote browse sync socket
address =
homedir map time offset = 0
unix realname = No
NIS homedir = No
source environment panic action comment path
revalidate = No
username guest account = nobody
invalid users valid users admin users read list
write list force user force group writeable = No
create mask = 0744
force create mode = 00
security mask = -1
force security mode = -1
directory mask = 0755
force directory mode = 00
directory security mask = -1
force directory security mode = -1
inherit permissions = No
guest only = No
guest ok = No
only user = No
status = Yes
max connections = 0
min print space = 0
strict sync = No
sync always = No
write cache size = 0
printable = No
postscript = No
printing = bsd
print command = lpr -r -P%p %s
lpq command = lpq -P%p
lprm command = lprm -P%p %j
lppause command lpresume command queuepause command
queueresume command printer printer driver = NULL
printer driver location default case = lower
case sensitive = No
preserve case = Yes
short preserve case = Yes
mangle case = No
mangling char = ~
hide dot files = Yes
delete veto files = No
veto files hide files veto oplock files map
system = No
map hidden = No
map archive = Yes
mangled names = Yes
mangled map browseable = Yes
blocking locks = Yes
fake oplocks = No
locking = Yes
oplocks = Yes
level2 oplocks = No
oplock contention limit = 2
strict locking = No
share modes = Yes
copy include preexec preexec close = No
postexec root preexec root preexec close = No
root postexec available = Yes
volume fstype = NTFS
set directory = No
wide links = Yes
follow symlinks = Yes
dont descend magic script magic output delete
readonly = No
dos filetimes = No
dos filetime resolution = No
fake directory create times = No
The error messages I receive are:
[2001/05/29 11:34:03, 1] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(757)
Netbios nameserver version 2.0.7 started.
Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994-1998
[2001/05/29 11:34:03, 0] nmbd/asyncdns.c:start_async_dns(150)
started asyncdns process 22653
[2001/05/29 11:34:26, 0]
Samba name server FILESERVER is now a local master browser for workgroup
COVALENT on subnet 10.0.0.xxx
[2001/05/29 14:29:14, 0] libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(755)
Packet send failed to ERRNO=Host is down
[2001/05/29 14:29:14, 0]
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: Failed to resend packet id 25304 to
IP 10.0.0.xxx on subnet WINS_SERVER_SUBNET
[2001/05/29 14:29:16, 0] libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(755)
Packet send failed to ERRNO=Host is down
[2001/05/29 14:29:16, 0]
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: Failed to resend packet id 25305 to
IP 10.0.0.xxx on subnet WINS_SERVER_SUBNET
[2001/05/29 14:29:19, 0] libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(755)
Packet send failed to ERRNO=Host is down
[2001/05/29 14:29:19, 0]
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: Failed to resend packet id 25304 to
IP 10.0.0.xxx on subnet WINS_SERVER_SUBNET
[2001/05/29 14:29:21, 0] libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(755)
Packet send failed to ERRNO=Host is down
[2001/05/29 14:29:21, 0]
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: Failed to resend packet id 25305 to
IP 10.0.0.xxx on subnet WINS_SERVER_SUBNET
[2001/05/29 14:29:23, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(40)
14:29:23, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(41)
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 22652 (2.0.7)
Please read the file BUGS.txt in the distribution
[2001/05/29 14:29:23, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(43)
14:29:23, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(2381)
PANIC: internal error
[2001/05/29 18:33:40, 1] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(757)
Netbios nameserver version 2.0.7 started.
Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994-1998
[2001/05/29 18:33:41, 0] nmbd/asyncdns.c:start_async_dns(150)
started asyncdns process 24504
[2001/05/29 18:34:04, 0]
and also:
[2001/05/25 17:53:47, 0]
process_local_master_announce: Server ROSSMILLERICKPC at IP 10.0.0.xx is
announcing itself as a local master browser for workgroup COVALENT and we
we are master. Forcing election.
Anyone know what's going on here?
Thanks in advance!
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 at 12:14, Pete Sadr wrote:> I have set the "umask" to 002 and I am getting the desired
> on the files created by the users from the NT boxes. The problem I am
> having is when a user creates a folder form the workstations. The
> permissions on the folders are 755 but the files inside the folder
> have the correct permission (775). If the same user creates a
> directory in the SAMBA shared folder by connecting to the Solaris
> server using TELNET, directory and file permissions are correct. Any
> idea?
I'm not understanding your problem that clearly, but I just thought I'd
mention that you control the umask setting seperately with using Samba and
when using a shell. So you solve your "creating a directory or a file via
a Samba share" seperately from "creating a directory or a file when
in to a shell via telnet/ssh".
To fix the masks and ownerships when working on a file via the Samba share
experiment with the "create mode" and "directory mode"
per-share settings.
In my case, I have "create mode = 0660" and "directory mode =
0770" so
that files and directories are only accessible to the user and group that
own them. Then I use the "force group" parameter to force all files
directories to be part of the "staff" group. This allows me to prevent
anyone from accessing the samba shares via shell, unless they're part of
this group. But from Samba, because I force the group, I can define a list
of users with read and write permissions using the "valid users" and
"write list" parameters.
To fix the masks and ownerships when working via shell is a little
trickier, and I've honestly not gotten this working properly so far, hence
my solution of just forcing everyone to use Samba, which deals with
ownership and permissions properly at least in my book. :)
--> Jijo
Linux, MS-DOS, and Windows NT ...
... also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
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Hi all,
I have a peculiar problem, which others out there may have encountered.
In my environment, I have both a Win 98 and Win 2K machines. Got both
environments to logon to the domain. But the problem is with the logon
script. My understanding with Win9x environment is that drive Z: is mapped to
the [netlogon] share drive (I may be wrong here).
The following is my logon script.
@echo off
if %OS%.==Windows_NT. goto WinNT
net use v: \\sambasvr\data
net use w: \\sambasvr\design
net use x: \\sambasvr\backup
net use y: \\sambasvr\common
goto end
net use v: \\sambasvr\data /persistent:no
net use w: \\sambasvr\design /persistent:no
net use x: \\sambasvr\backup /persistent:no
net use y: \\sambasvr\common /persistent:no
Could I have done something wrong here? What I get whenever this script is
mapped is a drive Z:, which is not explicitly specified anywhere.
Status Local Remote Network
Connected V: \\Sambasvr\Data Microsoft Windows
Connected W: \\Sambasvr\Design Microsoft Windows
Connected X: \\Sambasvr\Backup Microsoft Windows
Connected Y: \\Sambasvr\Common Microsoft Windows
Connected Z: \\Sambasvr\Backup Microsoft Windows
The command completed successfully.
The [backup] shared drive is mapped twice. Any one could shed some light on
this? Any assistance is much appreciated.
Arifin Othman
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On Tue, 29 May 2001 at 13:42, lucia wrote:> In my job, i have a network, with 15 win98 and my server with suse
> 7.1. I've configured Samba in smb.conf, and i can see the others pc
> using Lin Neirboorhood, also i can mount and unmount theirs disk
> without problems, but they don't see me in theirs machines, from these
> ones i can do ping to my server, but that's all that i can do.
Some of these points have already been mentioned by others, but I will
recap anyway with due credit to them. ;>
1. Make sure you are using TCP/IP and not IPX/SPX or NetBEUI. You don't
even need these two protocols installed, on a normal basis, as AFAIK Samba
only uses TCP/IP. To check this out, go to your network settings in the
Win98 control panel. Take note that with TCP/IP you need an IP address for
each of your machines. You can use the RFC-defined private IP address
blocks, though. I personally use 192.168.0.x with a netmask of To make life easier for me, I also configure dhcp on the
Linux box so that Windows clients get their IP addresses dynamically
without me having to track used IP addresses so that I don't have
conflicts when I have new machines.
2. Make sure that your Win98 clients and your Linux Samba box have the
same workgroup settings. For Win98, you can find this in the Network
applet of the Control Panel, in the Identification tab. For Samba this is
defined in the workgroup parameter in the [globals] section.
3. For browsing of names I've found that it makes life more responsive if
I set the Linux Samba server up to be a WINS server. Key parameters to set
are "wins support = yes" and "name resolve order = wins lmhosts
host". This will probably need your Linux box to be up before anyone else,
though, and down after everyone else. I also disable LM announce and
Broadcast master settings in the Win98 boxes' "File and printer
If these still don't work, you may want to try and forcing a view of your
Linux box by doing a "net view //linuxboxname". Although ideally
it's nice
to have your Linux box show up in the Network Neighborhood, right?
> Thanks from Seville, Spain.
I don't know if I can trace my roots to your city, or not, but check my
surname out. (I'm from Manila, in the Philippines).
--> Jijo
Linux, MS-DOS, and Windows NT ...
... also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
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after some touble in my company with samba now it "infected" my
not sure what is happening. After new installation of SuSE Linux 6.3 my
samba server is down (2.0.5a).
Client is the same (WIN98se), NIC, Switch all same components. Dont know
why it is messed up. Maybe somebody got some clue.
this is the message which appears in log.smbd. What does it mean. Some Dude
said it might be a error caused through bad code??
[2001/05/25 11:32:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(540)
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
[2001/05/25 11:38:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(540)
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
Thanks a lot
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Hi folks,
yesterday i installed Samba 2.2.0.
We use NIS netgroups in the "allow hosts" section.
allow hosts = @etpcsm, @etpcsw, @etpcss, krause
This worked fine for Samba 2.0.7 but did not work for 2.2.0.
Log messages showed
[2001/05/30 08:57:11, 5] lib/access.c:string_match(89)
looking for of domain e-technik.fh-schmalkalden.de
in netgroup etpcsm gave No
As one can see the IP number is looked up in the netgroups database
instead of the host name.
I have done some investigations and added debug messages. So i found
that only_ipaddrs_in_list() returned True even if
is_ipaddress() from util.c returned False for one ore more of the
tokens. As a result the host name lookup is skipped.
I have written a corrected version, on my server it works
/* ----- Changed function only_ipaddrs_in_list() ----- */
static BOOL only_ipaddrs_in_list(const char* list)
BOOL back = False;
char *tok, *listcopy;
int skip_this_token;
DEBUG(3,("only_ipaddrs_in_list: checking %s\n",list));
listcopy = strdup(list);
if(listcopy) {
back = True;
for(tok = strtok(listcopy,sep);(tok && back);tok = strtok(NULL,sep))
skip_this_token = 0;
if(!strcasecmp(tok, "ALL" )) { skip_this_token = 1; }
if(!strcasecmp(tok, "FAIL" )) { skip_this_token = 1; }
if(!strcasecmp(tok, "EXCEPT")) { skip_this_token = 1; }
if(!skip_this_token) {
if(!is_ipaddress(tok)) {
if(!strchr(tok, '/')) {
back = False;
DEBUG(3,("only_ipaddrs_in_list: returning %d\n",back));
return back;
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I have a very strange problem, in that I cannot log in to one of our
samba servers via swat. It is running 2.0.6 (I know it's old and intend
to upgrade it as soon as I can sort this problem out.)
The problem is that trying to use swat, it prompts me for a user name
and password. This works ok as a normal user, but fails as root. Normal
telnet as root works.
I have been looking for a file that maybe in the past I have entered a
password that is only used by swat, but have failed. Is there anyone
that has seen this problem or should I start again and wipe the
installation of samba and hope the problem goes away.
Are there files that I can get rid of / rename so that it (swat) doesn't
find them and uses the normal unix login, as it's clearly not doing that
at present.
Any help appreciated.
Steve Kitchener
Systems Manager (Unix), Supply Chain Division
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Tolpits Lane
WD18 9PT
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Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:42:11 +0000
Subject: Re: Win98 connection problems
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To: John Benedetto <jbenedet@unm.edu>, <samba@lists.samba.org>
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Okay, sorry for misunderstanding and thank you for your patience.
I do have the pcguest user-account and I have mapped the sambauser to the
unix-account, i.e. smbusers, smbpasswd and /etc/passwd contains the pcguest
When I try to browse the Network Neighborhood from windows and click on
"Network" I get an error stating "No access to the network"
(This is a rough
translation, since we use a Danish Win98) - even though I can ping the host.
When I try "Net View \\sambahost" from a dos prompt I get "Error
53: Host
couldn't be found" (again, a rough translation).
Any further help will be immensely appreciated...
On 29/05/01 15:05, "John Benedetto" <jbenedet@unm.edu> for some
> --On Tuesday, May 29, 2001 9:21 AM +0000 Peter Normann
> wrote:
>> Yes, I do have a guest account (guest account = pcguest)
>> Peter
> He was not asking if you have it set up in the SMB.CONF (we can see that
> you do), he was asking if you have a user "pcguest" in your
/etc/passwd and
> smbpasswd files... (I cannot tell from your answer).
> - john
>> On 28/05/01 16:28, "Alain Toussaint"
<nailed@videotron.ca> for some reason
>> wrote:
>>>> guest account = pcguest
>>> do you have a pcguest account on your Linux/Unix Samba box ??
>>> if no,then add one or use something like the nobody or ftp account.
>>> Alain
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Subject: Re: Failure to be able to log in as root
To: Stephen Kitchener <Steve.Kitchener@Aspentech.com>,
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--- Stephen Kitchener <Steve.Kitchener@Aspentech.com>
wrote:> Hi,
> I have a very strange problem, in that I cannot log
> in to one of our
> samba servers via swat. It is running 2.0.6 (I know
> it's old and intend
> to upgrade it as soon as I can sort this problem
> out.)
> The problem is that trying to use swat, it prompts
> me for a user name
> and password. This works ok as a normal user, but
> fails as root. Normal
> telnet as root works.
> I have been looking for a file that maybe in the
> past I have entered a
> password that is only used by swat, but have failed.
> Is there anyone
> that has seen this problem or should I start again
> and wipe the
> installation of samba and hope the problem goes
> away.
> Are there files that I can get rid of / rename so
> that it (swat) doesn't
> find them and uses the normal unix login, as it's
> clearly not doing that
> at present.
> Any help appreciated.
> --
> Steve Kitchener
> Systems Manager (Unix), Supply Chain Division
> AspenTech
> process. to the power of e.
> 1 Century Court
> Tolpits Lane
> Watford
> Herts
> WD18 9PT
> Tel +44 (0)1923 254499
> EMAIL steve.kitchener@aspentech.com
> WEB aspentech.com
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following
> URL and read the
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U need to creat an root account for to login into SWAT
so at the command prompt give the command like
#smbadduser root:
it asks for the password so give U's root password.
then try to login....
good luck.
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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask the
this question but here goes. (if not please point me
to the right place)
I am trying to connect a machine running Windows 2000
Professional to a Linux machine running Red Hat v7.1,
using the Samba distribution that comes with it.
I can access shares on the Windows client using
smbmount (after installing the ntfs file system
I can ping the samba server using its ip address and
its name.
I am not enabling wins support at present.
I can see the linux machine in my workgroup, but when
I try and open it I get the following error message.
\\Linuxbox is not accessable.
The network path was not found.
Using nmblookup on the linux machine I can resolve the
name of the windows machine but not the name of the
linux machine (where I am doing the lookup).
Any suggestions?
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Sending bulk mail to this mailing list is rather gutsy, don't you agree?
Does anybody feel like having a email-party?
On 30/05/01 11:50, "Orbital casino"
for some reason wrote:
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> --------------------------------------
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> All you have to do is download the FREE
> software and open a Real Account. On top
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> $100!! See for yourself why Orbital Online
> Casino is the SAFEST BET on the NET
> virtualgamblinghouse.com
> --------------------------------------
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I'm trying to get a W2k client and my KDC to communicate somehow...
The passwords are in a KDC (MIT Kerberos V, v1.2.2), user information
in OpenLDAP (v2.0.7) with Cyrus-SASL (v1.5.24) as auth layer.
Using encrypted passwords work only if user is in smbpasswd file, no
encrypted password don't work at all.
I've compiled with the following options:
----- s n i p -----
----- s n i p -----
And the pam.d file looks like this:
----- s n i p -----
auth sufficient pam_krb5.so
auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass shadow
account sufficient pam_krb5.so
account required pam_unix.so try_first_pass shadow
session required pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel/
----- s n i p -----
The pam_krb5 works fine for ssh, ftp etc so... ?
The issue is that I don't want a separate password db for samba, I'd
like it to use the kerberos/nss database...
Turbo __ _ Debian GNU Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just
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> I do have the pcguest user-account and I have mapped the sambauser to
> the unix-account, i.e. smbusers, smbpasswd and /etc/passwd contains
> the pcguest account.
quick question to Samba coders,if there's a pcguest account in
smbpasswd,does Samba will ask for the password to the user ??
ex: user in question browse the network anonymously,Samba is configured
to use the pcguest account and ask for the password (despite having
guest account=pcguest),NetHood don't provide one (browsing anonymously)
and is denied access...
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Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 07:30:31 -0500
From: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
To: "Dipl . -Ing . Dirk Krause"
Cc: samba@samba.org
Subject: Re: Possibly a bug in Samba 2.2.0's lib/access.c
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On Wed, 30 May 2001 03:39:31 Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Krause
wrote:> Hi folks,
> yesterday i installed Samba 2.2.0.
> We use NIS netgroups in the "allow hosts" section.
> allow hosts = @etpcsm, @etpcsw, @etpcss, krause
> This worked fine for Samba 2.0.7 but did not work for 2.2.0.
> Log messages showed
> [2001/05/30 08:57:11, 5] lib/access.c:string_match(89)
> looking for of domain e-technik.fh-schmalkalden.de
> in netgroup etpcsm gave No
> As one can see the IP number is looked up in the
> netgroups database instead of the host name.
Sorry. Known bug. Already fixed in CVS.
cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
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On 30 May, Peter Normann wrote:
| Sending bulk mail to this mailing list is rather gutsy, don't you agree?
| Does anybody feel like having a email-party?
| ;-Pete
| On 30/05/01 11:50, "Orbital casino"
| for some reason wrote:
| > [SPAM snipped]
And, arguably but respectfully, copying the entire spam to the list a
second time is even less clueful. Think about it, please.
Don Hammond \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Raleigh, NC US X Against HTML Mail,
/ \ and News Too
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To: Adrie Kooijman <a.kooijman@io.tudelft.nl>
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Subject: Re: Can't get dfs to work.
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On Wed, 30 May 2001 04:51:38 Adrie Kooijman wrote:>
> I am trying to get dfs working on an sgi irix box, but somehow
> it refuses to cooperate.
> Here's what I did:
> part of smb.conf:
> [global]
> workgroup = ica
> netbios aliases = icadfs
> host msdfs = yes
> [dfs]
> comment = Experimental dfs share
> path = /export/dfsroot
> msdfs root = yes
> guest ok = no
> browsable = yes
Did you add the --with-msdfs to the configure script when
you ran it? (Note that most if not all binary packages
do not have this enabled).
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
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> I am using user level access control and WINS. Can Samba
> provide the user list? What should I look at - what are
> possible errors I'm making?
Yes this is posible but only in the 2.2.x version.
Posible you have a 2.0.x version running.
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I tried to comment out the pcguest in smbpasswd to no avail.
However, the clients don't browse the network anonymously, I guess, since I
set up user accounts for them on samba/linux and set windows to logon with
their respective username/passwords...?
On 30/05/01 12:17, "Alain Toussaint" <nailed@videotron.ca> for
some reason
>> I do have the pcguest user-account and I have mapped the sambauser to
>> the unix-account, i.e. smbusers, smbpasswd and /etc/passwd contains
>> the pcguest account.
> quick question to Samba coders,if there's a pcguest account in
> smbpasswd,does Samba will ask for the password to the user ??
> ex: user in question browse the network anonymously,Samba is configured
> to use the pcguest account and ask for the password (despite having
> guest account=pcguest),NetHood don't provide one (browsing anonymously)
> and is denied access...
> Alain
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Subject: rh 6.2, samba 2.2.0 large file > 2gb support...how?
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I have kernel 2.4.4-ac3 and samba 2.2.0 on my rh 6.2 system. I don't know
much about compiling from source rpms, but when I run
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/samba-2.2.0/source/configure I believe that it sets
LFS to no because I have glibc 2.1. Do I really need to have glibc 2.2 for
samba to work correctly with large files > 2gb. If someone can give me
details on what I should do that would be welcome. I don't want to go to
rh7.1 because I can't get it running stable on my test system yet.
Thanks, Chad
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hello everybody,
We plan to upgrade our linux file server to samba 2.2 and I was just
courious when
would 2.2.1 be released; we could wait 4 - 8 weeks, if that's going
to get us 2.2.1,
but are there any chances to happen in this timeframe?
Bucharest, Romania
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Hi Paul,
I looked at the config.log file and found that the c compiler that he
was using couldn't handle the -c -O options, and therefore when
it was compiling the tests to test for seteuid/setresuid, etc, it
was generating lots of errors from an include file that had constructs
in it that required ansi c compatibility. So the tests failed to
compile, therefore the tests failed to run, so .configure could not
verify that there was a seteuid method.
The c compiler that is bundled in with HP-UX is very limited, and is
mainly only there so that SAM can recompile the kernel when adding
new software or changing kernel tuneables, etc.
To compile samba on 11.0 you would need either the HP C compiler development
product (which had full ansi and ansi extension capabilities), OR
you could grab a copy of gcc from gcc.gnu.org and use that
to compile samba.
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Kutzler, Paul [mailto:Paul.Kutzler@arrowintl.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:40 AM
To: 'don_mccall@hp.com'
Subject: configuring samba
I sam you message in a forum and was wondering if you ever found a
solution to the error message:
checking configure summary WARNING: No automated network interface
determination ERROR: no seteuid method available configure: error: summary
failure. Aborting config
I am trying to install on hp 11.0
Thanks for any help you may have
Paul Kutzler
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I've got a very strange problem with a couple of new Red Hat 7.1 servers
testing. I've tried 2.0.7 & 2.0.8 with the same result. I'm running
2.0.7 on
RH 6.1 with no problem.
If I include a "hosts allow" line in my smb.conf, then win95 &
win2k PCs on
the same subnet as the servers (172.16.) cannot connect. They return a
network busy error when mapping drives. Everything else works:
all PCs from our other subnets CAN connect
win NT PCs CAN connect
testparm returns allow connection for hostname 172.16. addresses
if I comment out hosts allow, then win95 & win2k PCs on the 172.16. subnet
can connect
all PCs on the 172.16 subnet can ping the servers and browse the net via
Squid through the servers
It's not the end of the world here, but I like restricting access via the
hosts allow command. Any idea why this isn't working? Here the logs of the
[2001/05/29 11:18:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(545)
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2001/05/29 11:18:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(570)
write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Connection reset
by peer
[2001/05/29 11:18:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:send_smb(759)
Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. Exiting
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Subject: trouble seeing files while smbmounting a nt share
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I'm mounting a NT share using:
mount -t smbfs -o username=xxx,password=xxx,workgroup=xxx <share-name>
and i bumped into the strangest problem:
some of the sub-directories under the mount-point seem to be empty
(using ls -la for example), even when they're not (browsing the same
share, under the same username from a win98 machine shows plenty of
files under the same directory).
it gets even stranger - although ls -la finds nothing, if i ls -l (or
cat, for that matter) an explicit filename (which i know is there
cause i saw it in the win98) the file is suddenly found.
not that other sub-directories under the same mount point act just
fine and all the files in them are visible.
Have any ideas???
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When I run nmblookup LINUXBOX from my samba server
(called linuxbox) I get the folowing:
querying LINUXBOX on
name_query failed to find name LINUXBOX
It succeeds if I use the -U option and specify the
machines ip address.
I'm running samba 2.0.7.
Can anyone explain why there is no response from the
broadcast address?
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One of my customers inm the UK wants to talk to a site running
Samba with 1000 users or more.
It would be nice it they were using Suns, but's it's not
Anyone willing to answer questions from a prospective
Samba user?
David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify
Performance & Engineering Team | some people and astonish the rest.
Americas Customer Engineering | -- Mark Twain
(905) 415-2849 | davecb@canada.sun.com
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Subject: Re: Can't get dfs to work.
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 08:24:03 -0700
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First, this is a question for the samba mailing list, not the
samba-technical list. So, I'm moving it there.
Did you compile samba --with-msdfs?
Your description is inconsistent. You mention \\system1\dfs and
\\system1\pblc both of which are invalid shares. From your description, I
understand \\icadfs\dfs is your dfs root and \\system1\public and
\\system1\test are your dfs linked shares.
Can you access \\system1\public and \\system1\test directly without going
through \\icadfs\dfs?
Is your username and password the same when accessing \\icadfs and
- Shirish
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrie Kooijman" <a.kooijman@io.tudelft.nl>
To: <samba-technical@lists.samba.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:51 AM
Subject: Can't get dfs to work.
> Hi all,
> I am trying to get dfs working on an sgi irix box, but somehow
> it refuses to cooperate.
> Here's what I did:
> part of smb.conf:
> [global]
> workgroup = ica
> netbios aliases = icadfs
> host msdfs = yes
> [dfs]
> comment = Experimental dfs share
> path = /export/dfsroot
> msdfs root = yes
> guest ok = no
> browsable = yes
> ls -l on /export/dfsroot on the server:
> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 20 May 28 13:12 pblc ->
> msdfs:system1\public
> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 18 May 28 13:21 tst ->
> msdfs:system1\test
> I see both pblc and tst as folder in the share \\system1\dfs, but
> if I try to open
> the folder NT reports: \\system1\pblc is not accessible, This
> folder was moved or
> removed.
> If I open the netbios alias ( \\icadfs\dfs\pblc ) it opens as an
> empty directory.
> The server is sgi, irix 6.2
> the client(s) are NT 4.0 sp6
> What do I do wrong, and if not, what is wrong ?
> --
> Adrie Kooijman
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On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 11:16:27AM -0400, David Collier-Brown
wrote:> One of my customers inm the UK wants to talk to a site running
> Samba with 1000 users or more.
> It would be nice it they were using Suns, but's it's not
> necessary.
> Anyone willing to answer questions from a prospective
> Samba user?
We have 3000 users with SAMBA running under linux, Solaris, and
Digital/UNIX to provide them services. Only a max of about 60 users are
ever logged in at any one time though.
William Colburn, "Sysprog" <wcolburn@nmt.edu>
Computer Center, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
nmt.edu/tcc nmt.edu/~wcolburn
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On Wed, 30 May 2001, Dragos Delcea wrote:
> hello everybody,
> We plan to upgrade our linux file server to samba 2.2 and I was just
> courious when would 2.2.1 be released; we could wait 4 - 8 weeks, if
> that's going to get us 2.2.1, but are there any chances to happen in
> this timeframe?
We are looking to release in a few weeks. We hit a few snags
and are working hard to finish things up.
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Subject: Re: Samba with LDAP Authentication
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----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Richardson <brichardson@lineone.net>
To: Norm Dressler <ndressler@dinmar.com>
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Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:25 AM
Subject: Re: Samba with LDAP Authentication
> On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 11:10:34AM -0400, Norm Dressler wrote:
> > Comments and suggestions are welcome on how I should approach this.
> Have you considered using PAM? Samba uses PAM and there's a pam-ldap
> module. Having just used PAM to get Apache to authenticate users
> against a Win2K PDC, I'm sure you could do something with it.
This, certanly, possible. But some people (me) need encrypted passwords....
Wire connection and Windows reinstallation senior engineer
Dmitry Melekhov
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Subject: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client connects the
smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
This takes a long time and usually the client times out and fails. Every
once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried "dont
descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
Louis Watta lwatta@cisco.com
Cisco Systems
7025 Kit Creek Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Ph: 919-392-3710
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Subject: Re: problem with Samba 2.2.0/Win2K/MS-Access Database
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Hi Nick,
today I got confirmed from the programmer of the application we use,
that the database is indeed opend more than one time from one client.
I asked, if they already had notifications of other users with similar
problems but they stated not to know anything about problems in our
Did you find any new information or did you already post something
to the samba-technical list ?
As I have to get this thing to work this night (I got the repaired
database back from the programmer) I am going to put the database-
files to a Win2K machine (one of the clients) and serve them from
there. :-(
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Subject: RE: RE: Linux Mandrake 8.0 / SWAT & OT Mandrake8.0/BIOS
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HI. Here are some of my observations on Xinetd
Samba and MANDRAKE 8.0:
xinetd stuff first:
==================1) it seems quite tricky.
I noticed also that the hosts.deny file
in mandrake (/etc/hosts.deny) showed
that deny=localhost.
(I removed that, and seemed to resolve problem.
I did have to restart for it to work ok though.
Mandrake8.0 observations, from the wounded!
==========================================1) After upgrading to M8.0, I
discovered that
I didnt save my smb.conf file. Came up with Xwin and
samba ok. got xinetd and swat working (see above)
1a) I also discovered that MandrakeUpdate did NOT work (and was
a known bug... I was told to reinstall as a new install
1b) stupid me listened and reinstalled 8.0 as a new user
(copied the "new" smb.conf file this time).
1b.1 I discovered that my xwin (init 5) no longer worked.
apparently my xfs dies. (and I have no clue why...)
2) To add insult to injury, I started getting HD error messages
on my 2 (new) 30 GB HD's on this system.
3) to further add insult to the wounded,
I rebooted, and system (HD) started to flame/burn.
4) I removed HD, (got RMA of course) and discovered I can
no longer BOOT the PC.
btw: Here's the question:
Has ANYONE out there EVER?? (I've been in PC's since APPLE II's
in 1979..u do math...)
ever (no I have NEVER EVER Seen this happen before I swear!)
has ANYONE ever seen a IBM PC (yes actually a model 350 100 mhz
pentium--works lovely as a boat anchor server...)
has ANYONE ever seen a PC that will NO longer BOOT?
Now, on these machines, last time I took them apart, when there
were no hard drives it gave me a pictogram saying insert a floppy.
The New symptoms: 1) it displays logo, then memory test (and
you hit key for bios setup) and then ...THINKS, and then
goes to black, resets, and does 1 again...
if you hit the bypass memory test key it does bypass it.
if you hit the "enter bios setup" it does same thing.
HELP if you can... I can't even get the floppy to boot-- or I'd
update the flashbios in the MB.
Mitch Bruntel
>--- Original Message ---
>From: "Dave Peat" <Dave.Peat@THIOKOL.COM>
>To: <MMcEldowney@deltaregional.com>, <samba@lists.samba.org>
>Date: 5/23/01 4:48:42 PM
>Yes, I have restarte xinetd.
>>>> "McEldowney, Michael"
<mmceldowney@deltaregional.com> 05/23/01
>01:33PM >>>
>After you changed the "disabled = yes" line, did you restart
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave Peat [mailto:Dave.Peat@THIOKOL.COM]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:23 PM
>> To: samba@lists.samba.org
>> Subject: Linux Mandrake 8.0 / SWAT
>> Hello,
>> I recently installed Mandrake 8.0. Now, I can't seem to get
SWAT>> running. When I type nmap <machine name> it says:
>> 901/tcp open samba-swat.
>> In /etc/services, 901/tcp and 901/udp are there withOUT a
>> I'm not really familiar with xinetd.conf or xinetd.d, but
I >> have edited
>> the swat file (removing the line that said something like
>> # default=on
>> I have SAMBA running (I ran smbclient aginst my machine) but
I can't>> seem to get SWAT to run. I can't connect from the browser
on that>> machine or any other. The services file looks correct. I
think the>> problem is in xinetd. Can someone tell me where and what
to check?>>
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
>> Registered Linux User #184784
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Subject: Samba 2.0.7 DIAGNOSIS.txt etc
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Hello & greetings from Wimbledon
I've been playing around with Samba over the past couple of weeks &
found it quite easy to get to grips with. I found the Diagnosis.txt
particularly useful in getting it to work. Thought I'd let you know
that with the config I've been using (Security = Domain) there's another
reason why TEST 3 in Diagnosis.txt will fail (Run the command "smbclient
-L BIGSERVER") & that's if the Samba machine hasn't joined the
Domain. The steps to do this are described in Domain_member.txt,
Add the Samba machine to the the NT domain via Server Manager.
Stop the Samba services, if running. If they're started via
inetd, you'll have to comment out nmbd in inetd.conf, signal inetd to
re-read its config file, then kill nmbd.
Add the Samba machine to the domain with
smbpasswd -j DOM -r DOMPDC.
Reinstate nmbd if necessary.
Samba itself is great, much better than the nasty Interdrive NFS I
intend it to replace.
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Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 06:58:00 -0500 (CDT)
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Subject: Re: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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On Wed, 30 May 2001, Louis C. Watta wrote:
> I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
> The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client connects the
> smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
> processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
> This takes a long time and usually the client times out and fails. Every
> once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried
> descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
> Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
Probably caused by --with-utmp. Did you install using an RPM?
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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Subject: Samba 2.2.0 HELP!!!!!!!!
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Dear List
How can I Install the samba-2.2.0.tar.gz in my O.S FreeBsd 4.1?
What's the commands to install this version(not compiled), I can configure
It may the Browser Utilit in
wich port?
Best Regards
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> Dear List
> How can I Install the samba-2.2.0.tar.gz in my O.S FreeBsd 4.1?
> What's the commands to install this version(not compiled), I can
> It may the Browser Utilit in
> wich port?
> Best Regards
unzip - gzip -d file.tar.gz
untar - tar -xvf file.tar
read the docs in the /docs file
./configure --(configure options if any)
./make install
Hope this helps.
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Subject: Re: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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No, I built it from scratch.
I did not specify --with-utmp.
I don't understand why --with-utmp would cause a stat of the /dev tree.
Gerald Carter wrote:>
> On Wed, 30 May 2001, Louis C. Watta wrote:
> > I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
> > The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client connects the
> > smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
> > processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
> >
> > This takes a long time and usually the client times out and fails.
> > once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried
> > descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
> >
> > Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
> Probably caused by --with-utmp. Did you install using an RPM?
> Cheers, jerry
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> /\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
> \/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
> samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
> plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
> "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
> - Sting "Message in a Bottle" (
1979 )
Louis Watta lwatta@cisco.com
Cisco Systems
7025 Kit Creek Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Ph: 919-392-3710
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Subject: Re: trouble seeing files while smbmounting a nt share
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On Wed, 30 May 2001, Nuss, Yuval wrote:
> not that other sub-directories under the same mount point act just
> fine and all the files in them are visible.
> Have any ideas???
Yes, but I won't share them unless you tell me the versions of samba
and the linux kernel you are running when you see this ...
... well, ok. Known problem with some smbfs versions and NT, try upgrading
your kernel to 2.2.19 (or 2.4.5).
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Subject: Configuring samba to use AFS authentication
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I'm trying to configure samba 2.0.9 on AIX 4.3.3 to use AFS authentication.
Used the --with-afs flag when I ran configure, and the configure.log output
indicates the flag was recognized.
But the Makefile contains no references to AFS include or lib directories,
so the make fails when compiles start looking for AFS includes.
Had no problem doing this many moons ago with samba 1.9.17 when all that
was necessary was to uncomment the appropriate lines in the Makefile.
What should I be doing that I'm not?
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An easier way if you have ports is cd /usr/ports/net/samba for 2.0.9 or
/usr/ports/net/samba-devel for 2.2.0 and type make install, it will do the
rest for you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James W. Beauchamp" <jbeauchamp@gesinc.com>
To: "Michelangelo Pisa" <mike@infostoreweb.com.br>;
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Samba 2.2.0 HELP!!!!!!!!
> > Dear List
> > How can I Install the samba-2.2.0.tar.gz in my O.S FreeBsd 4.1?
> > What's the commands to install this version(not compiled), I can
configure> > It may the Browser Utilit in
> > wich port?
> > Best Regards
> unzip - gzip -d file.tar.gz
> untar - tar -xvf file.tar
> read the docs in the /docs file
> ./configure --(configure options if any)
> ./make
> ./make install
> Hope this helps.
> James
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
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did you inlude the "encripted password = yes" in the [global]
might help
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what does your log.smb say? Could i take a lock at your smb.conf?
Had the same trouble with my win98se clients it disapreared after setting up
a "lmhost"
on my server and adding arp tables. Open an dos-shell on your clients and
check "arp -a " for the mac => IP protocol. YOu can add arp tables
on win98
clients. also check "nbtstat
-n" if there are any registry problems.
hop this helps
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Subject: Gethostbyaddr error
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Hi all.
I have the following errors in my log.smb that recurr over and over for the
ip's on my network. I am running 2.0.7 with my samba server also being a
wins server.
Gethostbyaddr failed for address 192.168.1.xx
this repeats over and over. Any idea what causes this???
Global Environmental Solutions, Inc.
2621 Sandy Plains Road - Suite 102
Marietta, GA 30066
770-579-6097 - ext. 227
770-579-6099 (fax)
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I am running samba ver 1.9.17p2 on AIX server.
Is there a file size limit? It appears to be 2GB.
Does a newer version of Samba resolve this?
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Hi James,
This generally means that samba is attempting a reverse name lookup
using the ipaddress mentioned. It relies on the name resolution mechanisms
on the unix box that is hosting it to be able to do a reverse name lookup.
Sounds like your ux box is not set up to do this.
Typically you would only see this if you smb.conf contains a host allow
or host deny parameter.
Either remove the host allow/host deny OR set up reverse name lookup
on the unix server... Sorry I can't tell you how to do that myself...
-----Original Message-----
From: James W. Beauchamp [mailto:jbeauchamp@gesinc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 7:13 PM
To: samba@samba.org
Subject: Gethostbyaddr error
Hi all.
I have the following errors in my log.smb that recurr over and over for the
ip's on my network. I am running 2.0.7 with my samba server also being a
wins server.
Gethostbyaddr failed for address 192.168.1.xx
this repeats over and over. Any idea what causes this???
Global Environmental Solutions, Inc.
2621 Sandy Plains Road - Suite 102
Marietta, GA 30066
770-579-6097 - ext. 227
770-579-6099 (fax)
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thing happened to me 2 weeks ago on a pentium 133, everything crashed, to
bad i had important data on the quit new westerndigital 20gb disk. I left
the pc in the trunk of my car for three days. (A reneault twingo). It was
very warm and my driving-style is rather insulting... but it works fine now.
got the data back, (it was kind of messed up, but readable). The pc boots
You can get a twingo for 60DM a day. It is cheaper than calling a technical.
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Hello there, I hope you can help me out further. I actually follow 100%
to your diagnosing tests from 1 to 11 and found NO PROBLEMS!! However,
my final problem with Samba lies with the fact that I cannot transfer
files from my Windows box to my Linux server.
Of course, the Linux server is using Samba latest version. I have no
problems with Windows boxes accessing my Linux server and
copying/transfering files over to their machines...but problems arises
when you do the exact OPPOSITE..copying files from Windows box (in
Windows GUI) to Linux machine (via drag and drop). Error message is
saying "Access is denied...make sure the disk is not full or
write-protected and that the files is not currently in use". I have
already configure in smb.conf to tell the shares to be readable,
writable, browsable, etc. Can you please tell me what might cause this
problem!! Thank you!!
Teddy :P
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Andrew Tridgell,
I am the manager of network software development for Sharp Laboratories
Digital Imaging department. What this means is that I am responsible for
adding new communications features to Sharp copiers and printers. I am
interested in adding SMB support to our devices so that we can improve our
user's experience under MS Windows.
It seems to me that the best way to add SMB support to our devices is by
porting Samba (or a portion of the code) to our embedded firmware (pSOS
running on a MIPS). It is my understanding that the porting effort for this
task is non-trivial. I also am concerned that the source code is protected
by the GPL which may prohibit our linking to it.
I would like to explore development and licensing options for this effort.
It is my hope that you (or your team) may be able to provide a special
version of the SMB code that can be easily integrated with our firmware.
Eric Olbricht
Manager, Sharp Laboratories
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I'm having a problem joining my Samba server to a W2K domain following the
steps in section 5 of the "SAMBA Project Documentation" (security
domain in Samba 2.x). When I try to run
root# smbpasswd -j DOM -r DOMPDC
I get the following:
LSA_QUERYINFOPOLICY (level 5): domain:DOM domain
cli_net_auth2: Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed
modify_trust_password: unable to setup the PDC credentials to machine DOMPDC.
2001/05/30 15:55:20 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change password
for domain DOM.
Unable to join domain DOM.
According to section 5.2 this should work for W2K as well as for NT
domains. I used "Active Directory Users and Computers" to add my
Samba server to the
domain on the DC.
I am running Samba 2.2.0 and RedHat Linux 6.2. The DC is W2K Service Pack
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Curt Koehn
ITS Operations System Analyst
Bethel College
St. Paul, MN 55112
(651) 635-8618
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when you add your computer to the Active Directory, you have to check
pre-Windows 2000 computers to use this account".
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From: "Curtis J. Koehn" <c-koehn@bethel.edu>
To: <samba@lists.samba.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:31 PM
Subject: problem joining W2K Domain
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem joining my Samba server to a W2K domain following
> steps in section 5 of the "SAMBA Project Documentation" (security
> domain in Samba 2.x). When I try to run
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From: Michael Ott <Michael.Ott@erlm.siemens.de>
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i have the following problem:
i want to change the password on a nt-workstation. it do not work!
error-message windows:
username or password are wrong
but my password on the samba-server is changed. it is a dictionary word
on my workstation it is not changed
system: rh71
version: 2.2.0
part of my config:
security = domain
; security = user
username level = 8
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
password level = 8
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
null passwords = yes
;update encrypted unix password sync = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n
passwd chat debug = 100
can you help me
Gru_ & bye
Michael Ott
- Siemens AG - I&S IT PS 51 ERL -
- Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 60 -
- 91050 Erlangen -
- Tel. +49 91 31 7 42 0 54 -
- Michael.Ott@erlm.siemens.de -
open-source and you have much fun
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I never got this to work either with w2K. After adding the samb server to
the domain controller (which seems to work fine) I get:
samba# /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd -j ad -r dc01
modify_trust_password: machine DC01 rejected the tconX on the IPC$ share.
Error was : ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess.
2001/05/30 16:57:27 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change
password for domain AD.
Unable to join domain AD.
-----Original Message-----
From: Curtis J. Koehn [mailto:c-koehn@bethel.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 4:32 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: problem joining W2K Domain
I'm having a problem joining my Samba server to a W2K domain following the
steps in section 5 of the "SAMBA Project Documentation" (security
domain in Samba 2.x). When I try to run
root# smbpasswd -j DOM -r DOMPDC
I get the following:
LSA_QUERYINFOPOLICY (level 5): domain:DOM domain
cli_net_auth2: Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed
modify_trust_password: unable to setup the PDC credentials to machine
2001/05/30 15:55:20 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change
password for domain DOM.
Unable to join domain DOM.
According to section 5.2 this should work for W2K as well as for NT
domains. I used "Active Directory Users and Computers" to add my
server to the
domain on the DC.
I am running Samba 2.2.0 and RedHat Linux 6.2. The DC is W2K Service Pack
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Curt Koehn
ITS Operations System Analyst
Bethel College
St. Paul, MN 55112
(651) 635-8618
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What is the status on getting LDAP support for samba passwords and
information in 2.2.x (CVS)? This feature is an essential feature that we
need in order to deploy Samba as a replacement for our Novell system. Is
there a todo list on what needs to be done to get LDAP running? I can
provide a limited amount of assistance in coding/debuggin. How about a
proposed official schema (besides the ones from AD)?
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Subject: Local work-around for Samba memory leak problem
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The problem:
Samba's smbd processes grow until they exhaust memory on our servers. The
process size and growth appears proportional to the number of volume share
definitions. One server has around 900 shared volumes, and its mate has
around 1500 (one for each NFS automounter map entry which refers to the
server). The standard Samba startup procedure used one master smbd daemon
which spawned a new child process for each new connection. Unfortunately,
the master daemon grows larger with time, leading its children to rapidly
exhaust virtual memory (as each child process inherits the full memory
footprint of its expanding parent). These small SPARC Solaris servers each
have 1 GB of RAM and 1 GB of swap space. They were running low on memory
(requiring smbd stop/start) one to four times per day.
I'm drowning in other work, so I haven't intrumented a running daemon
a memory leak detector. But I needed to slow the rate of consumption so
that the servers continue to serve files and mail to their (500) clients.
The work-around:
Install the xinetd service on the servers.
Impose 25 MB limit on heap size in daemon startup environment (daemon
will need around 10 MB, minimum, to run with 1500 shares).
Start xinetd with smbd (netbios-ssn) service as its only enabled entry.
End result:
Processes are killed by the kernel when they get too large (>25 MB), and
the windows clients's automatic reconnection will spawn replacements.
| Keith Farrar | Xerox PARC CSNS | Palo Alto, CA | 650-812-4292 |
| DOMAIN: farrar@parc.xerox.com | |
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I am geeting the follwong error(log.nmb) on a RH6.2 box and samba 2.07:
[2001/05/30 08:30:59, 0]
process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received
for name ADMINISTRATOR<03> from IP on subnet UNICAS$
[2001/05/30 08:30:59, 0]
Error - should be sent to WINS server
the clients are win me and all apperars to work fine, I tried to set the
samba box as wins server but it would not run nmbd!!!
any ideas?
HTC Engineers
(925)937-6931 fax
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Subject: Printing and Local Profiles Under Samba 2.2.0
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Could anyone help me understand a couple things about samba 2.2.0?
1. I am trying to setup printing but cannont get the drivers to upload to
the server. I run in to various problems, either I am asked for inf files
for my printer. When I supply drivers I know are correct for my system
Windows 2000 SR1 I tells me the drivers are either incompatible or
unavailable. If I try and install drivers through the New Driver button
within the printer properties I run into similiar problems of being asked
for an inf file and samba not liking the inf I give it. If some could show
me a working configuration that would be great. My smb.conf is below
2. How do you tell samba to use local profiles? It appears the default is
to use roaming profiles.
domain logons = yes
domain master = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
logon home = c:\winnt\profiles\%u
logon path = c:\winnt\profiles\%u
load printers = yes
local master = yes
logon script = user.bat
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
max connections = 100
max log size = 50
name resolve order = wins host bcast
netbios name = orinconsd
os level = 64
preferred master = yes
printer admin = bweaver
printing = bsd
security = user
server string = orinconsd
show add printer wizard = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
wins support = yes
workgroup = sd
# Share Defs
comment = Unix Network Drives
path = /usr/local/samba/shares/depts/everyone
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
comment = Home Drive
path = %H
browseable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
comment = Network Logon Service
path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
guest ok = yes
writable = no
share modes = no
browseable = yes
comment = All Printers
path = /usr/local/samba/printers
browseable = no
guest ok = yes
writable = yes
comment = All Printers
path = /usr/local/samba/spool/lp
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
writable = yes
printable = yes
comment = Unix Network Drives
path = /usr/local/samba/profiles
browseable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
I would appreciate any help.
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Subject: Re: HELP, still have trouble after following DIAGNOSING YOUR
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I had the same problem, and it seems to me that the permissions on the Linux
box are wrong. Are the premissions of the directory set so the users can
have write acces. I meen directories on your HD, not the share defs.
Share def says : 664 but disc says 644, if the owner is someuser and group
is users, than only read permision for group and other, but not write. And
only someuser can write.
I use 664 on HD and shares and make sure files and dirs are owned by the
group accessing the samba shares.
Tell me if this is the solution.
Bruno Veldeman
----- Original Message -----
From: "root" <teddy.wong@multisoft-si.com>
To: <samba@samba.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: HELP, still have trouble after following DIAGNOSING YOUR SAMBA
> Hello there, I hope you can help me out further. I actually follow 100%
> to your diagnosing tests from 1 to 11 and found NO PROBLEMS!! However,
> my final problem with Samba lies with the fact that I cannot transfer
> files from my Windows box to my Linux server.
> Of course, the Linux server is using Samba latest version. I have no
> problems with Windows boxes accessing my Linux server and
> copying/transfering files over to their machines...but problems arises
> when you do the exact OPPOSITE..copying files from Windows box (in
> Windows GUI) to Linux machine (via drag and drop). Error message is
> saying "Access is denied...make sure the disk is not full or
> write-protected and that the files is not currently in use". I have
> already configure in smb.conf to tell the shares to be readable,
> writable, browsable, etc. Can you please tell me what might cause this
> problem!! Thank you!!
> Teddy :P
> --
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Subject: Moving files across filesystems via symlink not possible in
2.2.0. Bug?
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There is a symlink in a directory which points to another directory on a
different filesystem (hdd). The directory is accessable by the user via
samba. If i try to move a file from this linked dir into the parent dir (or
a dir within the parent) i get the following error in the log:
rename_internals: failed doing rename on Dir1/Temp/file1.txt ->
The dir structure looks similar to this
/Dir1/Temp -> /XXX/tmp
Temp symlinks to a dir on a different filesystem (mounted on XXX).
Moving the file via the mv command at the linux console is possible. All
access rights are granted. Deleting, writing oder renaming on the file via
samba is possible. The share is based on /Dir1.
Linux Kernel 2.2.16
Samba 2.2.0
Clients Win95 + NT4SP6a
Any ideas? When i configure /XXX/tmp as a separate share i can move the
files across the shares. So there seems to be no conf error. On samba 2.0.7
the share with the link worked. There are any changes to the conf file to
enable "cross-filesystem moves" or is it a bug in 2.2.0? Anyone there
runned into similar problems.
Thanks for any help!
Rudolf Kollien
Never trust a operating system you have no sources for
Buying an operating system without source is like buying
a self-assembly Space Shuttle with no instructions.
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Not a good idea running a server on x.x.x.255
As far as I know this is supposed to be the broadcast address for the
Did you try it with another ip?
Hope it helped!
Bruno Veldeman
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alastair Brown" <alastair_brown@yahoo.com>
To: <samba@lists.samba.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: nmblookup problem
> Hi,
> When I run nmblookup LINUXBOX from my samba server
> (called linuxbox) I get the folowing:
> querying LINUXBOX on
> name_query failed to find name LINUXBOX
> It succeeds if I use the -U option and specify the
> machines ip address.
> I'm running samba 2.0.7.
> Can anyone explain why there is no response from the
> broadcast address?
> Thanks,
> Alastair
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[Moved to Samba-technical...]
What version of Samba are you running? Do you have a large printcap with
'load printers = yes'?
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Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 15:11:10 PDT
From: Keith Farrar <farrar@parc.xerox.com>
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Local work-around for Samba memory leak problem
The problem:
Samba's smbd processes grow until they exhaust memory on our servers. The
process size and growth appears proportional to the number of volume share
definitions. One server has around 900 shared volumes, and its mate has
around 1500 (one for each NFS automounter map entry which refers to the
server). The standard Samba startup procedure used one master smbd daemon
which spawned a new child process for each new connection. Unfortunately,
the master daemon grows larger with time, leading its children to rapidly
exhaust virtual memory (as each child process inherits the full memory
footprint of its expanding parent). These small SPARC Solaris servers each
have 1 GB of RAM and 1 GB of swap space. They were running low on memory
(requiring smbd stop/start) one to four times per day.
I'm drowning in other work, so I haven't intrumented a running daemon
a memory leak detector. But I needed to slow the rate of consumption so
that the servers continue to serve files and mail to their (500) clients.
The work-around:
Install the xinetd service on the servers.
Impose 25 MB limit on heap size in daemon startup environment (daemon
will need around 10 MB, minimum, to run with 1500 shares).
Start xinetd with smbd (netbios-ssn) service as its only enabled entry.
End result:
Processes are killed by the kernel when they get too large (>25 MB), and
the windows clients's automatic reconnection will spawn replacements.
| Keith Farrar | Xerox PARC CSNS | Palo Alto, CA | 650-812-4292 |
| DOMAIN: farrar@parc.xerox.com | |
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Hello, Dear Sir,
I have problem connecting with unix client:
mpsr004:root # ./smbclient //mpsr004/yuz
added interface ip= bcast=
session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password
pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)
mpsr004:root #
How can I fix it?
Thanks for your help,
[demime 0.98b removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of
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Subject: Re: does samba dfs work yet?
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Did you get this working yet? Did you configure with the --with-msdfs
I don't think we tested dfs using a Win 95 client (did test with Win 98
- Shirish
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On Wed, 30 May 2001, Shirish Kalele wrote:
> Did you get this working yet? Did you configure with the --with-msdfs
> option?
> I don't think we tested dfs using a Win 95 client (did test with Win 98
> though).
Win95 works if you install the add-in client.
Cheers, jerry
/\ Gerald (Jerry) Carter Professional Services
\/ valinux.com VA Linux Systems gcarter@valinux.com
samba.org SAMBA Team jerry@samba.org
plainjoe.org jerry@plainjoe.org
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
- Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )
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i just upgraded my redhat 7.0 to samba 2.2 (downloaded from samba.org_) and
when i go to access swat it says
400 Server Error
chdir failed - the server is not configured correctly
i had swat working before i upgraded, i don't know what happened! has any
one else had this problem and corrected it? if how so?
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[mucho stuff snipped]
the only thing i can come up is to try to find a jumper (on the mobo)
to reset the bios,sound like it's corrupted...
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On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 04:20:32PM -0400, JHoevenaar@Gafri.com
wrote:> I am running samba ver 1.9.17p2 on AIX server.
> Is there a file size limit? It appears to be 2GB.
> Does a newer version of Samba resolve this?
I don't know about this, but I suspect it wouldn't.
You will probably get very little support for this very old (3 or 4
generations old) version.
Upgrade to 2.0.7 or 8 and you'll be set.
I'm guessing this is a production server; are you having any other troubles?
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> However, the clients don't browse the network anonymously, I guess,
> since I set up user accounts for them on samba/linux and set windows
> to logon with their respective username/passwords...?
quick look at /usr/src/cvs/samba/docs/textdocs/BROWSING.txt (on my
system) show that:
Some people find browsing fails because they don't have the global
"guest account" set to a valid account. Remember that the IPC$
connection that lists the shares is done as guest, and thus you must
have a valid guest account.
on my system,the ftp account is used as guest account,there's no such
account in my smbpasswd file but there is one in my /etc/passwd,i don't
know the password but i suspect it's blank (it was there at slackware
installation) since browsing work fine for every users regardless of
their login credential.
the only thing i can think of is to delete the pcguest entry from your
smbpasswd,delete the pcguest user account (my guess is that you used
adduser to add the pcguest account) and recreate it this way:
useradd -d /home/pcguest -s /bin/false
and DON'T add a password to that account yet,the difference between
adduser and useradd (on all system i worked with) was that adduser
asked for a password and did not let you get away with a blank password
while useradd work fine for creating passwordless account (mostly used
for system account).
after all this is done,test the hell out of everything and tighten
up,keep a logbook handy too,you'll need it,if you have gone too
far,you'll know where to back off.
Good luck.
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Subject: Re: does samba dfs work yet?
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Shirish Kalele wrote:>
> Did you get this working yet? Did you configure with the --with-msdfs
> option?
> I don't think we tested dfs using a Win 95 client (did test with Win 98
> though).
> - Shirish
I just went back to 2.0 too many bugs in 2.2 at the moment, and i
didn't have time to compile from source to get the added dfs
functionality i was looking for.
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Subject: HEAD compile errors
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here is an error i am getting trying to compile head with the options
./configure --prefix="/usr/local/samba-head" --with-smbmount
------- BEGIN ERROR ----------------------
Compiling nsswitch/winbindd_cache.c
Compiling nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c
nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c:30: warning: static declaration for
follows non-static
Compiling nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c
Compiling nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c
nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:35: warning: static declaration for `trust_keystr'
follows non-static
Linking bin/winbindd
smbd/sec_ctx.o: In function `become_uid':
smbd/sec_ctx.o(.text+0x6a): undefined reference to `do_profile_flag'
smbd/sec_ctx.o(.text+0x72): undefined reference to `profile_p'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/winbindd] Error 1
Any ideas? I know this worked a few weeks ago.
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When I try printing or set page settings in Oracle Reports for Samba
printer, Oracle Reports crash down.
But all others programs (Office, Netscape, Explorer ,...) printing ok.
Samba 2.2.0 (PDK), client Windows 2000 Pro, network printer HP LaserJet
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On 31 May 2001, 12:25, root <alex@profit.mgn.chel.su> wrote.
> When I try printing or set page settings in Oracle Reports for Samba
> printer, Oracle Reports crash down.
> But all others programs (Office, Netscape, Explorer ,...) printing ok.
So why do you ask here? Oracle Reports is a piece of you know what. Request
its latest patch from Oracle support, or install at least version
if you use version 6.0.x
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On Wed, 23 May 2001, Gregory McCann wrote:
> Maybe I am making a stupid oversight somewhere, but I cannot get
> --sysconfdir=DIR" to work correctly.
> Even though I run "./configure --sysconfdir=/etc", my Makefile
still says
> "CONFIGFILE = $(LIBDIR)/smb.conf" and smbd is looking for
smb.conf in
> /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.
> ...
> This is the newest version of Samba - 2.0.9
Samba 2.0.x puts it's config file in libdir, not in sysconfdir. The
directory structure used by Samba 2.0.x is rather odd, basically to
preserve compatibilty with 1.x.x versions which did not use autoconf, I
The most recent release is actually 2.2.0, and this has a ./configure
option "--with-fhs", which switches to a more normal directory layout.
Neil Hoggarth Departmental Computer Officer
<neil.hoggarth@physiol.ox.ac.uk> Laboratory of
physiol.ox.ac.uk/~njh University of Oxford, UK
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Subject: Re: Help needed with -c option when using smbclient.
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On Thu, 24 May 2001, John Morse wrote:
> rsh ftcsamba /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //peasee/public password
> -c "put /lsi/home/jmorse/top10.csv top10.csv"
> Now if I run this from the server (ftcsamba), it works fine, but with
> the rsh, it returns as if the syntax for 'put' is bad.
When you type the rsh command, the quotes around the argument to the -c
option are being interpreted by the shell on the local machine, and
aren't being passed over to the shell on ftcsamba - the command
argument associated with the -c option ends up being just 'put'.
Try something like:
rsh ftcsamba /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //peasee/public password
-c \"put /lsi/home/jmorse/top10.csv top10.csv\"
rsh ftcsamba /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //peasee/public password
-c '"put /lsi/home/jmorse/top10.csv top10.csv"'
Neil Hoggarth Departmental Computer Officer
<neil.hoggarth@physiol.ox.ac.uk> Laboratory of
physiol.ox.ac.uk/~njh University of Oxford, UK
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Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has experience with using Dave as an SMB/CIFS
client on Macs? I'd like to know if there are any issues regarding
performance, compatibility, crashing clients, printing etc. The server
would be supporting approx. 100 Mac clients over gigabit ethernet. All
advice/war stories appreciated.
Fergus Donohue,
Systems Group CSD,
Dublin City University.
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On 20010530 (Wed) at 1602:27 -0700, bweaver@orincon.com
wrote:> Could anyone help me understand a couple things about samba 2.2.0?
> 1. I am trying to setup printing but cannont get the drivers to upload to
> the server. I run in to various problems, either I am asked for inf files
> for my printer. When I supply drivers I know are correct for my system
> Windows 2000 SR1 I tells me the drivers are either incompatible or
> unavailable. If I try and install drivers through the New Driver button
> within the printer properties I run into similiar problems of being asked
> for an inf file and samba not liking the inf I give it. If some could show
> me a working configuration that would be great. My smb.conf is below
We had this problem too and were able to work around it by specifying
the driver in the smb.conf printer stanza:
comment = Purchasing
path = /var/spool/samba
read only = No
printable = Yes
printer name = purch
printer driver = HP Laserjet 4000 Series PCL
share modes = No
To get the printer driver name (which needs to be exactly what Windows
calls the driver, case sensitive), you can begin to install a printer
of that type locally; Windows then brings up the normal manufacturer
and model lists so you can look up the driver name.
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| bgl.nu/~glouis | finger greg@bgl.nu |
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To: "Louis C. Watta" <lwatta@cisco.com>
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Subject: Re: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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"Louis C. Watta" wrote:>
> I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
> The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client connects the
> smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
> processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
> This takes a long time and usually the client times out and fails. Every
> once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried
> descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
> Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
Its almost certinaly its lame attempts at random number generation on a
box without /dev/urandom
I would suggest installing one of the programs that provides such a
device (if kernel support unavailable). The name egd comes to mind.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
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Subject: RE: problem joining W2K Domain
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I had the same problem. To fix it I used server manager from an NT box to
remove the computer name of the samba/linux computer from its list. I then
added it back to the server manager manually. Went to the linux box and
typed smbpasswd -j DOM -r DOMPDC and it worked.
Steve Moccio
Lucent Technologies - Bell Labs
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-admin@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-admin@lists.samba.org]On
Behalf Of Curtis J. Koehn
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 5:32 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: problem joining W2K Domain
I'm having a problem joining my Samba server to a W2K domain following the
steps in section 5 of the "SAMBA Project Documentation" (security
domain in Samba 2.x). When I try to run
root# smbpasswd -j DOM -r DOMPDC
I get the following:
LSA_QUERYINFOPOLICY (level 5): domain:DOM domain
cli_net_auth2: Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed
modify_trust_password: unable to setup the PDC credentials to machine
2001/05/30 15:55:20 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change
password for domain DOM.
Unable to join domain DOM.
According to section 5.2 this should work for W2K as well as for NT
domains. I used "Active Directory Users and Computers" to add my
server to the
domain on the DC.
I am running Samba 2.2.0 and RedHat Linux 6.2. The DC is W2K Service Pack
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Curt Koehn
ITS Operations System Analyst
Bethel College
St. Paul, MN 55112
(651) 635-8618
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To: Gerald Carter <gcarter@valinux.com>
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Subject: Re: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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Gerald Carter wrote:>
> On Wed, 30 May 2001, Louis C. Watta wrote:
> > I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
> > The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client connects the
> > smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
> > processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
> >
> > This takes a long time and usually the client times out and fails.
> > once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried
> > descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
> >
> > Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
> Probably caused by --with-utmp. Did you install using an RPM?
Nope. --with-utmp doesn't touch /dev, unless your utmp logging
functions are particularly screwed. Considering the devices in question
(for utmp) are both of known name and nonexistent, I find this unlikely.
More likely (as mentioned in my other reply) is that samba is making a
lame attempt at generating random numbers, because /dev/urandom does not
exist on Solaris 2.6. (AFAIK).
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
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Subject: Re: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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So how do I tell samba to use egd?
I don't see anything in the configure options.
With egd installed it's doing the same thing still.
Andrew Bartlett wrote:>
> "Louis C. Watta" wrote:
> >
> > I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
> > The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client connects the
> > smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
> > processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
> >
> > This takes a long time and usually the client times out and fails.
> > once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried
> > descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
> >
> > Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
> >
> Its almost certinaly its lame attempts at random number generation on a
> box without /dev/urandom
> I would suggest installing one of the programs that provides such a
> device (if kernel support unavailable). The name egd comes to mind.
> Andrew Bartlett
> --
> Andrew Bartlett
> abartlet@pcug.org.au
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
Louis Watta lwatta@cisco.com
Cisco Systems
7025 Kit Creek Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Ph: 919-392-3710
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I'm having the same problem as Alex Madden posted a few days ago. We run
Samba 2.2 on a Solaris 7 box.
My workaround is to stop samba completlely, kill all smbd and nmbd
processes and remove/delete the samba/var/locks folder. If I don't
remove the locks folder then the explorer on any windows client trying
to connect to a share with a locked file will freeze.
Does anybody have an idea, either how to solve the problem correctly
or if there are already plans to fix it in a future release of samba
(best would be samba 2.2.1 ;-))?
Attached is a part of the log file of a client right before it freezes.
I hope somebody can help.
Christoph Martyn
[2001/05/31 09:44:36, 2] libsmb/namequery.c:name_query(318)
Got a positive name query response from ( )
[2001/05/31 09:44:36, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(318)
Allowed connection from (
[2001/05/31 09:44:36, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection(638)
Please read the file BUGS.txt in the distribution
[2001/05/31 09:55:01, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(43)
09:55:01, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1139)
PANIC: internal error
[2001/05/31 09:55:26, 0] smbd/oplock.c:request_oplock_break(995)
request_oplock_break: no response received to oplock break request to
pid 21836 on port 64308 for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196
for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196, tv_sec = 3b151248, tv_usec = 47d5e
[2001/05/31 09:55:29, 0] smbd/oplock.c:request_oplock_break(995)
request_oplock_break: no response received to oplock break request to
pid 21836 on port 64308 for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196
for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196, tv_sec = 3b151248, tv_usec = 47d5e
[2001/05/31 09:55:51, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(440)
Closing connections
[2001/05/31 09:55:51, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(678)
slivovic ( closed connection to service umarquar
[2001/05/31 09:55:58, 0] smbd/oplock.c:request_oplock_break(995)
request_oplock_break: no response received to oplock break request to
pid 21836 on port 64308 for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196
for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196, tv_sec = 3b151248, tv_usec = 47d5e
[2001/05/31 09:56:01, 0] smbd/oplock.c:request_oplock_break(995)
request_oplock_break: no response received to oplock break request to
pid 21836 on port 64308 for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196
for dev = 8000f0, inode = 4991196, tv_sec = 3b151248, tv_usec = 47d5e
[2001/05/31 09:56:08, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(440)
Closing connections
[2001/05/31 09:56:08, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(678)
slivovic ( closed connection to service umarquar
[2001/05/31 09:56:08, 2] smbd/close.c:close_normal_file(205)
[2001/05/31 09:56:08, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(40)
09:56:08, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(41)
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 467 (2.2.0)
Please read the file BUGS.txt in the distribution
[2001/05/31 09:56:08, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(43)
09:56:08, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1139)
PANIC: internal error
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(440)
Closing connections
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(678)
slivovic ( closed connection to service umarquar
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(678)
slivovic ( closed connection to service hr
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(678)
slivovic ( closed connection to service umarquar
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 2] smbd/close.c:close_normal_file(205)
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(40)
09:56:19, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(41)
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 397 (2.2.0)
Please read the file BUGS.txt in the distribution
[2001/05/31 09:56:19, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(43)
09:56:19, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1139)
PANIC: internal error
Christoph Martyn - IT Administrator
christoph.martyn@coremedia.com - fon +49.40.325587.700 fax .999
CoreMedia AG - coremedia.com - 0700-COREMEDIA
Erste Brunnenstr. 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
Best of Internet World 2001 Berlin
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Subject: Re: Why does samba stat the /dev tree?
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Tha would require me knowing somthing about egd :-) Best place to look
might be the OpenSSH archives, as that NEEDS a good random source, and I
think there should be the info you need in there somewhere.
The way samba uses /dev/urandom is quite simple. It attempts to read
it, and if it reads a full 40 bytes, it consideres its job done. If it
does not, or the operation fails, it will attempt to stat every device,
mix that info in with some private data (like the /etc/smbpasswd file,
and the root password) and hope its random.
So as long as samba gets somthing from /dev/urandom, it will work (I
think, I just use linux, where this isn't an issue). Other options
include making samba stat the files in /tmp instead, but ask sombody
else about that...
"Louis C. Watta" wrote:>
> So how do I tell samba to use egd?
> I don't see anything in the configure options.
> With egd installed it's doing the same thing still.
> louis
> Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> >
> > "Louis C. Watta" wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm running samba 2.2.0 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
> > > The system has 25,000 entries in /dev. Everytime a client
connects the
> > > smbd process stats every device in /dev. I ran truss on the smbd
> > > processes and see it running stat64 on all the devices.
> > >
> > > This takes a long time and usually the client times out and
fails. Every
> > > once and a while a client will be able to connect. I've tried
> > > descend = /dev" and that does not seem to work.
> > >
> > > Does anyone know what smbd does this? and how I can stop it?
> > >
> >
> > Its almost certinaly its lame attempts at random number generation on
> > box without /dev/urandom
> >
> > I would suggest installing one of the programs that provides such a
> > device (if kernel support unavailable). The name egd comes to mind.
> >
> > Andrew Bartlett
> >
> > --
> > Andrew Bartlett
> > abartlet@pcug.org.au
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> > instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
> --
> Louis Watta lwatta@cisco.com
> Cisco Systems
> 7025 Kit Creek Road
> Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Ph: 919-392-3710
Andrew Bartlett
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From: "Norm Dressler" <ndressler@dinmar.com>
To: "Michael L Torrie" <torriem@cs.byu.edu>,
Subject: RE: LDAP status
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:11:45 -0400
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I asked essentially the same question and didn't get much of an answer. I
wonder why it has been ignored and dropped since it's original beta...
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-admin@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-admin@lists.samba.org]On
Behalf Of Michael L Torrie
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 6:12 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: LDAP status
What is the status on getting LDAP support for samba passwords and
information in 2.2.x (CVS)? This feature is an essential feature that we
need in order to deploy Samba as a replacement for our Novell system. Is
there a todo list on what needs to be done to get LDAP running? I can
provide a limited amount of assistance in coding/debuggin. How about a
proposed official schema (besides the ones from AD)?
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From: Matt Stevenson <matt_stevenson@alum.shu.edu>
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Subject: Re: LDAP status
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:18:14 -0400
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I have been searching google/deja for discussion about LDAP and Samba in
general for weeks now, but can't find any good answers, just lots of people
asking the same questions.
We are planning a major (10,000+ accounts) roll out of Samba to replace a
Netware system, and LDAP would be a MAJOR help in doing this, I'm surprised
it's not more of an issue for people.
On Thursday 31 May 2001 09:11, you wrote:> I asked essentially the same question and didn't get much of an answer.
> wonder why it has been ignored and dropped since it's original beta...
> Norm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: samba-admin@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-admin@lists.samba.org]On
> Behalf Of Michael L Torrie
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 6:12 PM
> To: samba@lists.samba.org
> Subject: LDAP status
> What is the status on getting LDAP support for samba passwords and
> information in 2.2.x (CVS)? This feature is an essential feature that we
> need in order to deploy Samba as a replacement for our Novell system. Is
> there a todo list on what needs to be done to get LDAP running? I can
> provide a limited amount of assistance in coding/debuggin. How about a
> proposed official schema (besides the ones from AD)?
> thanks,
> Michael
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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I'll assume you installed from RPM. This is a known problem with 2.2.0
RPM. The installation of SWAT goes to the wrong directory. Do this:
mkdir /usr/share/samba
mv /usr/share/swat /usr/share/samba
and then swat should work just fine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Caudle [mailto:bcaudle@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:46 PM
> To: samba@samba.org
> Subject: 400 server error recieved
> i just upgraded my redhat 7.0 to samba 2.2 (downloaded from
> samba.org_) and
> when i go to access swat it says
> 400 Server Error
> chdir failed - the server is not configured correctly
> i had swat working before i upgraded, i don't know what
> happened! has any
> one else had this problem and corrected it? if how so?
> thanks
> brandon
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at explorer.msn.com
> --
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Dear all,
Our network users constantly reported 'access denied' and 'file is
open by someone' problem.