On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Andrey Chichak wrote:
> Good day!
> Can anybody help with such problem :
> CorelDraw v9.0 can't open file located on samba share from file open
> Dbl click in explorer open file without problems.
> part of the log :
> =====================================> [2002/04/25 20:04:48, 0]
> oplock_break: receive_smb error (Undefined error: 0)
> oplock_break failed for file images/CDprint/YuraTolokov/?????_????.cdr
> = 27407, inode = 12472
What's the real name of the file? Can you try reproducing this against
the latest SAMBA_2_2 cvs tree? Details for downloading can be
found at samba.org/samba/cvs.html
> 60, file_id = 75).
> [2002/04/25 20:04:48, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(843)
> oplock_break: client failure in break - shutting down this smbd.
> =====================================>
> samba 2.2.3a
chau, jerry
Hewlett-Packard hp.com
SAMBA Team samba.org
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