Our server is a SuSE Linux 7.2 with CVS samba 2.2 branche. Version number is 2.2.pre-4. We updated today. We have a problem with the default devmode in Windows 2000 (SP2) clients. We have uploaded the printerdrivers to the share print$. The Samba printeradministrator is able to change the printer capabilities as memory, trays, papersize. etc. Changes are global: when a user logs in, he sees the new global printersettings. In Europe we use page size A4. So far, so good. But the default printersettings per user are not conform the settings the printeradministrator made. We don't know why. To be more specific: we want all users to have as default pagesize not "Letter" but "A4". Althoud the administrator set all papersizes to A4 the default user setting is "Letter". This default user printersettings are saved in the register, several places in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers". Before allowing the user to make his own settings we: - We made paperformat adjustments to the ppd-file in appriate directory in the print$- share - We made a paperadjustment adjustment in the samba source (nt_printing.c) and replaced the default "Letter" by "A4". We also changed PAPER_LETTER to PAPER_A4. - In the registerkeys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers all devmodes were absent or removed. Still the default peruser papersize setting is Letter. We changed the smb.conf file and added "default devmode = Yes". We expected with the last adjustment that a default devmode was generated when there is no key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers. But even now the "Letter"-format is the default for the peruser printersettings. How is that possible? Can we do something to change this behaviour? Met vriendelijke groet/Regards, Prompt R.J. Baart Marktveldpassage 35c 5261 ED Vught Netherlands Mailto:R.J.Baart@Prompt.NL Prompt.NL Tel.: +31 73 6567041 Fax.: +31 73 6573513
Have you tried right clicking the printer and setting Document Defaults to A4 - we often have to do this, but not sure if it's per-user, per-client or per-printer. At 02:19 PM 4/15/02 +0200, Ruud Baart wrote:><snip> >Still the default peruser papersize setting is Letter. We changed the >smb.conf file and >added "default devmode = Yes". We expected with the last adjustment that a >default >devmode was generated when there is no key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers. >But even now the "Letter"-format is the default for the peruser >printersettings.</snip> -------------- Martyn Ranyard I am not a member of the samba team, and anything that I say may not be as accurate as a response from one of the team. I reply to save those more qualified time, which can more usefully be spent developing SAMBA further.
On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Ruud Baart wrote:> Our server is a SuSE Linux 7.2 with CVS samba 2.2 branche. Version number is > 2.2.pre-4. We updated today. > > We have a problem with the default devmode in Windows 2000 (SP2) > clients. We have uploaded the printerdrivers to the share print$. The > Samba printeradministrator is able to change the printer capabilities as > memory, trays, papersize. etc. Changes are global: when a user logs in, > he sees the new global printersettings. In Europe we use page size A4. > So far, so good. > > But the default printersettings per user are not conform the settings > the printeradministrator made. We don't know why. To be more specific: > we want all users to have as default pagesize not "Letter" but "A4". > Althoud the administrator set all papersizes to A4 the default user > setting is "Letter". This default user printersettings are saved in the > register, several places in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers".btw...make sure you are setting the preferences under the "Printer Preferences" button on the "Advanced" tab of the win2k printer properties dialog. Win2k introduced "per user" devmodes as well as global device modes. cheers, jerry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hewlett-Packard hp.com SAMBA Team samba.org -- plainjoe.org "Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed. ISBN 0-672-32269-2 --"I never saved anything for the swim back." Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--