2010-Oct-26 01:36 UTC
rsync: failed to set permissions on "<filename>": Function not implemented (38)
Hi there, I am trying to figure out how I can get my rsync client and server to coexist better. I am running into the following error: rsync: failed to set permissions on "<filename>": Function not implemented (38) and the command line is /usr/bin/rsync --recursive --compress --human-readable --progress --update --perms -avz '/Applications' -e 'ssh -p 22 -o ServerAliveInterval=10' --relative --delete root@<hostname>:/<directory> What can I do to alleviate these errors? Cheers, Noah
Steven Levine
2010-Oct-28 17:18 UTC
rsync: failed to set permissions on "<filename>": Function not implemented (38)
In <4CC6309C.4080503 at>, on 10/25/10 at 06:36 PM, Noah <noah-list at> said: Hi,>rsync: failed to set permissions on "<filename>": Function not >implemented (38)>and the command line is> /usr/bin/rsync --recursive --compress --human-readable --progress >--update --perms -avz '/Applications' -e 'ssh -p 22 -o >ServerAliveInterval=10' --relative --delete root@<hostname>:/<directory>>What can I do to alleviate these errors?I recommend you start with providing sufficient information, so that someone might be responds with more than general comments. Obviously, you need to indicate the client and host platforms and the rsync versions these platforms are running. Offhand it appears that the server does not support a mode change requested by the client. Adding --itemize-changes might help you identify if the error is specific to a particular file. Steven -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Steven Levine" <steve53 at> eCS/Warp/DIY etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------