Fabricio Lima wrote:>
> Is possible restrict each user to log on only in one
> workstation at same time?
> Or restrict the user to only logon in a especifc machine
> (using MAC address)
> In a pure NT4 Domain I have this facility (and Netware
> also).
Samba HEAD supports restricting user's to a single workstation, (its not
secure btw, becouse the client gets to chose the 'workstation name')
with an LDAP backend. The userWorkstations attribute is a
comma-seperated list of workstations a user is permitted to log in
from. Blank (or non-existant) means all.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett abartlet@pcug.org.au
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team abartlet@samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College abartlet@hawkerc.net
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net