NT4.0 SP3 needs encrypted passwords, and SAMBA v 1.9.16p11 did not support
encrypted passwords unless you compiled it with a DES encryption librarie.
You have two possibilities:
Prefered, you update to Samba 1.9.18pXX, and enable encrypted passwords as
descriped in the DOC files ( ENCRYPTION.txt and WinNT.txt )
The other possibility is on the NT machine:
Run regedt32.exe and locate the hive key entry:
Add the following value:
This will enable plaintext passwords on the NT box.
Regards Per \|/
(o *)
| Per Kofod / Systems Engineer ^^^^^^^ Email: per@copen.sgi.com |
| Silicon Graphics Denmark \ / Fax: (+45) 43270481 O
| Stationsparken 25 \o/ Phone: (+45) 43438600 O
| 2600 Glostrup | O
| DENMARK / \ URL: http://www.sgi.dk o
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