I'm having a problem with samba validating against the /etc/password file with Digital Unix. We have 2 Alpha systems, one running unix 4.0d, the other running 4.0e. The 4.0d system is using enhanced security, the 4.0e system is not (the major application for that machine won't run with enhanced security). I have samba 2.0.2 installed on both machines. There are no problems with the system using enhanced security, but samba won't validate passwords on the system not running enhanced security. When I do one of the samba tests on the system WITHOUT enhanced security, I get the following: ./smbclient -L<local_system_name> -U<user_name> Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Password: session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.) When I do the exact same thing on the system with enhanced security, I get the proper response. Before sending a longer message with my smb.conf files, etc. I thought I would see if anyone is familiar with this problem. Except for different allowed hosts and share names, everything is set up the same on both systems. Does anyone have some pointers that could help me out ? Thanks, Bob =========================================================================== Bob Dillane Internet: dillane@lvc.edu = Director, Voice: (717)867-6060 = Administrative Computing FAX: (717)867-6019 = = L E B A N O N V A L L E Y C O L L E G E ===========================================================================