Hey I know that this might not be the right venue for this question. But, I have a need, and the web page http://us1.samba.org/samba/support/us.html Is out of date. I need someone preferably a company I hope that can help me support a remote office in Tempe AZ USA. On the support page there is a listing of two company's they are both out of business. I need start a relationship for on site support for Linux, and 2000 workstation, anyone out there? Or can anyone recommend someone? Sorry about the off-topic-Fess. But I learned a long time ago, that asking like technically minded people usual works best. -- *--* Mail: lawrence@otak.com *--* Voice: 425.739.4247 *--* Fax: 425.827.9577 *--* HTTP://www.otak-k.com/~lawrence/ -------------------------------------- - - - - - - O t a k i n c . - - - - -