I have tried to use cups and samba together. Everything works
great, however I am not able to configure and/or setup
samba correctly, that the clients are able to install
the driver.
To test everything I used a dedicated system installed
a fresh SuSE 8.0 and compiled samba (2.2.4) and
cups (1.1.14). I only userd a differnet prefix for
samba. Everything else is default.
pkoch@vibra:~ > more tmp/smb.conf
workgroup = BGC
server string = DVA
netbios name = mobila23
# guest account = nobody
printing = cups
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
os level = 20
security = share
printer admin = root
comment = All Printers
path = /opt/smb_print/drivers
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only =yes
public = yes
writeable = no
write list = root
comment = HP8000 in Raum 088
printable = yes
printer = 10a_HP8000 -o raw
guest ok = yes
public = yes
printer driver = HP LaserJet 8000 Series PS
------------------end smb.conf -------------------------
I used also the settings from "man cupsaddsmb", but it
did also not work.
mobila23:~ # cupsaddsmb -v 10a_HP8000
Password for root required to access localhost via SAMBA:
Running command: smbclient //localhost/print\$ -N -U'root%xxxx' -c
W32X86;put /var/spool/cups/tmp/3cee42d3e08bb W32X86/10a_HP8000.PPD;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS5.DLL W32X86/ADOBEPS5.DLL;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPSU.DLL W32X86/ADOBEPSU.DLL;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPSU.HLP W32X86/ADOBEPSU.HLP'
added interface ip=141.5.xxx.xxx bcast=141.5.xxx.xxx nmask=
Domain=[BGC] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.4]
NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION making remote directory \W32X86
putting file /var/spool/cups/tmp/3cee42d3e08bb as \W32X86/10a_HP8000.PPD
(19567.4 kb/s) (average 19567.8 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS5.DLL as \W32X86/ADOBEPS5.DLL
(23473.6 kb/s) (average 22660.0 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPSU.DLL as \W32X86/ADOBEPSU.DLL
(18642.6 kb/s) (average 21752.9 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPSU.HLP as \W32X86/ADOBEPSU.HLP
(9008.8 kb/s) (average 20980.5 kb/s)
Running command: smbclient //localhost/print\$ -N -U'root%xxxx' -c
WIN40;put /var/spool/cups/tmp/3cee42d3e08bb WIN40/10a_HP8000.PPD;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ADFONTS.MFM WIN40/ADFONTS.MFM;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.DRV WIN40/ADOBEPS4.DRV;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.HLP WIN40/ADOBEPS4.HLP;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/DEFPRTR2.PPD WIN40/DEFPRTR2.PPD;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/ICONLIB.DLL WIN40/ICONLIB.DLL;put
/usr/share/cups/drivers/PSMON.DLL WIN40/PSMON.DLL;'
added interface ip=141.5..xxx.xxx bcast=141.5.xxx.xxx nmask=
Domain=[BGC] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.4]
NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION making remote directory \WIN40
putting file /var/spool/cups/tmp/3cee42d3e08bb as \WIN40/10a_HP8000.PPD
(19567.4 kb/s) (average 19567.8 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADFONTS.MFM as \WIN40/ADFONTS.MFM
(16531.8 kb/s) (average 16921.1 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.DRV as \WIN40/ADOBEPS4.DRV
(20059.0 kb/s) (average 18859.2 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.HLP as \WIN40/ADOBEPS4.HLP
(21317.0 kb/s) (average 19058.5 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/DEFPRTR2.PPD as \WIN40/DEFPRTR2.PPD
(6587.6 kb/s) (average 18837.8 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ICONLIB.DLL as \WIN40/ICONLIB.DLL
(23071.4 kb/s) (average 19017.2 kb/s)
putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/PSMON.DLL as \WIN40/PSMON.DLL (18666.1
kb/s) (average 19008.5 kb/s)
Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%xxxx' -c 'adddriver
"Windows NT x86"
cmd = adddriver "Windows NT x86"
adddriver "Windows NT x86"
Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%xxxx' -c 'adddriver
"Windows 4.0"
cmd = adddriver "Windows 4.0"
adddriver "Windows 4.0"
Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%xxxx' -c 'setdriver
10a_HP8000 10a_HP8000'
cmd = setdriver 10a_HP8000 10a_HP8000
setdriver 10a_HP8000 10a_HP8000
SetPrinter call failed!
Has anybody a idea what is wrong ?
Second question ACL under HPUX
We are using the HP version of samba (2.0.7) which has also
ACL support. The filesystem is also able to handel ACL, so we tried to
use it. The problem is how to use it correctly.
It sounds silly, but you can set ACL for a single person without a problem
(when the file/folder has the right unix permissions).But you can not
make one file only readable for one person. Under Windows you see
owner (everything); next line default group (also everything). But you
are not able to remove rights from the default group. OK, you can
remove the rights for all but one user, but this is the wrong way.
1) So what are the correct permissions for a file share to use the
filesystem like "a windows file system" ?
2) What would be the correct way to change the ACL for a folder to allow
only one user from the default group to read/write a file ?
p.s. Please send your answer also directly to me. I will
post a summary/solution if evberything works well.
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Biogeochemie
Dr. Peer-Joachim Koch
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10 Telefon: ++49 3641 6437-52
D-07745 Jena Telefax: ++49 3641 6437-10