Hi Jon,
You need to apply the following registry hack to the NT4.0 terminal server
that is only using the one connection:
;Subject: Registry file to force multiple NT terminal server users to
have their own connections.
If you copy everything bETWEEN the stars (not including the stars) to a file
named terminalserver.reg on the terminal server you are having problems
with, and then double click
on it, it should do the registry change for you.
Then you will have to reboot the terminal server to make the change take
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Johnson [mailto:jjohnson@magnumlog.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:26 AM
To: samba@samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Terminal Server Problems
Hi, I have 2 Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition Servers (Service Pack
6a) that both connect to a Samba 2.2.4 file server. One of the Terminal
Servers connects and operates flawlessly, every user gets a unique PID. On
the other server though all of the users that log into it get 1 of 2 PID's
on the Samba side. Do you have any ideas on why this would be happening?
Jon Johnson
Network Administrator
1817 Great Northern Drive
Fargo, ND 58102
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