It's a password problem. I can't logging from the win2k workstation
the network icon.
> At what point do things not work?
> Is this a password problem? Is it a browsing problem?
>I just installed redhat 7.2 and I want to get samba working. I read the man
file for smb.conf but there's a question that I >just can't figure
>This is what I have :
> I have a LAN with two win2k workstations and a linux box.
>This is what I would like to do:
> I would like to to have each user have access to a public folder and to
their own home folder. How do I do that?
> I used the redhat usermanager gui in gnome to create the accounts. The
home directories exists. I can logging with >telnet using that account name
and password. Now I would like to logging using the same account and password
to >my [home] share, but it doesn't work.
>please help
f r a n c i s . r e e d
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