I am having difficulty with WINS. Specifically, I have a WINS server installed and running with the following configuration at address XXX.XXX.224.1 and YYY.YYY.64.1 (it is multi-homed) named "DNS1" running Samba 2.2.0-alpha3: # Global parameters [global] workgroup = IT security = DOMAIN encrypt passwords = Yes password server = IT-PDC log level = 2 syslog = 0 logon script = startup.bat wins support = Yes I also have another server at YYY.YYY.94.1 named "WES-SUN" running Samba 2.0.7 with the following: [global] workgroup = PORTLAND server string = Portland Center File and Print Server encrypt passwords = Yes passwd program = /bin/passwd %u unix password sync = Yes syslog = 0 logon script = startup.bat domain logons = Yes os level = 34 preferred master = Yes domain master = Yes wins server = XXX.XXX.224.1 utmp consolidate = Yes utmp = Yes However, when I attempt to browse to from a Win95, Win98, or WinNT (or even Win2K) box, I am unable to browse the distant network. I am including below some commands I used to demonstrate the problem, Tony From my workstation at YYY.YYY.64.51 I attempt the following: C:\WINDOWS>net view \\wes-sun Error 53: The computer name specified in the network path cannot be located. Make sure you are specifying the computer name correctly, or try again later when the remote computer is available. C:\WINDOWS>nbtstat -c No names in cache C:\WINDOWS>net view \\dns1 Shared resources at \\DNS1 Sharename Type Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abrock Disk Home directory of abrock Archives Disk Network Services Archives Help Desk Print Help Desk LaserWriter 12/640 PS netlogon Disk The command was completed successfully. C:\WINDOWS>new view *** complete list of 70 machines *** C:\WINDOWS>net view /workgroup:portland Error 6118: The computer(s) sharing resources in this workgroup cannot be located. The computer(s) might have been restarted. Wait a few minutes, and then try again. If the problem persists, make sure your network-adapter settings are correct. C:\WINDOWS> ****************************************************************************** * Anthony Brock abrock@georgefox.edu * * Director of Network Services George Fox University * ******************************************************************************