Hallo list, i posted this question a few weeks ago (holidaytime) an didnt get any answers. May be someone found a solution: Suse7.3 + Samba 2.2.x working as a PDC for Win2k and WinNT40. We would like to split our pool in two parts: highend and normal machines. Our users can be member in pool or/and highend. We'd like to deny access for the group pool to the machines in the highendcluster. Only members of highend should be able to login there. First I thought I could solve this problem on Workstationside. At Win2K (with mmc) I can allow only the domaingroup DOMAIN\xyz to log in the workstation. When I try to choose one of the groups presented from my Samba-Server I can only see "Domain Admins" and "Domain User" (well the normal domainuser group doesnt exist on the Linux-Server. It's called "cip". By sorting our users in different groups we only can influence the access to shares not to machines, ... Anyone with any idea? Marco Lechner