When you say 'appears in green', you're really just referring to how
your terminal is configured to handle certain filetypes. What really matters is
the permissions set on the file and the owner. First, there are two smbpasswd
files. One is the binary executable and the other is an ascii text file that
holds your account info. These should both be owned by root user and root
group. The text file (possibly in /etc/samba/smbpasswd) should have permissions
of 600 or rw-------. The executable (possbily /usr/bin/smbpasswd) should have
permssions of 755 or rwxr-xr-x. The locations are dependent on your
distribution and how Samba was installed. Check the permissions and ownership
on these files. If they are changing then you need to figure out why.
----- Original Message -----
From: Angel Gabriel
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 7:53 AM
Subject: [Samba] ./smbpasswd keeps corrupting
I have no idea what happens to this file after a while it no longer appears in
green, (I'm using redhat), and it says permission denied everytime I try to
run it. I'm fairly new to linux, (less than 6 months), and I'm just
getting the hang of it. I've so far managed to complie samba to act as a
PDC, at it's doing that just fine.... it seems that after a while ./smpasswd
goes funny. The only help is to reinstall samba ... which is not a problem
really, as smb.conf doesn't get touched. But I would like to be able to
prevent this in the first place.
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