Hello, since I have bought a new computer I am having a strange problem. With my old computer I just had to type smbmount //windowspcname/directory1 directory2/ -o username=username to connect to my WinXP computer and everything worked. But with the new computer I get this (2101 is only the PID): 2101: Connection to mrfreeze failed SMB connection failed When I use smbmount //windowspcname/directory1 directory2/ -o username=username,ip=123.456.789.012 instead (with the correct ip of course), it works, but the connection is not directly but over the internet, reducing the connection speed VERY much. Can anybody help me to fix this problem? I simply cannot understand why it does not work with this computer, since I had just made a clean Madrake 9.1 installation. An it worked with the other PC of course. Thanks, best regards Karl ____________________________________________________________________________ Nur bei WEB.DE Testsieger FreeMail testen und damit 1 qm Regenwald schuetzen. Jetzt anmelden und mithelfen! http://user.web.de/Regenwald