I am rsync'ing a file approximately 30-50MB in size. The source file
changes several times a day. rsync is launched on the destination host every
1-2 minutes using the following command:
/usr/bin/rsync --stats --verbose --bwlimit=16 --delete -Cavz ${hostname}::grids
Since the file only changes several times a day, most of the rsync commands do
nothing. Most of the time when the source file changes, rsync pulls the source
file over just fine.
Occasionally rsync will "think" it needs to update the destination
file when in reality the source file has not been touched for hours. In those
cases, the contents of the destination file do not change, but rsync still seems
to "go through the motions." I noticed that rsync seems to think that
the source file's byte count has changed when in reality it has not. The
results of the stats argument shows the following:
Number of files transferred: 1
Total file size: 38595728 bytes
Total transferred file size: 38595728 bytes
Literal data: 0 bytes
Matched data: 36412008 bytes
File list size: 84
Total bytes sent: 42362
Total bytes received: 160
sent 42362 bytes received 160 bytes 2932.55 bytes/sec
total size is 38595728 speedup is 907.66
The source file is 36412008 bytes (I confirmed this), yet rsync thinks it is
38595728 bytes. If I am understanding things properly, rsync attempts to move
the updated bytes, finds that in reality nothing changed, and exits. The next
rsync attempt usually recognizes the correct file size.
Can anyone explain why I am seeing this behavior? It's not causing huge
problems for me, but it is creating some minor annoyances that I would like to
The particulars:
rsync version 2.6.3 protocol version 28 (yes, I know it's old)
source host: Red Hat 3.4.6-8
destination host: Red Hat 3.4.6-2
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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