Hello, I'm having some troubles with the lpq command, and I hope some one help me: We have samba 1.9.16p11 working in an HP-UX B.10.20 machine; printing works fine, but there is one problem with jobs: we're not able to cancel them. The lpq command definition it's shown below: lpq command = /usr/bin/lpstat %p But if any one submits a job to any printer and, after that, tryies to view the queue double clicking in the printer's icon, the queue is empty :-? The job is visible from the Unixes boxes, but not from the Windows '95 or Windows NT (Winframe) boxes. Thanks in advance, Oli -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jose Oliver Segura (joseo@ac.upc.es) http://www.ac.upc.es/homes/joseo Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors OOO Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya OOO Barcelona - Catalunya - Spain LCAC OOO UPC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------