I am printing from linux to a printer attached to a win98 computer. I
send a text file directly to the printer such as 'lpr -P BJC
<file.txt>', the printer prints all the text as it should then fails
eject the last page and then goes off line. When I push the online button,
it ejects the page and then is ready again. I am using a Cannon
BJC4304. This printer supposedly can handle ps but I couldn't get it to
not print the actual ps code so I put a filter on the windoze side that
makes another printer on a phony port, that is where I send all my ps jobs
and that works. So in network neighborhood, I see two printers from this
computer, one for ps and the other for ASCII even there is only one
physical printer. This is actually nice for printing ps locally without
having to open up ghostview. The ASCII one is the one that doesn't eject
and goes off line. I think basically what I
need is just a send EOF somewhere. I can see how this is done with my
local printers, since they use local filters that can be configured in
printtool, but I don't know where to do this for a samba printer. There
is no such option in printtool when adding or configuring a samba
printer. If there is a line I can add to printcap that would be
easiest. The stuff in the printing-HOWTO talks about options and
which filter to send the jobs to. I didn't see anything about EOF. Here
is what I have in printcap for this samba printer.
The other printer attached directly to linux also has eof sent but this
option is set in a file in its spool directory, the spool directory for
this printer is empty except for pending jobs.
Mon, 24 Apr 2000, Stephen L Arnold wrote:
> Steve Salazar asked:
> > I was browsing the Samba archives trying to figure out how to
> > get my win98 printer to stop hanging every time I send it
> > a text print job when I saw your post referring to the same thing.
> >
> > Did you ever figure this out?? I'm also using RH6.2.
> > Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
> What is your setup? Are you trying to send smb print jobs from Linux to a
shared windoze98 printer? When you say "text print job" do you mean
the ascii test page from RedHat's printtool? When you say "hang",
do you mean the job goes to the printer, the printer lights blink, but no page
comes out? What kind of printer is it, and what language does it speak (PCL,
PS, etc)?
> The printer settings are documented in the Printing-HOWTO and the printcap
man page. These are the same settings you can select in the RedHat printtool.
The most commonly needed are the formfeed switch and the CR/LF conversion
(stair-stepped text in printtool).
> I'm not sure I remember the post you're referring to; are you sure
I wasn't replying to someone else's problem?
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> Stephen L. Arnold Senior Systems Engineer
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