Hi all,
I am reading everything I can find (including this mailling list archives) for
the last 2 weeks, on how to handle moved and/or renamed files with rsync. I
would have preferred to use an unmodified rsync, and I think I could make it for
the ?moved files? with a 3 steps process like this :
1- rsync -avz --delete --backup --backup-dir=$TEMP_BACKUP --existing
--ignore-existing $SOURCE $DESTINATION
2- find .$TEMP_BACKUP -type f -exec mv '{}' $TEMP_BACKUP/ \; ###
the hierarchy moving all files to top dir
3- rsync -avz --compare-dest=./temp_backup $SOURCE $DESTINATION
but it looks like the only way for "renamed files" is the
patch. When I first found about the patch, I was feeling it not safe, but with
further reading, I am now comfortable to give it a try.
My setup :
1. Ubuntu 9.04 with rsync 3.0.5 on a ?SheevaPlug computer? with a usb drive
2. Unknown distro with rsync 3.0.2 on a ?MyBook World Edition (white bar)?.
3. Don?t know yet witch one will be local and remote.
My questions :
1>> Is the "detect-renamed.diff" in the
"rsync-patches-3.0.7.tar.gz" backward
compatible or is it a "must do" for me to use the patch from the
respective ?.5?
and ?.2? version of the "rsync-patches-3.0.?.tar.gz" on the respective
2. >> If not backward compatible, is there significant behaviour,
or performance differences between each patch version listed above, or were they
just repackaged to match the new rsync version. I found no specific information
about improvement in the patch file ?introduction? and really few further down
in what looked like the code itself.
3. >> Is it possible to install the patch only on one side? If yes,
there a preferred choice for local or remote ? And would that make any options
(i.e. pull or push) mandatory?
4. >> Based on installation commands explained in the patch
I tried the following, logged in as root, with the diff file saved directly in
root directory, with both .5 and .7 version of the patch, with ?<? and
with ?p1 and ?p0 :
patch -p1 <detect-renamed.diff
and all attempts terminated with the following message :
|diff --git a/compat.c b/compat.c
|--- a/compat.c
|+++ b/compat.c
File to patch:
appart from trying ??p0? instead of ?-p1? all my research did not help me to
answer the ?file to patch:? prompt... Any suggestion?
Sorry for the long post, I thought asking all my ?installation related?
questions together was better for potential future readers.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks a lot in advance for your attention,
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