This is not a new bug as I found the behaviour on many version of rsync .
When you use the --delete option combined with --backup, the expected
behaviour is to backup the deleted file on target machine by renaming it
with the backup suffix or with ~ suffix by default. This works fine but
when you execute the same command a second time, like my cron job does the
next day, the backup file gets deleted forever. I don't think this was the
original intent but this is the way it works now.
My solution to this has been to modify the source and add an aditional
option which I call --keep-backup. This was a no-brainer and I would
propose to include it in the next release. I also added two other options
that I find convenient, the --delete-suffix and the --delete-dir because I
like to treat deleted files different than archived files that are still in
use but modified from time to time.
All in all, the 3 additional options add a mere 103 lines of new code and
changes to 16 existing lines. The files modified are: options.c, backup.c,
receiver.c and one declaration in proto.h.
To the rsync team, if you would like to see the changes I propose please let
me know.
Marc St-Onge
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