I have this working [almost] perfectly. Progress to this point would have not
been possible without the kind help received here, so many thanks to the list
its advice and forbearance. And yet here I am again :)
I set up a naming structure of yyyymm for monthly backups. With 201003 being the
base when I finally got the process command working. I assumed I could make an
incremental backup moving the link-dest= forward. E.g using 201004, 201005, ...
This does not work. It appears (via trial and error) the name of this directory
can not change. It this correct?
The following command works:
rsync --log-file=/share/data/rsync08.log -vvaxH --numeric-ids --delete \
--exclude=/home/apache/logs --link-dest=../../201003/myserver/home/ \
--log-file=201009.log \
-e ssh root at myserver.com:/home .
If I change link-dest=../../201009/myserver/home/ it starts a new base. Via
google and RTFM it seems that naming schemes keep the name of the link-dest
directory constant. Is this a requirement or am I yet missing one more thing?
Douglas Denault
doug at safeport.com
Voice: 301-217-9220
Fax: 301-217-9277