Hello, We have a samba 2.2.1a server that is a member of an NT domain. All of our clients have accounts in the domain. When they access our samba server, it authenticates users on the NT PDC and then allows/denies access based on that result. All Win9x and Win2K clients have "instant" access to the server when they open a share in Explorer. The authentication happens quickly. When a WinXP client accesses a share, for the first time, there is an ~15sec delay before access is finally granted. After that first delay, repeated access to the shares is "instantaneous". There is just this odd delay on the first validation. The same thing seems to be happening to shared printers. All other Win clients can print, no problems. WinXP clients generally have to send the job twice ( the first time ). Once to "wake up" the connection for the printer. And then once to really print. I tried the SignOrSeal registry key, but that seems more for logging in to a SMB PDC, and really didn't do anything anyways. Have others seen this? Any suggestions? I am testing a 2.2.3a install, but it has the same problem. Net use x: \\server\share works just fine on XP clients. The drive is mounted w/o delay. Only access into the share is delayed. Thanks, --Ben-- ----------------------- Ben Griffith bgriffit@email.unc.edu -----------------------