I think you will have to run two commands of rsync from PC1 to Server1 and
after to Server2. (Case Server1 and Server2 are on different location)
If both server are on LAN, you could make rsync from PC1 to Server1 and do
after that a sync of Server1 to Server2.
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:36 PM, ??????? ?????? ?????????? <
kyzmin.andrey@otr.ru> wrote:
> Help me
> Tell it is possible to make double-side synchronisation of two servers?
> So that it passed only on time.
> For example at an identical set of files on two servers any file on the
> first to change, i.e. for it time modify will exchange. It means becomes
> newer and it is necessary to transfer it to other server. And on the
> contrary, if modification time for any file of the second server it to
> transfer to the first, as newer will vary.
> Thankful in advance
> __________________________
> ? ?????????, ??????? ??????
> ????????? ?????????????,
> ?????? ?????????? ???????,
> ????????????????? ?????? "??? 2000"
> e-mail: kyzmin.andrey@otr.ru
> icq: 252-811-061
> skype: and_kuzmin
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