The next problem is here... Logon to th network goes fine system already a member of the domain but the problem is when a user logs off it cant' write it's profile to the network. I made an directory profile. it starts to copy and then de message is share is no longer available. Does anyone know what the problem is?. -- SuSE Linux 2.4.4 op een Pentium II (Deschutes) 350.802 MHz MemTotal: 578368 kB SDRAM. Cpucache: 512 KB Uptime: 6:54am up 7 days 4:42 Load users, load average: 1.52, 1.29,
The next problem is here... Logon to th network goes fine system already a member of the domain but the problem is when a user logs off it cant' write it's profile to the network. I made an directory profile. it starts to copy and then de message is share is no longer available. (it takes to long i suppose?.) Does anyone know what the problem is?. -- SuSE Linux 2.4.4 op een Pentium II (Deschutes) 350.802 MHz MemTotal: 578368 kB SDRAM. Cpucache: 512 KB Uptime: 6:54am up 7 days 4:42 Load users, load average: 1.52, 1.29,