i am using a linux/samba box as a print server. whenever a user submits a
print job, i want to notify the user that samba is receiving the print job.
i have a java service running on each client machine that pops up a gui to
that effect when notified. i am trying to integrate java JNI into samba to
tell the java server on the client to display the gui. however, just adding
the JNI initialization code to "smbd/server.c main" causes samba to
get the
following error whenever a print job is submitted. also, the print job fails
to spool. (debug level 3)
[2002/04/11 11:34:11, 0] smbd/oplock_linux.c:linux_init_kernel_oplocks(284)
Failed to setup RT_SIGNAL_LEASE handler
[2002/04/11 11:34:11, 3] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1214)
open_oplock ipc: pid = 15010, global_oplock_port = 32775
[2002/04/11 11:34:11, 0] smbd/notify_kernel.c:kernel_notify_init(190)
Failed to setup RT_SIGNAL_NOTIFY handler
has anyone been successful in getting samba and JNI to work? alternatively,
can anyone suggest why JNI might be causing samba to fail in this manner and
how i can make it work?
Floyd Shackelford
4 Peaks Technology Group, Inc.
VOICE: 334.735.9428
FAX: 916.404.7125
EMAIL: FloydS@4PeaksTech.com
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