Please find a good online tutorial how to do rsync via ssh without being
prompted for password (via public/private keys) at:
Daniel. wrote on 16/09/2004
> Hi, I want to backup my system via rsync over ssh, but login is *not*
> permited!
> According to the sshd_config man page, I need to set PermitRootLogin to
> forced-commands-only.
> In order to run follow command, how to set command option in
authorized_keys? >
> # rsync -avz server:/etc /backup
> Best Regards!
> Jacky Kim
> .
> >On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 06:03:49PM +0800, Jacky Kim wrote:
> >> If the shell of user alpha is /sbin/nologin
> >> When use rsync with ssh mode, is it possible for alpha to use
> >> to backup data?
> >
> >This is an ssh question: you're asking if there is a way to limit
> >commands the user runs. The answer is yes, there are ways to make sure
> >that the user can only run a limited set of commands (even constricting
> >what options can be sent), but I don't know the details. By
if> >the user has a shell of /sbin/nologin, then ssh can't be used by
> >user to run any commands. See the ssh docs for more details. Once you
> >get ssh configured as you desire, rsync can use it.
> >
> >..wayne..
> >
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