We got the same problem with a application based on access. I've got no
campare to a nativ NT system, so i cannot say if samba is slower than NT.
But i think, it is not a problem of samba itself. Access is not a network
database. So if the application requests a record or dataset, the hole
table(s) of the database is copied over the network to the client (which
does the final selection). As your data grows up the application slowes
down. If you have the sources for your application i intend to switch to a
real network database. We now use ADABAS D for Linux
(adabas.com). The applications (including Excel/Word/VB/VC etc)
can be switched easily to this database. And the perfomance is great.
Hope this helps
Rudolf Kollien
email: Rudolf.Kollien@medas.de
Never trust a operating system you have no sources for
> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: samba@samba.anu.edu.au [mailto:samba@samba.anu.edu.au]Im Auftrag
> von Sebastien HEITZMANN
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 9. September 1998 15:51
> An: Multiple recipients of list
> Betreff: HELP : Samba is very slow
> I have an Access application that work with some shared database
> file. The file is ~ 3 Mb.
> Since I have a Linux system with Samba, this application work very slow.
> I have multiple user with win95 on this file. Is there an option
> for allowing multiple access without cache ?
> any other idea ?
> Thanks.
> ___________________________________________________________
> S?bastien HEITZMANN s.heitzmann@intranet.yellow.net
> ICQ 12519951 Tel : 03 89 329 328