Ok..i've been trying to troubleshoot this issue to see if I can fix it.
From what I can tell, there are certain options on this program that will
require write access to the share.
Looking at the share, this is what it looks like:
[root@PDC-SRV point]# ls -ld CLOSED
drwxrwx--- 4 root cm 4096 Aug 6 15:58 CLOSED
The corresponding files in the directory also have the same permissions. I
had to do this to get a certain function in the program to work correctly,
since it requires write access.
My share info:
comment = Point Program
path = /home/point
writable = yes
browseable = yes
public = no
valid users = jwilliams @cm
create mask = 770
force group = cm
So here is what I need to figure it, to see if it is even possible.
How can I set it up so this share through samba, so that only certain users
can have write access to this directory, and everyone else will just have
read access?
Anyone have suggestions on how to get this setup and working correctly?
Im thinking I need to setup users in a specific group and give the share
owned by that group. That group will have r/w access. Then, the rest of my
users will just have read access.
Anyone have any suggestions? Im at my wits end here almost. :)
At 03:22 PM 8/6/2003 -0700, you wrote:>Hello everyone.
>Have a question here about controlling permissions and groups for Samba.
>Our samba server is being used by our users to access files through a
>In our initial testing, what I noticed is that once a user starts to work
>with the file, and their are any modifications done to it, it changes the
>owner to the user and the group to the group that the user belongs to.
>For instance, here is an example of a test file we were using.
>It had the owner of 'root' and the group of 'cm'.
>Once the user accessed the file through the program, made some changes,
>the owner and group were changed.
>They were now:
>owner = blackberry group = loans
>Couple quick questions here.
>What im trying to do is setup a repository so my users can access the
>files at any given time.
>However, I can that what is going on will definitely pose a problem.
>With that in mind, how can I make sure that any files that are accessed or
>created by a user still retain the origina user and group?
>Any suggestions here is greatly appreciated.
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