Kurt Pfeifle
2003-Nov-11 13:27 UTC
[Samba] OT: English and French translations of "Munich Migration Case Study" seems to be available
Hi, all, I stumbled across this page (German language) announcing the availability of the "Munich Migration Case Study" (my translation of the title): muenchen.de/aktuell/ms_linux.htm What some of our international readers might be interested in is the last sentence of this paragraph: Da das Interesse an diesem Projekt sehr hoch ist, hat sich die LHM entschlossen, allen Interessierten auch die Kurzfassung der Studie (PDF-Datei 1,6 MB), die als Grundlage f?r diese Entscheidung von der Fa. Unilog erstellt wurde, zum Download zur Verf?gung zu stellen (muenchen.de/aktuell/clientstudie_kurz.pdf). Wenn Sie Interesse an einer englischen oder franz?sischen Version haben, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Fa. Unilog (georg dot unbehaun at unilog dot de). (Free) Translation: Since interest for this project is very large, the City of Munich has decided to offer the shortened version of the Study (PDF file of 1,6 MB) for public download. This version has been crafted by "Unilog" (unilog.de) and served as the base for the political decision of the Munich City Council to migrate. -- If you are interested in an English or French version of the Study please contact Unilog directly ("georg dot unbehaun at unilog dot de"). Please note that I have "santized" the poor man's e-Mail address for obvious reasons. Cheers, and have fun! Kurt