Hello all, When I execute the following command: mount -t smbfs -o username=owner //server/c /mnt/x I get: Could not resolve mount point /mnt/Xdrive Anyone have any idea why? The Windows machine is server, and I'm trying to mount the c drive. There is no password for the machine. -- Skip Evans Network Project Director National Center for Science Education 420 40th St, Suite 2 Oakland, CA 94609 510-601-7203 Ext. 308 510-601-7204 (fax) 800-290-6006 evans@ncseweb.org http://www.ncseweb.org NCSE now has a one way broadcast news list. Please note that this is NOT a discussion list. You cannot post messages for members to receive. We use this list to broadcast news about the creationism/evolution issue to interested parties. To sign up send: subscribe ncse your@email.address.here to: majordomo@ncseweb2.org To unsubscribe send: unsubscribe ncse your@email.address.here to: majordomo@ncseweb2.org