Don't have any experience with DOS clients but there is a nice document
called Speed.txt in the docs/textdocs directory in the samba source. It goes
into these issues. Might help.
On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 04:28:59PM -0500, Michael Stein
wrote:> I made a post a few days ago about slow writes from a DOS client to my
> server (2.2.2). I have since tested the connectivity from winME and
> and have not noticed the same problems with these OS's.
> Some of you suggested that the I should switch to a LanMAN client. Does
> anyone have details on how to set up this client on floppies as I have
> dealing with the MSCLIENT for a long time?
> Nevertheless, I really am hoping (still holding out) for a solution for the
> problem between the MSCLIENT and Samba. I really would like to roll out
> with this config and since I have seen several other people with the same
> problem I was wondering if this could be a bug of sorts.
> ___________________________________
> Michael Stein Direct:416.365.7072
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> Q9 Networks Inc. Email: