I am mounting a WinNT server share from redhad 9, and it takes nearly 2 minutes to connect for the first time. Once it connects everything is great. This server has hundreds of thousands of directories and files, and I believe it is taking a long time because it caches the directory information or checks all the permissions or something along these lines. I setup another share without any sub folders and it connected very quickly. Is there a way to disable these initial checks so it connects faster the first time? I need to access files deep in the tree, but I have the full path already and it is only being used programmaticly so I don't need to do any browsing. Any optimization tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, James -- __________________________________________________________ Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.com http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup CareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search http://corp.mail.com/careers