I have not been able to give a user to the "Domain Admin" group priviliges successfully. I have installed, on RH 9, the latest samba which i have set up as the domain controller. From what I have read, and tell me if I am off, the steps I have taken are: Add a unix group: "domainadmins" to the samba machine. Use groupmap to map the "Domain Admin" group to "domainadmins". Before this it was listed as -1 now it says "Domain Admin" -> domainadmins I have create on the samba machine the user: administrator which I added to the domainadmins group. Add the administrator user to the smbpasswd file.: ./smbpasswd -a administrator Check that the Administrator group on the client machine(w2k) has the "Domain Admin" group in it. When the user "administrator" logs on to a client machine it does not have "Domain Admin" privilages. What am i doing wrong? Thanks