Take a look at todays mail with subject "Re: [Samba] XP, shares and
connections to port 80"
At 10:16 08-05-2002 +0200, Jan Madsen wrote:
>I have a problem with my windows XP clients and samba version 2.2.0 - 2.2.4
>When I try to access my share on my redhat linux 7.1 or 7.2 my window
>simple begin to hang about 4 - 7 minutes and then I maybe get lucky to
>enter my share or else the window hang and it's now impossible to even
>reboot my computer, but if I minimize the window and try to open a new one
>it goes quick and painless and it work as it should.
>On a new installed windows XP client the samba share works perfect, but
>when I install any thing on the XP machine my problem begin to come.
>What am I doing wrong, and are there something in windows XP that has to
>be disabled or some services to stop please help me
>Best Regards,
>Jan Madsen
>Please write back ASP
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