This isn't quite a Samba question, rather an intergrating Linux and Windowns question, but I can't think of a better place to ask it. The basic question is whether anyone has thought about writing free client code for Microsoft's WinSock Proxy service. I am interested in information about projects already begun, or in tips on how to go about writing it myself. Background infromation: Microsoft has a "WinSock Proxy Service" that works much like IP Masq on Linux, allowing machines on a LAN to access the internet without real IP addresses (and without modifying applications). Unfortunately, as you guessed, it requires client support that is only available for Microsoft platforms. The good news is that the client support seems to be minimal: the client has to exchange information with the proxy via a "control channel" when initiating a connection and a few other times, but other than that the masquerading is transparent. Microsoft implements this as a replacement DLL on the client that overrides a few WinSock functions, mainly those that create connections. So it seems to me that a Unix client could be done similarly, without modifying the low-level networking stuff. I'd be really happy if I could do this on a Linux computer at work. I'm a beginner in this area, so I may have misexplained some things. I'd be happy to forward a copy of Microsoft's technical documentation to anyone interested. Thanks, Andrew