I dont agree that you have to always use -c. I have done extensive testing
without it and then repeated the tests with it to see how much load it puts on
the servers. In my tests when I am not using -c, I send the resulting file back
to the system that originated it but to a different directory and then diff it
with the original. I have proved to myself that the md4 checksum protection is
quite robust and I can vouch that 2.6.2 on Redhat 9.1 does not require -c to
work correctly.
Yes, learning rsync is an uphill struggle. I also think it would be nice if
someone like o'reilly had a book that was a well written tutorial.
Unfortunately, rsync is so rich in functionality, that the sparse documentation
that is on line is so intimidating that many experienced users avoid rsync. My
boss had ruled it out initially because he is a unix guru and was so confused
after reading the man pages that he threw up his hands and said it wasnt an
option. Writing more complete documentation for the man pages or --help would
only make that a greater issue.
It would be nice if the rsync web page had a pointer to a well written tutorial
with examples of how to get started. I am thinking about the various Java books
from Sun Swing. They are large and bulky and do not cover all the aspects of
Swing. But, if you follow the path they cut through the material, you arrive at
the ability to take side paths of your own design and get functional results.
Unfortunately, if you approach rsync from the normal IT perspective (read the
manual, implement a solution, forget it, move on to the next task), you will
invariably be frustrated. Rsync is not a simple utility like rcp or ls. It is
more like Java's Swing library where you can spend your whole career in it
and still not have it mastered.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Halliday [mailto:StuartH@ecs-tech.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:38 AM
To: Gareth; rsync
Subject: Re: rsycnc copies all files
> I am making an extraordinary claim: rysnc seems to copy all my files,
> not just ones that have changed or new files.
> rsync version 2.6.0 protocol version 27
> Debian 3.0 Woody
> I have tested this with one simple file, my example is shown below.
> Does anyone have any suggestions to rectify this?
Always use option -c or -t as it doesn't seem to work correctly otherwise.
The use of -a (equivalent to rlptgoD)
which is:
recurse into directories
copy symlinks as symlinks
preserve permissions
preserve times
preserve group
preserve owner (root only)
preserve devices (root only)
seems to be the ideal default.
The documents are awful aren't they?
They talk about rsync ability to transfer files using only the changed aspects.
But the docs don't tell you that it doesn't do this by default!
This hads me puzzled for many an hour.
Learning rsync is like climbing a mountain with no shoes - slow and painful.
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