hello, until last week I had 2.2.1a in place, which, except some fox (dos) share which needed 'veto oplocks files', worked ok; upgraded to 2.2.3a with the same smb.conf (details below) and suddenly I started having oplocks problems (not on the dos share, that one is ok) with almost every other share (those hold windows files: programs, *doc, *xls): [2002/02/19 12:31:28, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(843) oplock_break: client failure in break - shutting down this smbd. [2002/02/19 12:31:58, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(758) oplock_break: receive_smb error (Success) oplock_break failed for file homebank/ILDA32.DLL (dev = 806, inode 10319, fi le_id = 3). [2002/02/19 12:31:58, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(843) oplock_break: client failure in break - shutting down this smbd. [2002/02/19 12:49:21, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(758) oplock_break: receive_smb error (Success) oplock_break failed for file homebank/PDOXUSRS.NET (dev = 806, inode 10322, file_id = 16). this is linux 2.4.16 (rh 7.1). from smb.conf: -tried with and without that one (I did not have it when I was running 2.2.1a) oplock break wait time = 10 -to make dos work more speedier (tested with 2.2.1a and gave better performance for the fox program with these settings ): kernel oplocks = no max xmit = 16384 read raw = no write raw = no read size = 32768 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 the shares have windows programs and files and I'm reluctant to put 'veto oplock files' as I'm not aware of the consequences of haveing multiple users runnig it. The interesting part is that fox (dos) works like a dream right now... some ideeas? dragos