Hello, I have a strange problem with Samba 2.04b and M$ Outlook97 on NT 4.0 SP4. I am using a SCO OpenServer 5.04 system as mailserver (POP3) and nameserver as well as Samba Server. For backup reasons I have installed Outlook in such a way that its own mail file (postfach.pst) is on the Samba share. If the NT box and Outlook are freshly started I can retrieve mails from the POP3 or send mails to anybody. If Outlook is running for more then app. 30 minutes can not send or retrieve mails. But I still have access to the mails that are already in Outlook. Also the connection to the Samba share is still working. After rebooting the NT everything is okay. In earlier releases of Samba (2.0.3 and before) I was able to start Outlook in the morning and sending mails in the evening without rebooting the NT. Right now I am back to Samba 2.0.3. Any clues? Best regards, Axel Neumann ==================================================================Cromemco MPCT GmbH Tel: Int+49 6172 967860 Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Str. 4 Fax: Int+49 6172 304519 D-61350 Bad Homburg E-Mail: amn@cromemco.com ===================================================================