hello folks,
I am in the process of integrating a linux box in our windows NT/95/98
network, but so far I am having little luck with getting samba to work.
I am using Red Hat 5.1 with KDE, the samba version that I installed is I want access from other machines as guest only and to achieve
that I created a guest account called guest on thel inux machine. My
problem is the following.
>From my linux machine I have no problem talking to the other machines.
However, I cannot get my linux shares to show up on the rest of the
network. The icon for the machine does appear in the windows network
neighborhood, but I cannot open it and the local machine tells me that the
linux machine cannot be accessed.
The problem does not seem to have anything to do with the network. Smb.conf
on level 3 shows that users on other machines do get authenticated as
guest. It is only after that that some "fatal error" occurs in that
smb.conf lists the message:
could not set effective gid to 100 (real=0, eff=0)
I tried changing the group of my guest account to 500 and even to 0
(root!!), but that only changed the 100 to 500 and 0 respectively on the
error message. What could be going on here?
Any help would be appreciated. Please cc any reply to the address below, as
I do not regularly check the list.
Eisso Atzema, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
tel.: (207) 581-3928 (off.)
(207) 990-4680 (home)
e-mail: atzema@gauss.umemat.maine.edu (preferred)
eisso.atzema@umit.maine.edu (FirstClass)