Has anyone compiled rsync with other newer compilers like Intel 11.1? Does this
break anything?
My quick test shows rsync-3.1.0 performance jumps to ~120MB/sec.
On Nov 13, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Greg Siekas wrote:
> Wayne,
> Transferring an 8gb file using rsync between a network (10GbE) mounted
filesystem and local disk.
> rsync-2.6.9 - 88-95 MB/sec
> rsync-3.0.6 - 62-72 MB/sec
> rsync-3.1.0 - 86-90 MB/sec
> Doing a cp of the file yields 140-160MB/sec.
> It appears the IO code improvements in 3.1 have definitely made a
difference over the 3.0 code base.
> Greg
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