Hello all,
I'm having a problem with our Tape Backup user not being able to clear the
archive bit on files after the backup has been completed (we're running
ArcServe 2000 on a Windows NT box). After looking into it closer, it looks like
Samba will only permit the archive bit to be cleared if the file is owned by the
tape backup user. Even if the tape backup user is part of the same group as the
file and the file has group read/write permissions.
This is a serious problem because it causes the tape backup software to
continually backup ALL files. We do not want to change the ownership of each
file to that of our tape backup user, because this breaks our file system quota
support mechanism.
Is there a magic flag that can be set in the smb.conf file that permits a user
who has group read/write access from setting/clearing the archive bit?
We're running Samba 2.2.0a, on a quad-SMP Linux 2.2.15 kernel box.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please reply to this email as well
as the list.
Many thanks,
Stephan A. Edelman, B.Eng.
NewAce Corporation
Toll Free: 1-877-463-9223 x21
Tel: +1 519 336-4837 x21
Fax:+1 519 336-4046
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