I wonder whether the following setup is possible with Samba since I have problems to get it running: I want password checking for Samba shares on a Linux Samba server to be done via the NT password server. This is mainly thought for the users home directories. Since the users already have given their password to the local workstation I have thought that they do not need to give it again when trying to mount their Unix home directories. But this is not the case. I set up "security = server" and "password server" to the IP of the NT server which administers all passwords. But I always get a "session is rejected" in the log files even before I have typed in the password. I already have created the smbpasswd in /etc which contains the following: # # SMB password file. # stein:10479:NO PASSWORDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:10000:: foss:10479:NO PASSWORDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:10000:: lehnert:10479:NO PASSWORDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:10000:: nardmann:10479:NO PASSWORDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:10000:: So what is the reason that the NT server rejects every request from my Linux Samba machine? I have installed 1.9.18p8 from SuSE 5.3. Do I need a newer version? Do I have to specify any compiler flags? I really like the Linux server acting as a normal NT workstation. Here is some text taken from log.smbd: rejected the session password server is not connected rejected the session password server is not connected password server is not connected -- Ciao ... Heiko Nardmann