search for: testfile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 404 matches for "testfile".

2009 Jun 22
Samba mounted home shares will break many applications
I didn't get any responses to my previous post "Wine broken on Samba shares due to colon ":" filenames" so I am re-posting with a subject to reflect what I now believe to the the root cause of my problems. I recently changed from mounting my home directory using NFS to mounting with CIFS via the pam module It turns out that I am having problems with many
2011 Apr 12
advisory file locks in linux - do they work?
...a file with SFTP it will not detect a lock. I'm asking about Linux specifically because about a year ago I was doing a similar process in Solaris 9 and it seemed to work. OS'n I've tried this on- RHEL5.5 with OpenSSH 5.6p1 (compiled) Ubuntu 10.10 with OpenSSH 5.5p1 Test # get 100MB testfile from remote box via sftp (sftp to remote host, get testfile) # While that's running use the following command to check for the lock: flock -xn testfile -c "echo test > testfile" #flock command returns an exit status of 0. Expected result is 1 (failure). Test "test" is...
2020 Jan 15
[semi-OT] C7 Possible bug but I can't determine what tool has the problem
Hi all, I'm writing a script that uses rsync to sync 2 dirs on C7. I noticed a strange behaviour. I have 2 dir: src and dest. In src dir I generate a testfile with "dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile bs=1M count=100" and when I run "du -h testfile" I get the correct result. Then I sync src/ to dest/ using "rsync -avS? src/ dest/", all ok but when I run "du -h dest/testfile" I get 0 and if I run "du -b dest/testfi...
2013 Apr 15
[Bug 2091] New: scp hangs while copying a large file and being executed as a background process ( with nohup )
...The following command is used to start an scp copy in the background and then exit the ksh. This should allow the user to leave a large file secure copy running unattended but instead it results in 2 hung processes as shown at the end of this bug report. This occurs only with ksh. nohup scp /tmp/testfile test3 at target_machine:/tmp/testfile & ============================================================================================================ Steps tp Reproduce - ===================== On the source_machine: ======================= 1....
2011 Mar 05
file mode lost in file.copy()?
Hi, Recently I noticed file.copy() would discard the file mode information. Is this the expected behaviour or a bug for file.copy()? > file.create('testfile') [1] TRUE >'testfile') size isdir mode mtime ctime testfile 0 FALSE 644 2011-03-05 17:06:39 2011-03-05 17:06:39 atime uid gid uname grname testfile 2011-03-05 17:06:40 1000 1000 yihui yihui > Sys.chmo...
2011 Mar 05
file mode lost in file.copy()?
Hi, Recently I noticed file.copy() would discard the file mode information. Is this the expected behaviour or a bug for file.copy()? > file.create('testfile') [1] TRUE >'testfile') size isdir mode mtime ctime testfile 0 FALSE 644 2011-03-05 17:06:39 2011-03-05 17:06:39 atime uid gid uname grname testfile 2011-03-05 17:06:40 1000 1000 yihui yihui > Sys.chmo...
2011 Feb 07
Incremental backup with only delta into a separate file.
...l backup and restore starategies. I have come up with certain question down the line, can anyone help me with the explanation. Used the config and ideas from: The commands executed on two machines in sequence Machine 1: root at Andruil:~# vim testfile root at Andruil:~# ls -lh testfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 71 2011-02-07 17:10 testfile root at Andruil:~# rsync -avh testfile vxadmin at --stats --progress vxadmin at's password: sending incremental file list testfile 71 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00...
2011 Jun 03
Problem using read.xls - Everything converted to factors
Hallo, I would like to use to read.xls function from the gdata package to read data from Microsoft Excel files but I experienced a problem: For example I used the following code: testfile<-read.xls("/home/.../wsjecon0603.xls", #file path header=F, dec=",", na.strings="n.a.", skip=5, sheet=2, col.names=c("Name", "Firm","GDP1","GDP2","GD...
2007 Nov 29
Overriding resources in a define in a module - can''t get syntax right
...; whatever I do This is my module init.pp class ztest::setup { notice "MAIN SETUP CLASS" file { directfile: path => "/etc/directfile", owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644, content => "A B C D\n" } testfile { testing: content => "1 2 3 4\n" } define testfile($content) { file { myfile: # file { "ztest::myfile": path => "/etc/testfile", owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644, content =&g...
2008 Apr 28
[Bug 1657] New: tests/functional/acl/nontrivial/ zfs_acl_cp_001_pos causes panic
...6790 testpool.106790/testfs1.106790 stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: /usr/sbin/zfs set aclmode=passthrough testpool.106790/testfs1.106790 stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: /usr/bin/chmod 777 /testdir1106790 stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: set_cur_usr root stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: usr_exec /usr/bin/touch /testdir106790/testfile stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: usr_exec /usr/bin/mkdir /testdir106790/testdir /testdir1106790/dstdir.117616 stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: usr_exec /usr/bin/chmod A0+user:other1:read_acl:deny /testdir106790/testfile stdout| 03:02:14 SUCCESS: usr_exec /usr/bin/cp -p /testdir106790/testfile /testdir1106790/dst...
2007 Dec 19
"force create mode" not enforced from linux client
...irectory is /home/samba/public. The shares are mounted from the client fstab like this: //nemesis/steve /mnt/cifs/myhome cifs credentials=/etc/fstab.cifs 0 0 //nemesis/public /mnt/cifs/public cifs credentials=/etc/fstab.cifs 0 0 This is the view of a file on this client: $ ll testfile -rw-r--r-- 1 steve users 21 2007-12-19 09:11 testfile When this file is copied to either share its permissions should be changed by the "force create mode" parameter in each share definition. Now the test file is copied to each share. I use the '-p' switch, which preserves the...
2020 Jan 15
[semi-OT] C7 Possible bug but I can't determine what tool has the problem
...CentOS mailing list > CentOS at > Hi Jon, I wrote in the first mail the script with the current order of command that I used. Try to run in a bash script and you will see the result. If not my sequence is: dd if=/dev/zero of=src/testfile bs=1M count=100 rsync -avS src/ dest/ du -h dest/testfile du -b dest/testfile for urandom: dd if=/dev/urandom of=src/testfile bs=1M count=100 rsync -avS src/ dest/ du -h dest/testfile du -b dest/testfile without --sparse the same as first sequence without -S option. But why du reports 0M when w...
2005 Apr 12
[Bug 1014] SCP slow bandwidth with Solaris8 on n240
...nSSL 0.9.7c 30 Sep 2003 OR OpenSSH_4.0p1, OpenSSL 0.9.7f 22 Mar 2005 ====================================================================== Test Executed ====================================================================== We created a 50MB file on a webserver. n240-A> mkfile 50m /tmp/testfile n240-A> chmod u+w /tmp/testfile We send it to n240-B like this n240-A> scp /tmp/testfile sysadmin at n240-B:/tmp We retrieve the file like this n240-A> scp sysadmin at n240-B:/tmp/testfile /tmp ====================================================================== File Transfer results...
2017 Feb 06
Regular users can't log in to Samba AD DC from Windows "" succeeded # getent passwd Administrator RW\administrator:*:0:20::/home/administrator:/usr/sbin/nologin # getent passwd user1 RW\user1:*:3000017:20:User1 Tester1:/home/user1:/usr/sbin/nologin # getent group "Domain Users" RW\domain users:x:20 # touch testfile # ll testfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 0 Jan 28 19:25 testfile # chown user1:"domain users" testfile # ll testfile -rw-r--r-- 1 RW\user1 staff 0 Jan 28 19:25 testfile Only I would expect that a regular users' GID numbers are not within 0-1000, but I don't know. > > &...
2004 Dec 01
cp --o_direct
Another question. When my database is running, I do [oracle@LNCSTRTLDB03 LPTE3]$ cp --o_direct xdb01.dbf /tmp cp: cannot open `xdb01.dbf' for reading: Permission denied [oracle@LNCSTRTLDB03 LPTE3]$ When the database is shudown it works. Is this normal for ocfs because with any other filesystem I can just copy a file at any time (Its only a testing, I know I cant copy datafiles and have
2002 Oct 11
Problem with checksum failing on large files
...e a different checksum mechanism used on the second pass (e.g., different length)? If so, perhaps there is an issue with large files for what is used by default for the first pass? Here is the verbose output: ======================= $ rsync -avvv --stats --progress rsyncuser@ gb-testfile opening tcp connection to port 873 Password: receiving file list ... recv_file_name(gb-testfile) received 1 names 1 file to consider recv_file_list done get_local_name count=1 gb-testfile generator starting pid=2500 count=1 recv_generator(gb-testfile,0) recv_files(1) start...
2012 Sep 13
[LLVMdev] Parsing C++ template parameters using
...t; xdata", node.xdata print tabs + " data",[0],[1],[2] print tabs + " children" children = [c for c in node.get_children()] for c in children: DeepPrint(c, depth + 2) index = Index.create() tu = index.parse(None, ['testfile.cpp']) children = [c for c in tu.cursor.get_children() if c.kind == CursorKind.VAR_DECL] for c in children: DeepPrint(c) Dump output: cursor test_int location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 11, column 11> result TypeKind.INVALID kind CursorKind.VAR_DECL type...
2009 Dec 13
cp --reflink with Btrfs
I am testing a Btrfs root file system with Debian (kernel 2.6.32) under KVM. jason@vrtl:~$ touch testfile jason@vrtl:~$ cp --reflink testfile /tmp cp: failed to clone `/tmp/testfile'': Invalid argument This is with GNU Coreutils 8.0 taken from debian Sid. Is this a Coreutils issue, a Btrfs problem or something in my local configuration? All the other issues that I have encountered so far are...
2013 Sep 24
[LLVMdev] initialization list with conversion operator dont work properly and report error
for the following code: struct X { X(); }; struct Y { operator X() const; }; X a = { Y() }; // reports error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'X' X aa = Y(); // works fine clang when compiled with std=c++11 gives compilation errors as: testfile.C:11:3: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'X' X a = { Y() }; // reports error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'X' ^ ~~~~~~~ testfile.C:1:8: note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: no known conversion from '...
2006 Apr 23
User Manger for Domains can not reset user password.
...mment = Home Directories force group = "Domain Admins" read only = No create mask = 0770 force create mode = 0770 directory mask = 0770 force directory mode = 0770 veto files = /*.mp3/*.exe/*.com/*.js/*.bat/*.cmd/*.wsh/*.scr/*.zip/.*/testfile/ browseable = No [C$] path = /smbsrvr valid users = "@Domain Admins" force group = "Domain Admins" read only = No create mask = 0770 directory mask = 0770 force directory mode = 0770 veto files = /fnksvc32....