I just wrote this little script that makes concurrent connections to a samba or NT server. It connects to a service and does a dir. This may be useful if you want to check the resources of your server. Configure it changing the vars at the begining. In my tests I compared two computers, NT vs samba-2.0.3 NT was much faster. 50 concurrent connections, 10 commands issued. NT-4.0 SP4 Ppro 166 , 256 MB RAM elapsed: 0:6.7 Linux-2.0.6 Pentium II 300, 128 MB RAM elapsed 0:31.8 #!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################### # crash_samba.pl # it comes with no warranty, no support, it could blow away your system # use at your own risk # author: frankie@etsetb.upc.es use strict; my $CONCURRENT=20; my $COMMANDS=10; my $HOST="localhost"; my $SERVICE="soft"; my $USER="frankie"; my $PASSWORD=""; my $SMBCLIENT"/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient \\\\\\\\$HOST\\\\$SERVICE $PASSWORD -U$USER>/dev/null"; $|=1; my @pid=(); my $pid; $SIG{CHLD}=sub {wait }; foreach (1..$CONCURRENT) { unless ($pid = fork) { open CLIENT ,"|$SMBCLIENT" or die $!; foreach (1..$COMMANDS) { print CLIENT "dir\n"; } print CLIENT "quit\n"; close CLIENT; exit 0; } push @pid,($pid); } foreach (@pid) { print "wating for $_ ..."; waitpid ($_,0); print "returned $_\n"; } # ######################################################################### I wrote a second one that tells you how is the load and memory. It may not work in another OSes that are not linux , but it's small and should be easy to port. It works reading uptime and the second line of /proc/meminfo total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached: Mem: 131448832 127242240 4206592 22233088 14864384 62238720 I guess the real used memory is: used_mem=total-free-buffers-cached #!/usr/bin/perl -w # it comes with no warranty, no support, it could blow away your system # use at your own risk # author: frankie@etsetb.upc.es use strict; while (1) { my ($load)=`uptime`=~/age:\s+(\S+),/; print "$load\t"; open MEM ,"</proc/meminfo" or die $!; <MEM>; $_=<MEM>; my @mem=split; print $mem[1]-$mem[3]-$mem[5]-$mem[6]; print "\n"; sleep 1; }