Florian Grimps
2002-Apr-17 14:23 UTC
[Samba] message command will not work on debian woody
Hello. First of all, sorry for my broken Englsih i am not a native speaker. This is my first mail to this list. I hope i make no mistake. Okay, no my Problem. I tried to use the message command feature to catch winpopups sent to my debian box, as it is described at http://samba.linuxbe.org/en/samba/config/advanced.html#messages Win client (e.g. net send debian hiho) or with # smbclient -M localhost; give positve result, for commands like this. But it doesn't work.. no message is printed on the ttys. So I tried the same config & commands with Redhat 7.2 on a other computer, and there was no problem using something like this: message command = /bin/bash -c 'cat %s | wall; rm %s' So i want to know how I can help my self. How can i find out where my message get lost. Is it maybee a bug? Or gut debian a litte much of secure in this case? I would be very happy if i could deal with this problem, and other like this. Thanks in advantage Grimps Florian.
Hi, Probably should have been doing other things, but decided to have a play with this winpopup stuff. samserver = my servers netbios name - Installed as per site mentioned. - restarted samba - From smbclient -M samserver - tkpopup popped up from samserver to my VMware 95 machine - smbclient -M vm95 - nothing installed "file and print sharing" on 95 machine - smbclient -M vm95 (from samserver) - winpopup worked! (on vm95)(coincidence??)