I figured this one out after looking at the source... using -N was
trying my regular username (bryner) with no password, which didn't work.
Without the -N, it was first prompting me for a password for bryner, and
if I just hit enter, that was actually failing and then it tried the no
username/no password combination which was able to show the browse
list. So the command I'm going to use is
smbclient -U "" -L SERVER -N
Brian Ryner wrote:>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to have a program automate getting a browse list via
> smbclient -L. I am having a problem with the way it handles passwords.
> For example, if I run:
> smbclient -L SERVER
> Then it prompts for a password. I can just press enter and it will show
> the shares and browse list. However, if I then try,
> smbclient -N -L SERVER
> it gives me access denied. Is there a difference between just hitting